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Everything posted by Sayreovi

  1. Cool, hope they do, I will be interested in doing it
  2. Has anyone heard when there will be a RAT in Victoria? Or who I can ask?
  3. Great work! Love the puppy board! Looks like he is going to be nutcase flyballer
  4. I like weekends away as I tend to go driving and explore the area. So a 2-3 show weekend somewhere interesting is nice, Ovens Valley was on this weekend and we went up in the mountains and just drove around and enjoyed the gorgeous scenery!! Overseas judges from US/Canada/Scandinavia Neuter classes offered Accomodation nearby that allows dogs inside (we don't camp ) Competition We usually show at KCC where there is plenty of space but if I go away entries are usually smaller and the group is over so quick I don't bother setting up!
  5. Haha I even asked that "is there anyone I can ask who might actually know something?" Got a "no" to that too, that was on my second trip back after seeing other groups being handed out. Next time I will just focus on tracking you down rather then go on some search for an unknown person Yep, Albury offered it last year and that's the closest it's gotten! Hopefully a show at KCC will offer it as not many people can get away for a weekend, to see if it will go well!
  6. Really? I can honestly see why Victorian clubs are hesitant to offer it......7 (missed my Toller boy ) neuters in the whole show. Was a good weekend, though we didn't set up or stay long. My only grumble is today trying to track down challenges after group had finished. No one knew who was writing them out, so had to personally go around asking everyone if they were doing it or knew who was, eventually found her. Though not happy about being told if I couldn't find them before I left that it was tough luck and I wouldn't get them at all. I didn't care about them not being done on Saturday as I was back the next day but when you have a 4-5 hour drive and you want to leave so you can get home at a decent hour it would be nice if someone actually knew who the ticket writer was and where to find them. Apart from that, it was a smoothly run show and I really enjoyed the location
  7. Cool thanks I wouldn't mind a Dexter cuddle either and from the photos you've posted I wouldn't try and steal him, promise!
  8. Sway, how much will tickets be? Want to make sure I have the correct money on me as I usually don't!
  9. If I am training in my backyard, they are tied up by sticking a tent peg into the ground and attaching their leads to it. Both the adults will lay and watch quietly regardless of reward or what training I am doing, the puppy will make a bit of a fuss and then eventually settle. I am hoping their calmness will rub off onto her a bit and she learns to settle as soon as she is tied up! If I am out and about, I either have a crate or they are left in the car. They are definately more focussed and eager if they know there is a chance that I might swap them over Only con I can think off at the moment is mainly handler error, as when swapping between the 3 sometimes my signals/commands are wrong for that dog or I try to do something with one dog that I haven't yet taught to that level
  10. Sorry, which dogs did I mention apart from Labradoodles? I know there are other registers out there, similar to Koolies in Australia they are a breed and have their own register but I personally couldn't breed them if I wanted too......guess it's lucky I like ANKC recognised breeds huh! The breeders if the breed I like, aren't interested in recognition as yet.......the reason was sent to me in an email but I can't remember why at the moment
  11. Actually I couldn't give a flying rats arse about this "breed" of dog. Like alot of other posters there is a breed overseas that I would love to own one day, but it is a developing breed and as such isn't recognised. I wouldn't import at the moment based on that alone, it wouldn't sit right breeding unregistered dogs If/When I happen to import this breed I will gurantee you I will not be charging $4000 a puppy just because I will be the only breeder in Australia. I wonder, what are peoples opinions on people breeding Labradoodles? They appear to breed more true to type than these dogs and apparantly have a better temperament, have limited health testing done and are also sold for a hefty sum for an unregistered "breed".
  12. My next dog will be out of my first litter, so I will be keeping the nicest one regardless of sex. I've mainly had boys and have just gotten my first girl, I am not sure which one I prefer more at the moment. I love my sooky boys but Jovi just gets me and what I want quicker and easier than the boys but I don't know if thats a girl thing or a Jovi thing
  13. She is also selling them entire......mmm how long till Klee Kai crosses are being sold? Give it a year and the puppy buyers may try to recoup the ridiculous cost of their first dog.
  14. Aha! Well, she's sold three of them, a fourth is still for sale. Sorry, but the point of her breeding them was????? $$$$$$$$$$ $4000 for an unregistered "breed" of dog.....some buyers truly are idiots
  15. Well clearly some breeds are better than others. I know my current dogs will probably never win a BIG, they are nice examples and as a recent judge said "deserve to be in the ring" but will they ever crack a big one? No....not because they are unworthy of their "meaningless" title or a bad example of their breed but the quality of the other breeds in Group 3 are extremely high. ETA: Before anyone asks why I bother showing, it's too get my breed out there and remind the Pointer people there is a breed before them and I enjoy having a day doing nothing just relaxing with the dogs. I don't go to shows and then whinge and moan that I didn't win, because showing isn't a main focus for me, if it was I certainly wouldn't have gotten Tollers!
  16. The same thing would happen if it was made that rare breeds receive no points for not beating anything. We just do not have the numbers in a whole heap of breeds for much competition here in Austalia. 6 or 7 point challenges are it the majority of the time, and not by choice for most of us! Each and every judge has to sign their name that each and every challenge winner is worthy of their champion title. im currently handling a rare breed... and i totally agree people give me crap cause she rarely has competition... but at the end of the day she fits the standard and is worthy of the title otherwise she would be non awarded!! and rightly so!! I agree. I am really getting sick and tired of hearing about how rare breeds titles are crap and unworthy etc etc. just because we are usually the only ones at the show. We pay for a judges opinion, we get it and they believe that said dog is worthy of being an Australia Champion, after all theirs is the only opinion on the day that counts towards anything. If I wanted the opinion of a know it all bystander I would pay for their opinion instead. My dogs have titled on 6/7/8 point challenges and I am sorry that I do not have the inclination, time or money to head interstate to go up against a few more of my breed. Owning a rare breed isn't as fun in the ring as people make it out too be, it's just as demoralising going into the ring every time knowing you will get your BOB but never anything else.....or even getting a look in for any group wins even if the dog is good enough. Other states are currently having a bit of luck and Tollers are getting put up more and more.....one day Victoria may get it's go Keeping on topic now, but no I don't believe Champions should get their own class.
  17. Sorry, my post wasn't directed at you but at GoldenGirl who said her dog doesn't like to be crated.
  18. My boy (a mini schnauzer cross, so not a strong dog) ripped through the mesh of my k9 Royale crate. I was doing agility with this sister for the first time and he was crated - little bugger wouldn't have a bar of it and ate his way out! This is one of my concerns my JRT doesn't like to be crated, I know nothing is 100% stable but I want the strongest possible Then get a wire crate. Soft crates are (well should be) only for crate trained dogs, not ones that you are unsure will try and rip their way out. Honestly I don't know why people buy soft crates when they know their dog will try and get out, a crate is for the dogs protection as well as everyone elses.
  19. Wow, congrats for all involved!! I checked the profiles but he isn't listed, do you have a photo of him Trisven?
  20. Buy from their Ebay store and you get the bag free It's what I did, and I think it came off slightly cheaper as well which helps when you are buying two You can also pick up from their place which saves on postage. I needed to rebuy new crates about a year ago as they were kept in the shed and became nesting grounds for mice I will never buy a different brand of soft crate, they are the best and get used very regulary.....I really do love my Royales Mine are ridiculously oversized because they like to spread out when sleeping.....Darcy is 50cm at the shoulder and he can stand in it without his head touching the roof, so an XL would be the right size for a Goldie Can't say how well they would stand up to an over zealous big dog scratching at the door, my adults are crate trained and have never tried, Jovi scratches but it's more of a "pay attention to me" scratch. Reminds me, I need to buy Jovi her own crate as I usually put her in with either of the boys as their crates are that big
  21. Sayreovi


