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Everything posted by gila

  1. Yeh I've done that. But I usually just say "bugger it!" and end up lying down in the dirt. Why is it that whenever you need to kneel or get down low, the ground is always covered in litte rocks and twigs that embed themselves in your knees/elbows??
  2. I agree with bec, it's a great shot :D
  3. So sorry to hear this awful news Goodbye Rocco.
  4. No. Poor Spencer is always being mistaken for a girl He wears a black studded collar to make him appear a bit more macho, but alas, the girl comments continue. I suppose he does act like a bit of a lady sometimes. A classic example is when the trainer that taught our class at the dog club was leaving. Someone in the class made a cake for the dogs. It was a carrot cake with cream cheese icing and liver sprinkles. All of the dogs got a piece, and of course they all hoovered their cake in about two seconds. I remember laughing at a dobermann with icing all over his face. And then someone says, "haha look at Spencer!". I look down to see my boy carefully licking off the icing and delicately nibbling his piece of cake
  5. Hmm interesting.. The jumping behaviour does seem odd.
  6. Adorable! Love the last two photos especially. It's like Charche's saying, "hey that tickles!". And then, "okay, do the other one now"
  7. That's what I was wondering Tess. The article just says that after an investigation they think it's "likely" the wolf was an animal model. Maybe whoever provided the wolf said something? Surely they must have some sort of proof though?
  8. Tried some light paintings last night. Poor Spencer...I was fiddling with the camera, turning the light on and off, and shining a torch on his face while he was trying to sleep! Pretty happy with the result though, this was the very last shot! f/8, 30 sec, ISO 200
  9. The organisers reckon the wolf was a tame "animal model". http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/1002200/s...-wildlife-prize
  10. Oh shite.. I ticked 'no recall', but I should have ticked 'other undesirable behaviour' too. I forgot about his whole barking in the car thing..
  11. Armand Balou Bandit Bardigrub Baxter Benny Billy Brock Brockie Brody Bud Bundy Caramel Charlie x 2 Chip Coco Cooper Cowan x 2 Cuba Danny Darcy Dash Dean Diesel Digger Dumas Dylan Elijah FlashBazil Frank Gandor Greedy Harrison Hudson Ivan Jack Jethro Judd Juggie Kasper Kaos Kiba Kisho Kyzer Leroy Lestat Lukas MacKenzie Max Maxie Merry Milosh Minook Mistral Nammu Nigel Noah Nova Nudge Onslow Oz Payton Piikki Raffy Randy Reeve Riku Rocks Rover Rupert Rusty Scout Shadow Spencer Sterling Storm Tazz Tey Dog Tirra Tusca Tye Ulf Walker Watson Willy Zedley Zephyr Zeus
  12. Unless vnv has a friend who works from home or who stays home during the day, I think a small kennel like she described is the best option. The dog will have plenty of care and attention throughout the day. The kennel should also have a daily routine that the dog can settle into. Honestly, when I worked at a kennel it was always the owners who got the most upset, not the dogs. With nervous dogs I would just spend extra time sitting quietly with them getting to know them and gaining their trust. It never took them long to settle in and relax.
  13. The vet clinic I use has a cat. It always stays at the back though and is never in the reception area. Most people wouldn't even know they had a cat, the only reason I know about it is cos I did work experience there years ago! I can't imagine why any vet clinic would let their cat roam around the reception area. It's just common sense that a cat strutting around would get a lot of dogs excited and worked up.
  14. Lol it is harder than it looks! Spencer doesn't 'do' jogging. Fast paced walking, fine. Running like a loon, yes. Jogging? Noooo. He will go as slowly as possible so that he's lagging behind me right at the end of the lead. Running next to my bike seems to be perfectly acceptable though
  15. No, you had experience working at 4 vet clinics and came to the conclusion that the MAJORITY of vets "suck". The vets at the practice my animals go to don't suck.
  16. Spencer (BC x Kelpie) is not big on playing with other dogs. He doesn't like small bouncy type dogs, dogs that get into his space, and he gets intimidated by dogs that are bigger than him. But he did once take an INSTANT liking to a male Toller and followed him around trying to play. I found that strange cos he normally prefers the company of people to other dogs. He also was friends with a Dobermann and Newfoundland when he figured out that they were nice and calm and weren't gonna eat him
  17. I sampled one of Spencer's dog biscuits last year. I'm 21 In my defense it was a 'chocolate chip' cookie (with carob) and smelt really good - like vanilla. I took a bite and it tasted like cardboard..
  18. Wasn't feeling too inspired today.. Flying duster - Was your cat drunk?? Very funny little kitty you have there.
  19. Mine's the opposite of yours Kirislin. If I have a toy or treat for Spence I sometimes put it on the ground and make him wait a bit before telling him "ok". If he grabs the treat/toy before I say "ok", he will give it up immediately when I tell him to. Whereas if I have told him "ok", he is a lot more reluctant to give it back to me (not that I make a habit of giving him things and then taking them away!). It's like he figures that I gave him the item so he is the rightful owner now lol
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