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Posts posted by Sayreovi

  1. Has one tired little Toller at the moment!

    Had Jovi's first trial today, she went exceptionally well on some fairly hard courses for Novice dogs. There were a fair few hardish parts like a curved tunnel after a jump but the dog had to take the entry that wasn't directly facing the jump. Unfortunately for us, I didn't handle it correctly (as I could have pulled her off) and she went in the incorrect entry......the same little test appeared in a later run and as she had already done it one way apparantly that was still the way to do it! :p

    Had another one where weavers were right next to a dog walk, and contacts are still a very high reward item for her (working on it :p) so she went straight for the dog walk, spun around and did her 2o2o behaviour :o I released her and didn't set her up correctly so she did it again, even the judge had a chuckle and mentioned how she loves her contacts! We got the weavers after that and she ran the rest of the course correctly.....oops bad handler :o

    I am very proud of her first trial, she had fun and her fastest run ended up being her last as she had a bit of a tug of the lead walking into the ring and I was trying to rev her up so I think I might need to get one of those tuggy leads if she is willing to tug at a trial :D

  2. BM they do a restrained recall where one of them holds their collar, let's go and your dog runs to you. Lucy wouldn't like this and would freeze up.

    They only do this if your dog won't stay, I didn't do a restrained recall as I was confident in my girl staying.

    Prodigybxr - I would email and ask when their next intake is after August as this is the first one they've had since I joined late last year.

  3. I got my permit in about 2 weeks if that? We sort of only have one immediate neighbour (none behind us, and a vacant block next door. So there were no objections, which might have pushed it through quicker?

    Frankston it sounds like they do it on the spot. The lady I spoke to did say that you basically apply and you are granted a permit pretty much straight away.

  4. Cardinia Shire - 2 dogs under an acre, 4 on over an acre. I have a permit for 3 on a normal block :) Next door neighbour had 5 with a permit as well.

    Baw Baw - 2 in residential areas, up to 5 (or 4) on anything classed as rural or farming. Permit only required if more than 5 in rural/farming.

    Bass Coast - 2 under a hectare. Permit required if you want more but they didn't seem very dog friendly.

    South Gippsland (Korumburra etc) - 2 on any block, permit required for more.

    Casey - 2 under 4000sq, 4 over 4000sq

    Frankston - 2, permit required for more. When I spoke to the local laws person they said they issue a permit without any background or anything done (so no neighbour checks) and only dealt with an issue if it arose.

    I recently checked all this out myself as I was looking to move, so this is for south east side :)

    Good luck, when doing my research the least friendly was South Gippsland, most friendly Frankston/Cardinia/Baw Baw.

  5. Bit of a brag. We had a club comp today and Jovi came first in both novice agility and jumping. We did get a fault (I think I didn't check) in agility as I pulled her off a jump as I didn't set her up properly and she didn't see that one and ran past it so it was a refusal, but the jumping we went clear and we had speed and distance work as I was pushing her a bit instead of babying her. The agility course was nice but challenging enough for baby dogs (all but one other dog DQ) and she took all my directions beautifully, the jumping course was fairly straight forward with a few twists and turns and again she flew around.

    Very happy with her performance as we have our first proper comp next week so it was a good experience in a trial like environment, fingers crossed we can repeat the results.......she is extremely responsive so just gotta work on not giving a mixed/wrong signal :o

    Hi TO are you competing at the Schipperke Open trial next Sat, if so I will be stewarding not sure with ring yet :)

    Yup, we will be in novice agility and jumping all day so you might get us eventually :)

  6. Bit of a brag. We had a club comp today and Jovi came first in both novice agility and jumping. We did get a fault (I think I didn't check) in agility as I pulled her off a jump as I didn't set her up properly and she didn't see that one and ran past it so it was a refusal, but the jumping we went clear and we had speed and distance work as I was pushing her a bit instead of babying her. The agility course was nice but challenging enough for baby dogs (all but one other dog DQ) and she took all my directions beautifully, the jumping course was fairly straight forward with a few twists and turns and again she flew around.

    Very happy with her performance as we have our first proper comp next week so it was a good experience in a trial like environment, fingers crossed we can repeat the results.......she is extremely responsive so just gotta work on not giving a mixed/wrong signal :o

  7. Bit of a brag. We had a club comp today and Jovi came first in both agility and jumping. We did get a fault in agility as I pulled her off a jump so it was a refusal, but the jumping we went clear :)

    Very happy with her performance as we had our first proper comp next week so it was a good experience in a trial like environment :)

  8. yes it is a generalisation, but after having worked with dogs in SA for over 25 yrs now I can see quite clearly that we are quite well off compared to some other states when it comes to the number of dogs in rehoming environments. Take a look just at pet rescue NSW currently has 1273 dogs listed, SA has 90. AWL has 2 shelters where there are rarely more than 20 dogs for adoption, and RSPCA has a couple of shelters around the state also with quite low numbers. Add a handful of private rescue (which mostly are the dogs on pet rescue) and on any given day in SA it would be hard to find more than 200 dogs in rehoming environments.

    I am certain that our number limit is a key element in why our numbers stay comparatively low. I'm also pretty sure if we loosened the limit the rehoming numbers will escalate in kind.

    That may be the case, but you would need to take into account the human population as well. Just quickly checked and NSW has over 7 million people and SA has just over 1 million. This would be more the reason why lack of dog numbers in SA pounds rather than dog limit.

  9. There is a difference between low shedding and non shedding though.

    The OP said non- shedding I think.

    Her sister has previously kept non-shedding oodles and wants another similar dog.


    I don't know why people are recommending a spitz breed, if the OP doesn't want to deal with a dog that sheds (alot) each day then they certainly wouldn't want to deal with a seasonal blowing of the coat!

  10. There are many in my breed that are worthy of this title that are either steralised or deceased and will never gain it.

    I haven't read the rules regarding the title, but would a dog be able to get a neuter challenge and still qualify?

    the neuter title is a different title so I would guess not.

    Neuters don't get challenges and you need a challenge.

    Ahh yes, that's right my bad, they are called certificates not challenges. What a bugger for those that have since been desexed :(

  11. It was funny though because after all these people came up to me and told me it was my fault the dog did a mistake and told me what I should have done instead :o

    Yeah you will get alot of that :) If the dog does something different to what we think we want it's guaranteed we did something to make it happen :laugh:

    I am expecting to be told off at Jovi's first trial if I do something wrong, as all my trainers will be there :o

    Well done! They always seem to shock us and make us feel bad for our own shortcomings :laugh: On wards and upwards! :D

  12. I didn't go looking for the posts so haven't quoted them, but to the people in WA the AFA have tried to organise seminars for at least the last 4 years, possibly longer, to try and get the sport up and running over there but nobody has taken up the offer. There was a DOLer who had trained dogs already (I think she had previously lived in SA or Vic) and had since moved to Esperance who was prepared to get involved too and was prepared to travel to Perth to get the sport running but there just wasn't enough interest. Lots of talk, but nobody really keen enough when push came to shove.

    Perhaps now is the time to revisit it? There would be plenty of people happy to help out if need be.

    She moved to a town 200kms from Esperance and stayed around 6 to 8 months then has moved back east again.

    This sounds like me? :laugh:


    Haha I was reading it thinking 'are they talking about me? How many other flyballers did this?' :laugh:

    Yeah I was quite willing to go to Perth to train people up if wanted, had experienced dogs etc etc but no dice :)

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