    The Scandinavian countries had a different approach to Tollers when they were first imported to their country, much like what you are saying, nearly every dog had a litter so they contributed to widening the gene pool. I am not sure what COI dogs from those countries are and if they are getting lower as a result. I guess the thing to remember is they are still a new breed, and as such will obviously have a higher than normal COI as the breed was only started by a handful of dogs less then a hundred years ago. Just checking my guys and they only have about 12 generations before they are back to the original dogs. Carriers are widely used and acceptable as breeding dogs and all breeding dogs are tested for PRA and CEA (unless clear by parentage). I am sure that affected dogs are bred to clears as well on occasion overseas when the affected dog has something too offer the breed. With Tollers there has been no need to remove carriers as we now have tests to show which is a carrier and which is clear, and as said, removing that much of the breeds genepool just to rid of a disease that is easily controlled would be disasterous and the end of the breed.
  22. Sayreovi


    Exactly right, Tollers have their problems, but they are definately alot more healthier then some breeds going around. I just checked my guys COI and were around the same 24%, I only just added Jovi so won't know for another 1-2 weeks but it will be slightly higher as there is a common great grandparent.
  23. Sayreovi


    Yes, it's been an interesting read. I don't believe that an extremely new and inexperience breed club like the Toller club of Germany has the knowledge and necessary research behind it to want to open the stud books and do it correctly. The only two clubs that have that knowledge and experience is the US and Canadian clubs. Majority of Toller breeders will not send any Tollers to Germany any more for fear that their dogs are used in a cross breeding program. Unfortunately it is now a damned if you do damned if you don't. I am curious though, for those with linebred dogs in other breeds what is their COI?
  24. I also happen to think that Schipperke puppies are just bloody gorgeous too!! I met a few at a show not that long ago that belonged to a Doler and they were just gorgeous little puppies, beautiful foxy faces
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