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Posts posted by Sayreovi

  1. Ohhhhh that's testing me ptolomy!!! Bear is 4 in June :eek: and she is from cozzie's (tollwest's Ximimez B C'Oz) first litter in Australia (she was mated in the US before Denise and Di imported her). Her sire is pinnokka beach bonfire.

    If anyone knows the litter-she's the one with all the white :laugh:

    Glenmave posts on here occasionally and she owns Fly, who is a boy from that litter.

    A girl from the same litter went to Skyesong, I haven't seen her post here recently though.

    Would love to see some updated photos of her PD, if she is anything like her siblings but with white (I love white on them) then I am in love :p

  2. I am trying to locate a secura pen in Victoria, now that Seb and Gloria have sold up I don't know who would sell them at KCC anymore, any suggestions? I prefer to buy in person as well.

    Or if someone has one for sale that'd be awesome :D

    Big enough to fit Tollers (Border Collie height)

  3. Glad he has returned home!!

    My little girl went walk abouts yesterday too for several hours (she got scared and bolted out the opened gate and I wasn't home to call her back), I had just stopped searching as it was very dark and was about to post a thread here....I was actually half way through typing it out, when she turned up on the doorstep!

    She had travelled about 2kms from last sighting back home from an area she had never been.

    Sometimes the things they do are simply amazing!

  4. Thanks for the recommendations

    They will be picking my brain mostly and the breeders as well but think having a reference type book handy would be nice and my brother is like me, having info in front of me in book form is better than someone telling me :)

    I am expecting several texts and calls during the first week asking questions :laugh:

  5. Just hoping I could get some suggestions.

    My brother will be getting his very first dog in about 2 months time and I want to get him a couple of really good books suitable for newbie owners. I have no idea which ones are good now and don't have any myself :o

    Please and thank you :D

    ETA: Pup will be crate trained, clicker trained and fed kibble with bones so something that may touch on these subjects would be great!

  6. I wanted a medium, longish fur, intelligent, trainable dog with a natural build. My choices were Tollers, Aussies and BCs. I went with Tollers as I liked the look of them and I didn't want something as common as a BC :) I wanted a dog with a tail as well and as I wanted to show finding a show potential Aussie puppy with a tail nearly 10 years ago I had no chance.

    Nope these guys are my first competition dogs, I got my first Toller when I was 14 I think :)

  7. Sounds good, One of my boys would love doing that, he is very active and loves running but has an off switch at home and loves nothing more than sleeping on the couch next to you :) His daughter is very similar but is actually more affectionate than the boys!

    I am south east, in Pakenham. I am going to an agility trial in Croydon on the 26th and will have all three with me and there will be Sharne from Skyesong with at least 2 Tollers as well. So if you are free pop down and say hello!

    I got mine from 3 different breeders, my 9 year old boy Nova from Ximinez, 7 year old boy Darcy from Magpielane (no longer breeds Tollers) and Jovi who is 20 months and from Sherbrooke in South Australia.

  8. You would be looking about $1000-$2000 for a Toller pup and a wait of 1-2 years.

    They are pretty affectionate with their owners and people they like, my little girl gets so excited and happy to see me that she does the whole bum near face body wag and growls in excitement.

    Two of mine will snob most people off so they can be pretty reserved (not shy, more like indifferent) with 'outsiders' and the other thinks everyone was put on this earth to say hello to him but they are definately affectionate.

    Have you met many Tollers Cpmonaghan? I am also in Victoria so if you would like too meet some (or more!) I can let you know where I will be in the future :)

  9. I've only owned 2 boys and 1 girl, I don't really have a preference.

    My girl is the first one I've owned and she is amazing, if they were all like her I would say girls! My boys are just so cruizy and easy going with everything though. For training I prefer my girl as she is switched on and just 'gets' it even if she does come into season every 6 months!

  10. A few photos from last weekends flyball comp.....Jovi is the one doing an awesome swimmers turn on the box! She has been such a great little dog to train, so switched on when needed but has a fabulous off switch as well and while waiting for the lights to be fixed during one race rolled on her back and layed there quietly while I patted her.

    The other photo is of Darcy who always manages to look pretty (and keep his ears under control unlike Jovi!) :laugh:




  11. Good weekend with alot of highlights at 2 day Hastings flyball comp, Darcys team (he wasn't running) broke 20 seconds for the first time ever!

    Jovi's team came first in their division, making it 4 wins from her first 4 comps including a Nationals :D She is going amazing, I am so happy how she is coming along.....still a few things that need fine tuning but that will come with experience and practice :D

    Not only that but we had a go at starting and she cracked 5 seconds!! Granted it was only 4.9 and over 7 inches but I was thrilled, her previous best was 5.5! However then we went too her height (11inches) and she did a 5.1!! She keeps getting faster and faster :)

    Darcy who is usually known as Mr Reliable was hyper and full of energy but decided he loved our heigh dog enough to turn around and want to chase him, happened a couple of times but still managed to average 5.6s over 11inch all weekend with a 5.3 thrown in which is his fastest in along time!

    Very pleased with the both of them especially seeing as we haven't done any training since mid March (bad me!)

  12. Thanks everyone, I am very pleased and can't wait for our next trial where hopefully we can repeat the performance!

    It's taken awhile (he turns 8 this year!) but better late than never and hopefully we can have a few good years now :D

    Great videos AP, I love how she looks like she is zooming when she is catching up to you haha

    Congrats Jess on your wins! I didn't even see your post....haha that post must have taken me forever to type! :laugh:

  13. I tried feeding a little before our trial as well and got a much better result, usually I fast them the morning but that morning I have him about a handful of food (about a third of his normal amount) and a quite a few treats warming up.

    He was alot more focused and 'with' me in the ring instead of stressing, it was probably a combination of things as well so I am not saying it worked.

    However we do have a flyball comp next weekend that I will be feeding both of them and seeing how we go as that will be a better indication of a different performance than in agility at the moment.

  14. Well done Jess :D

    We have a big brag too, had our first agility trial in a long time on Sunday and Darcy managed a pass in novice jumping! That was the little brag the big one, is he ran.....actually ran around the ring and was happy through out it as well, not like at training but it has me optimistic again that we can get there :D. The last trial we did he basically walked around, would ignore my signals and shut down in the ring :( This time though he was happy and enthusiastic, my handling has improved (still made alot of mistakes though :p) and I went in with a different attitude as well! So very happy with him, I wasn't expecting any passes I just wanting him to have fun which he did. He started losing it by the 4th run (which happened to be our pass as well) so that would be our max runs per day.

    Already looking at entering Croydons trial now I know we are alot better in trials and will be giving Jovi a go in jumping as well so should be exciting :p

  15. Don't get too disheartened TO - the terrain and cover is what makes retrieving such a difficult sport to train for. The amount of cover is so variable too - depends on the time of year, rainfall etc. I suspect I know where you did the first retrieve as KCC is pretty limited. It's a huge step up from RATG to Novice so I wouldn't write the RATG off completely either. However, it does take a big commitment in terms of time to train for it. Plenty of people around who will help you out if you want to :thumbsup: And failing is not trying so you didn't fail.

    Thanks, yeah it's a hard sport to train for I never thought it was easy, it's just disappointing thinking I trained her well to a level I thought she was meant to be at and then get thrown this curve ball. I hate watching her not do well and getting frustrated.

    How many dogs got through TO?

    Not sure, I didn't stick around to watch the second retrieve, was too tired and too hot :laugh:

    Be interesting too know though

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