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Everything posted by Sayreovi

  1. They shouldn't be judging a group unless they are properly educated in the breed standards for that group. I agree, it shouldn't fall on the exhibitor to know which judges actually know what a good dog of said breed is, the judges should know the standards of all breeds in the group if they are judging.
  2. Depends on the dog, give her a whole one and see what she does. If she manages to break it open but doesn't eat the shell then next time put it all in her bowl opened and crushed ;) Feeding raw does get cheaper especially if the bulk you feed is chicken frames like I do, once you get it down to an art form you will know all the best places to shop at the best times to get it as cheap as possible
  3. I certainly didn't get my Tollers to be amazing show stoppers! If I did I would be very disappointed ;) I show because it's a nice day out with my dogs and more relaxing than doing flyball/agility/obedience, I show to get my breed out there and show that yes there is a breed after Labs and before Pointers
  4. I would like to know a better way? Should I just give up showing because I am the only one there? Why are my show champion dogs of any less quality then more common breed champions? They are still awarded under knowledgeble international judges even when they are the only one there. They are not flashy or good enough to take on the top GrChs, but they aren't undeserving of their title because through no fault of their own, that their title is made up of 6/7 pointers.
  5. I apologise in advance if I stuffed mine up, I rarely enter shows and it's usually with only one dog not three!!
  6. I would love to own a Bernese Mountain Dog or White Swiss Shepherd.......ahh when I am on my own bit of land maybe :lol:
  7. No one is saying to have Ozentries as the only way to enter but to at least have it as an option! Those who wish to pay the old way still can but for others who don't have 5-6 dogs and where it's certainly more convenient and cheaper to do it online can do so.
  8. Same here! There are usually no shows that we can enter in Victoria via Ozentries and it really does suck......especially if you don't have a checkbook, money orders are expensive!
  9. Same, for me it was natural. I had an idea that I wanted to do it after seeing my Aunt with her beautiful Cav's but the decision was made 100% after getting my first Sammie. Another with a similar story. I've always had an interest in being a breeder, so I started off with 2 male show dogs and only recently got my first bitch and all going well I will have a litter of Toller puppies early next year
  10. Thanks for the reminder, sent of my entries today My neuter boy will love being in the ring again!
  11. A Scream of Tollers, given their tendacy to scream when excited
  12. Tollers are well known for sleeping on their back. All three of mine do it
  13. I don't get any where fast when I take my lot out! Nova attracts men the most, he is a little stocky good looking dog who has this edge about him that guys like, don't know why, he attracts the more confident kids as well as he can be full on when wanting a pat......he tends to lean against you Darcy attracts women and quieter kids mostly but will get active men asking about him as well, he looks pretty striking and has long legs and looks like he can run for miles. He actually prefers less intrusive people and women usually fall into that, so he is happy Jovi is similar to Darcy, but because she is still puppyish she gets all kids but she doesn't like full on people.
  14. I watched the first video and IMO you need to reel it right back and go back to focussing with her just sitting by your side, reward her for eye contact which in turns lifts her head. She seems to understand where the heel position is but not what you want "heel" to mean if you get what I mean? The other thing I noticed is right towards the end, she did actually lift her head and was in the correct position but wasn't rewarded. ETA: I agree with TSD, maybe read up on clicker training, it is very precise and you are able to reward for exactly the behaviour you want!
  15. I don't know why you would want your dog to heel like that Dobe, it's crowding the handler way too much! When my dogs are heeling I have their shoulder level with my leg, they can still look up and be attentive but not so much that it impedes my walking. I train with clicker and food for precision and general learning and then reward with a tugging toy for things that they know but I wanted a faster response of the command.
  16. OMG there was a Dandie breeder there?!?! I didn't realise that there was a breeder in Aus! I was checking the DOL website the other day and was admittedly rather quick but didn't see anything... squeeeeee!!!! I LOVE those dogs and really want one in the future... once my current darling terrier (cross) shuffles off this mortal coil. I would even import one... bit of a sad case am I! I'd love to meet some and see if everything I've read is true Dandie Dinmonts have been in Australia for several years now, I think there is a breeder/shower in Tassie.
  17. I adore puppies, I love training them and just the silliness of their antics. I've raised all my three dogs from 8 week old puppies, and wouldn't do it any other way.
  18. We will be there with the babies ;) I will have to come have a squize then! you can handle teddy if you like Aww, that's mean!! It might clash with my guys though, I am in N and you guys P
  19. We will be there with the babies I will have to come have a squize then!
  20. I will be there as well, can't get a much closer show than the one around the corner!!
  21. Last time I went, I don't think I bought anything! There weren't that many good stalls unless you have a tiny dog.......well worth going to look at all the different breeds though, thinking I might do one for Tollers again next year.
  22. I usually train in my backyard as there is heaps of room, with the other two tied up watching and waiting patiently. If I want to do proofing I take them down to the local oval/park and go from there really.
  23. Well then I am very surprised there are no headless dogs trotting around the ring! They are only used in the show ring and the dogs aren't actually choking themselves, majority of the time they are loose.... No help with brands, the only snake chain I have I got given too me, it's over 8 years old and still going strong.....just wish I knew the brand name!
  24. Not even the best trained obedience champions have 100% recalls, they are animals not robots. Give him a few months to grow cocky and he will, terriers are pretty full of themselves then he will be giving you the finger rather than coming back! I wouldn't start till he is at least a year old. In the meantime the ideas everyone has posted are good ideas too train, but especially a good recall and being able to ignore other dogs who are extremely excited!
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