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Everything posted by skip

  1. Because they mostly do cats. And I know there are so many dogsbutcat rescue must be really hard as breeding is so uncontrolled.
  2. Oh yeah! I did agility with two small chi x. They did it for food and liked just being out with me. But when retired just as happy for a jump or two and rewards. Next the Kelpie who loves to work. Running round a pole can make her so happy. In fact any job makes her happy.a lot of work keeping her fulfilled but a joy to train. Want another Kelpie next time as such a desire to do stuff!
  3. Yes. So relieved. Amazing they improve so much every day. Took them to training tonite as missed walk and they walked at club then waited in car in crate with other dogs while I taught a class. Went Tony car twice to get tugs but really to reward them . great effort for them.they even had a run in an agility tunnel (and a pee! Oops). Thou I thought the jr would love it, but the white fluffy liked it the best. All good, getting more experiences for them to enjoy.
  4. Thank you everyone! I contacted Denise who replied straight away and will help me. So happy as best outcome for dogs. I am willing to do whatever I can do to help. I actually adopted my older dog from Paws 13 yrs ago. Sadly he was ill suddenly and I found it was cancer two days after the new dogs arrived. He had great life which ended peacefully at home. So grateful for Paws for giving me this wonderful dog and happy to contribute with these guys. Funny how life works. Will be discussing what happened with original rescue in terms of no back up plan. As now another rescue has to step in for the dogs. So thanks again. Fingers crossed it works out.
  5. To answer those questions. The original rescue group don't have any fosters of dogs bar one. The family is not willing to help, even thou I suggested they try and keep the white fluffy for their mum. Considering I put up a small yard and found it easy to have the dogs inside crated, then loose as toilet training happened. Dogs very good and well behaved inside as that's all they want.
  6. Thanks guys. Will do so. I tried Tania at paws but on fb not her form. Will get on to original rescue and get owner details and dogs status, try from there.
  7. Hi. I haven't wanted to post as not too sure of rules. I had an adopted dog and have considered fostering before. So I agreed to mind two dogs for a local rescue while their owner was in hospital for two/three weeks. The dogs arrived and I had quite a few issues which over the last 4 weeks are settling. However it was soon clear that it wasn't just a short time. Let's just skip the way all this was done maybe, too long winded but the owner is unable to get the dogs back due to Ill health and no home of her own. Agreed to surrender dogs. I haven't been able to talk to anyone actually in rescue and I know you have to fill out forms to surrender. But I am not the owner so I can't do this? More of a worry is getting them into a group. I think I could possibly have them longer but not sure as eventually I go back to 5am starts and not sure if my neighbour's would like early rising. The dogs,one in particular had major separation issues due to some rough times but they have improved heaps. The dogs are a 8yr old Jr x foxy, heaps of go, social, smart and friends with all. The other is totally different, white fluffy, seems silky, not straight teeth due to mouth shape, quieter and less outgoing. Would it be more reasonable to try to rehome separately even Thou been together 8 yrs and best mates, more so the white fluffy. Any advice? Would they be taken on by rescue. Is it worth offering to foster them until place available? But I would like them to be up for adoption during this time, not just waiting to be available. Hope this makes sense and thank you for any advice. And not too many blasts, obviously I let my heart rule my head to let myself get in this situation.
  8. I think we need a photo of the puppy! Just to be sure ! Hint, hint :)
  9. Maybe a reason desexing so early? O have no problem with desexing but not do early. Later is much better and if the op is interested happy to explain further.
  10. Love Jerry on the table. Must b a Kelpie thing. I visit my parents and once at a friends place......and look outside to Kelpie chilling on the table outside. I tell her to get off but can't help smiling at her .
  11. I am surprised they are not impounded. I would hate mine to be out on the roads and not picked up. Isn't that a rangers job.
