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Everything posted by Sayreovi

  1. Ohh that's a good place Murve, I might go there tomorrow! Have you done a ride around the creek? How far is it if you have?
  2. I heard it was one of the best, so looking forward too it as long as a dog doesn't try and attack mine LOL (like what happened today while riding with my old boy, he is OK though, still got some defensive moves in him)
  3. Thanks for that :) Seems a bit strange that an onlead dog event would be held in a public off lead area?
  4. What kind of things did you train for SS?
  5. I've received mine so we are good to go! Started serious training today (for me) went and bought a more comfortable bike seat, felt so much better afterwards so was a very good purchase! Did 2kms today with Darcy just to get him used to the bike and distractions and me used to the new seat. Will slowly up it until we get to about 10kms, not worried about Darcy doing it, just me :laugh: With regard to roadworthy bikes, what does this mean?
  6. Can't wait for the new products! The lamb isn't agreeing with my girl as much as I would like, so would like to try the chicken (and possibly the grain free) before switching brands as the boys are doing well on it :) Will the chicken be the same price? I am assuming the grain free will possibly be a bit more?
  7. I know right haha I knew I should have entered while I was thinking about it! Just entered online, didn't realise you could do that so we are entered :D Thanks will keep that in mind, have plenty of time to train as well so should be good :)
  8. Gah! I totally forgot to enter the GSD one and as its Darcys last chance (turns 8 this year) I rang the secretary and she has kindly allowed me to send in my entries still :D Now to get myself fit enough to do it! Darcy is fine, has great endurance just got to get him used to riding beside a bike....yes I always leave things to the last minute :p
  9. I have 3 dogs. 9 year old 7 year old 22 month old Due to circumstances there was a big gap there not due to dogs behaviour or anything but because I moved around a bit and I couldn't decide on a breed :) In the end I am glad I waited as even though I stuck with the same breed I got a daughter from one of my boys. She has been extremely easy though, always very mature and she never went through the puppy destructive/challenge stage. I plan on having a litter next year maybe (keeps getting pushed back haha) and will be keeping one so will have 2 close together, then a big gap and then 2 close again. Will work out well I think as I will have two 'oldies' to keep each other company if I can only take the two youngsters out.
  10. Wouldn't say my dogs demand it but they have always been rewarded for eye contact so will seek eye contact for various reasons. My girl is very intense and during training sessions when I am listing to the instructor talking will sit and just stare at me until we are ready to go doesn't whine or paw just patiently stares, I've never trained her this way, she has always just naturally had a weird intense focus. I've read that eye contact is a dominant thing but two of my dogs that do it are so far from trying to dominate me it's not funny.
  11. Ohh which breed you looking at OSS? I did this recently as well once for myself (Finnish Spitz) and once for my brother (Stafford). First conversation with the Stafford breed I brought up price, I don't see anything wrong with it but I was speaking too him in person for about 30 minutes before asking a price and he didn't care that I asked. I knew what the average price should have been but as it wasn't me buying the pup, I needed to know the exact price before passing on details. Still don't know how much my Finnish Spitz will be, I didn't worry about asking as the price won't put me off and I am guessing it will be around the same price as Tollers are. Nearly every email I've received regarding Tollers asks how much are they? I think it's a reasonable question and I would rather they ask me before I send them on too breeders so they know how much they need to budget so I have no problems answering it :)
  12. I've liked the page and added my comments :p I entered Geelong because of the neuter and entered my two entires as well but didn't get there so they got 3 entries for nothing because they offered that class :D
  13. Not offended at all Ness, just wanted to clear it up. In the end I opted not to get his height officially approved anyway so would be interesting what he might be remeasured at! Glad that my other two that I have/will trial are clearly 500/400 dogs
  14. Before I got him measured not after Ness :) I knew he was borderline before hand but always thought he was just under rather than over.
  15. Usually done at trials, you can contact the trial secretary and ask if there will be any measuring done at the trial. Not every judge is able to measure so it depends on which judges are there. There is a form that you must fill out prior to measuring and it's $5, form is on agilitytrials.info
  16. It's a different scenario though if your dog was measured previously and holds a height card, and then got remeasured and move. That's not the handlers fault and I doubt people will care. Entering a dog that hasn't been measured in a lower height when it clearly doesn't belong there will raise a few eyebrows. I have a borderline dog as well, he was measured in at 500 and due to that I gave up any chance of trialling him as asking him to do 500 with his build was unfair. I had considered getting him remeasured but bit late now I probably could have gotten away with putting him in the 400 class.
  17. The ANKC rules say 546 mm and over is a 600 dog and the minimum age is 16 months for measuring for a height card as Ness said no more than two months before their first trial which they aren't eligible to do until they are 18 months. While they probably aren't registered there are a few BC's down in Victoria jumping 600, I know of 3 at one club :) It wouldn't surprise me if you entered your dog in as 500 and it won but is definately a 600 dog that someone would complain about it and you could possibly be stripped of the pass. I've always been told if in doubt enter the higher height!
  18. Thanks guys. I will pass on all recommendations and comments too them, I have the joy of going with them when they visit the puppies in a few weeks so should be fun :D
  19. I wasn't worried at changing shape or colour, I barely gave it a second thought as I know it's still BH :laugh: I was just backing the other person up as it happened to me and the brand is definately BH and not something else as a few people said it might be
  20. I had entered as well because of the neuter class, but probably won't be coming now
  21. Mine are still the same as they always have been the last 18 months. Doesn't sound like you have the same BH food there. Maybe contact whoever you got your last bag from? Happened here too when I bought bags about 2 weeks ago, was wondering why it's changed. Definately the proper product, bought from the same person as my other bags and who is still listed as a distributor and is in the new packaging.
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