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Everything posted by Sayreovi

  1. Is that what its called? I have no idea of what things are called :D
  2. Sweepstakes? I would much prefer to go straight into Novice but may do CCD for our first trial.
  3. Ive always been a little confused in the classes. Is CCD the same as Encouragement? Where you dont really have to do it and can go straight into Novice if you want?
  4. The dog i am retraining tries to do it fast because he knows weavers but only on the left so it is very slow work with him on his foot placement and working on my right, if i tried to him to go fast he did jump over the weavers. My other boy is picking it up very well, did try to jump over them when they were too low now they are higher he cant do that, so he 'swims'. He naturally got the foot placement once they were higher. Poles for both dogs are nearly straight, there is still a slight V but that should hopefully be worked out in a few days.
  5. Definately not stressed. Ive tried to come up with answers but always come back to the same conclusion.....he is just a pain
  6. At the moment i am retraining one of my dogs and training the other with the V pole method. Working really well and they are 'swimming' (cant think of a better word LOL) through them, where they are putting one foot on either side of the 'centre' of the weavers. I cant explain well, but its working LOL The dog i am retraining i first started with the push pull method, works alright and he has the enthusiasm but i want him to drive through.
  7. So would a dog be called disobedient if they were doing an exercise they knew perfectly, stopped mid way ran off did a pee came back and completed said exercise? Dog had already been toileted (several times) and the last few times nothing came out. This was a major training issue where he would ran off course do a wee and come back straight after regardless of how much i toiletted him. He was not confused in the above example and loves doing it. Would this be disobedience? I am trying to understand the mindset of my dog who i personally think is a royal pain
  8. Pretty sure i will be at one of the up coming tests, just trying to convince my brother or his gf to run with one of my dogs while i bike it I try to ride with them every day, so they are used to running next to a bike.....but never tried them in front of or behind another strange dog. Any suggestions?
  9. You know what never mind, no matter what i say is wrong (apparantly) or seen as confrontational and condescending. You just go on believing dogs MUST have vaccines, cause surely only your vet has any idea :p
  10. Wow, :p I cant believe my 3 lined paragraph got that massive post out of you. Didnt realise i got under your skin that much If it means that much to you i will find some research written by Vets if you like.....as that seems to be the only people you think has any idea. Well then, perhaps you shouldnt bother coming here any more, because ALL of us bar one are wasting your time. I am sure the long time breeders, trainers and dog owners have absoloutely no idea what we are talking about after all our research is crap according to you. ETA: On your connection for care of your children and dogs, why is that children have vaccines and not adults?
  11. This has got to be the only good reason of having 'must pee on everything' males :p
  12. Nova: 1/2 cup dry food and a chicken frame in the morning. Weighs about 21kg needs to get down to about 20kgs. He is just below kneeheight but is heavily boned and is a little podgy :p Darcy: 1 cup dry food and a chicken frame. He actually wont eat any more then one cup of dry. Once we get back from Q'land we will be BARFing Would weigh about 20kgs now and is at perfect weight for his build.
  13. If we go well next weekend, i will be at Warringal as well :p
  14. Considering you said "And his stance on vaccination. No vacs???? That's just crazy talk!" is your POV and it seems you havent done any research then yes i have more knowledge then you on this issue.
  15. Have you researched the pro's and con's of yearly vaccination after puppyhood to allow you to make that comment? You wouldn't not vaccinate your child on the off chance that the vaccination would have ill effect. The same goes for your pets, vaccinating against a disease and possibly having an unwelcome outcome is outweighed by the probability of dealing with the disease you haven't vaccinated against. There are risks with everything you put in your body, your child's body, your pet's body. Do you not take an antibiotic for a bacterial infection because statistics gathered in the clinical trials of a drug showed that a small percentage of individuals suffered negative side effects? No, you take your chances knowing that, as I said, the benefits far outweigh the ill effects. It's a tragedy when vaccinations and drug intolerances take a life, but that doesn't necessarily mean there should be a blanket ban on vaccinations. Do you know that DOG vaccines last 3 years? Most people who dont vaccinate every year do it every three or get a titre test done then assess whether to vaccinate. IMO you cannot compare people with dogs. Last time i checked they were different species I think you read my post wrong. Where did i saw slamming? The boot never shut it came down quickly enough to make the dogs stop getting out but in the off chance there foot or tail managed to slip there was enough room. Common sense not to slam the boot down, it took them about 3 goes and they have never tried again. How many times will you have to do it before they stopped trying to get out before the boot was fully up and the dog still stayed in the car until you clipped a lead on them?
  16. Agreed with Jesomil. I had a very dominant head strong male, you cant use the same 'gentle' techniques with them as you can with submissive dogs. I taught my dogs not to jump out of the back of the car by shutting the boot quickly if they attempted to get out. I think i caught them once by accident but after that they never tried again. I couldnt wait forever to train it like you suggest, they needed to know they cant get out of the car, pretty much straight away. Same applied to the gate into the backyard, we live near a fairly busy road. Never once did i hurt them....suprised them but no hurting. If i did to some extent i would rather that then them getting out and getting hit by a car. As Jesomil said research not giving vaccines. I certainly wouldnt be if i wasnt a member of a dog club. ETA: Spelling
  17. Nope agility Hehe i know what your dog looks like and there cant be that many blue merle Aussies that look like Leo there
  18. KCC Park aye? I will be there anyway :D
  19. Cosmolo i was just about to ask the same sort of question For agility, when trialling and the dog does the obstacle wrong, like popping out of the weavers or not hitting contacts do you get your dog to do it again?
  20. Ooo it is exciting!! Have you entered anything yet for that pass hopefully? Are you ready for the CDX exercises?
  21. Well its not my favourite obedience exercise but its fun enough Darcy enjoys heeling and does it very well when focused. Too start with i trained it with clicker and food, but now i have changed to 'training in drive' type of training, where i use his drive toy for a reward and motivator. Drive work seems to be very exhausting so cant do alot in one hit. Nova does it well if ive got food with me otherwise i get a wide lagging 'heel'. I am working on him and his heeling. Its the only thing stopping me competing at the moment.
  22. I recently had my first agility trial (we went appalling) like you i was shaking while thinking about it i was that nervous. Got there and i was oddly calm but then i got into the ring and i started shaking.....didnt help that my dog didnt do anything right LOL Pretty much i had a give it your best shot mentality :D With everything after awhile the nerves get less but are always there. Good luck
  23. LP Have you got your CD yet? If not how many passes too go?
  24. I love the heeling in the video posted, prefer dog to not 'crowd' as much but it is still excellent.
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