  12. When my older dog had teeth done the vet suggested we xray and check them all. She had an obvious loose front but the xray shower another which was rotting underneath. All fixed. Then second dog had a swelling under the eye. I looked and he had split a back one. Another dental. Does your dog have any obvious swelling in the cheek. I would still be thinking teeth if not xrayed but otherwise no idea
  13. Sorry the hep talk confused me and it's late. This is a titre test to prove your dog is fully vaccinated. I have considered a titre test but so far my vet had convinced me to vaccinate. I have two dogs due. Will pm you sat. Interested
  14. Thanks. Will look into it. Just giving owner time to get over recent surgery before telling her all is not rosy. A vet visit with meds might save the dog. My friend is a trainer working with a VB so might get some help that way. Just read your vet list and I know Jaime so might suggest that
  15. Gallomph. You can do agility with a chi. Of course now I have a Kelpie, need another but my 3.5 kg chi x did agility for yrs. Got to masters before age and the time made it harder. Such a monkey, either flat chat or not at all, no halfway! I remember she ran at Bathurst, killed the agility for a title but didn't run the second time cause there was... A blowfly. She retired under the scribes table and the judge was astounded I didn't try again but i know her and she was saying not this time. But she had some ripper runs.
  16. Interested in this thread as I am currently caring for two small dogs that undisclosed to me , one has SA and the other joins in. Older dogs and ingrained. Not very good for these dogs if I can't keep them as owner unable to care for them ATM. Experimented yesterday and alone the SA dog is not so bad inside as more whimpering. The other dog is quiet when SA dog gone. Together they r bloody unbelievable! At day outside and quiet if I am home and for long periods when I am gone. But just a short time with that racket cannot be fair to my neighbours. Who BTW r helpful . I have gone thru this before with my own adopted dog. Cured gradually by all the exercise, training, leaving with no fuss , no food left either till later in life as this becomes a cue, no fuss when home, plus a girlfriend. The owner might be able to supply the Adaptil collar if you think this would work. Where could I buy one? I am crating dogs inside at night so that's quiet, they love it as been thru the wars lately. Sorry hijacked your thread but SA is so damm stressful. Love to know how it goes.
  17. Sorry to hear there wasn't a different easy to fix cause. Hope those drugs help. My chi x does that with her food too but she takes a mouthful a metre or so then eats them one by one. And at a riding school I worked at the resident dog would come on an hrs ride holding up one back leg. I was concerned but also realised the dog was swapping legs. Doing one then the other. Strange quirks. I love my chi, hope yours feels better soon!
  18. When looking for my first dog I liked the Ibizian hound ( not sure of spelling) but didn't get one as renting and apparently great jumpers. A whippet but as in bush worried about recall. Ended IP with two perfect rescues. Then a Kelpie. I like small dogs like a great chi, or a foxie, tenterfield terrier. Saluki, GDP, springer working. The list goes on as I am often laughed at cause I want every dog I see! BTW, my friend is looking to rehome a 1yr old dog due to sad change to family circumstances. Said to be a stag cross pointer. It actually looks like a smaller hound that is scruffy, the colour of s brown and tan Kelpie but paler with pale yellow greenish Kelpie eyes. Quite nice if you like scruffy larger dogs. Female and well behaved, getting on with other dogs and very social. Rather soft and apparently a bit timid getting in cars suddenly. Different cross but not for me as I want a dog more for agility. Too many dogs and do u find your self wondering how many dog lives you have left in your time?
  19. Great he will chat to his boss. Surely easy problem to fi . I have had a lot of tradies and quotes being done recently. Dogs r locked away and might be allowed out if tradie wants them. Hard at one stage as painters here and guy doing all my doors including entrances. Some tradies so obviously do not want strange dogs hanging round. Stupid owner in case mentioned.
  20. Ronan is a lovely puppy. I run a friends staffys in agility sometimes for her and they r amazing. Enjoy your pup, he sounds like he is going to a great home.
  21. Do upu have a start routine. Does anyone else. I use all done for ending any game so dog knows this a cue in itself. Maybe teach this all done cue. Do small stint of training then end. Learn this end cue away from NW too?
  22. Some people are so bloody irresponsible. I would be horrified if mine even ran up to someone.
  23. LOL at that image. I don't do kisses on mouths anyway cause I see where they've been. But there r. A few times in a rumble the chihuahua nearly manages together me!
  24. Wow.will check all mine. It was scarey enough when I read they can move.
  25. I just finished intermediate and enrolled in advanced to introduce scent. Looks like my Kelpie wants to do it all. I look like a strange one ATM as each day I drive her to whatever I can find, lay some hides, harness her, find them and on to the next site. Currently using picnic tables and exercise equipment setups along the large lake nearby. I do my car too and she sometimes moves to another car nearby but I have to redirect her back. Not sure people would like her under or on their cars!
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