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Everything posted by Sayreovi

  1. Ahh i see is this Kevin Kelly any good? LOL the places both started with D i wasnt sure if i was thinking of the right one.
  2. Especially when it was Elvis running :p
  3. Dont know who Kevin Kelly is, is it DogsInMotion you were looking at as i thought they only had a Physio not Chiro but that was awhile ago i enquired, anyway Tonys number is 9702 9027 Have you thought about using Barry Heywood?
  4. I thought Harri is gorgeous, i could have easily taken him home LOL Everyone at Berwick was impressed with my new found height dog Still think you guys are nuts for having too race each other considering you had 3 dogs racing at once :D Noticed today there was a couple of collisions though, Maverick had one with the other side, ran over there too get the ball turned around too run back and smacked into the dog coming both dogs were confused with what too do next, and Tinny running with Maggie, i think when that happens its a classic
  5. Thats always the way though. In regards too the team leaders dog. Some of those crosses in your link CTD were so hard too call, looks so close.
  6. Ohh yes that wind was lovely :D We didnt go too good last in all divisions, all our dogs were in the wrong teams LOL. Today i wasnt racing with any dog from our "normal" team. Very proud of Nova though we didnt stuff up once!! Plus he did a few height jumps like a little trooper so i am very pleased with him Darcy will probably be running at Ringwood now, which is great we are going to put in a team of beginner dogs, 3 newies and 3 solid dogs. So hopefully that will go well.
  7. LOL They went great, apart from Eddie slamming into the box poor boy hehehe, didnt get to see you falling over though dammit They are both going too be fast little Staffies once they get going, had quite a few beginners and intermediate who will be quite fast so its good
  8. LOL Clover we were talking about your team at training the other night, apparantly one of our teams husband is going too run one of your dogs? Well i think your nutty for doing it LOL I can puppy sit Shoey havent you joined Berwick? Training is on Saturday this is on Sunday, anyway hope you can come regardless.
  9. Great work!! I love the flip finish, Nova isnt agile enough too do that so he does the back finish but Darcy does the flip too even though its a work in progress
  10. Did you say anything? No point in keeping quiet, the rest of the class is probably as frustrated as you are.
  11. The videos arent working? Congratulations though, its a great moment when they finally turn a new leaf!
  12. Thanks Freckles, no both girls went too lovely new homes during late last week
  13. LOL i know thats why i want to get him over doing this now. He needs too learn manners. Him doing it is all my fault though as when i raised him, i didnt punish him for trying it as i got told not too correct a dog and ban him from doing it if you want too use that dog as a stud dog.
  14. Is there any articles on it anywhere? I still dont feel comfortable about doing it and it will only be a temporary change of behaviour, there is a very high possibility of him continuing to do it once all the hormones come back again. That would be great Mel if i could.
  15. I might try that, cant hurt too try the vicks thing. Does that just mean he cant smell anything apart from the vicks? He may just do it anyway regardless as its probably a learnt behaviour now, but like i said i will try. I am very reluctant to get the implant, at the moment there doesnt seem too be any evidence that a dog that has had it done has gone on too be a fertile stud dog. I guess thats just because it is still fairly new here.
  16. Sorry Mel didnt see your post, it has suddenly appeared for me I might try the list and see what they say as well, its just getting very frustrating i can correct him either physically or verbally but like a second later he just tries again.
  17. Yeah he does it too Nova in the backyard when i am inside.
  18. Not really, he tunes me out really well when excited...... He is fine with dogs he knows most of the time but sometimes like recently he will try it with any dog.
  19. Surely someone knows how to stop even some of his behaviour?
  20. Most know that Darcy is a cronic humper, he will hump any and all dogs regardless of how many times and how severly they tell him off. Lately he has been harrassing Nova something terrible and Nova will snap and pin him but he still does it. Apart from being extremely rude dog behaviour it is terribly embarrassing and annoying that i cant take him any where off lead with other dogs or on lead for that matter he still tries it. Its the first thing he does when meeting new dogs and if its female he will sniff then "chatter" his teeth and start frothing at the mouth Darcy is entire and 2 years old, and he has been doing this for ages. If i growl at him he will stop but then try again if im not watching. Its driving me up the wall, i didnt have this problem with Nova lol So apart from avoiding other dogs all together, how can i stop him? Ohh and getting him desexed isnt an option.
  21. Wow Atlas behaved well with that cat!!
  22. Awwww I havent seen Jamaica since i think my first comp in Geelong last year, has she been all right?
  23. LOL I knew we hosted it just not quite sure where.......Highland? Is that with all the bag pipes? See i thought it was like last years which was in Ringwood lol. What a gorgeous dog Rhi, hope you will be bringing him next comp!! ;) We will be at the Expo, mainly in the show ring though, you all can see my two pretty and clean! LOL
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