Oh wow FHR - Polo is a stunner And Dante is just gorgeous - so many beautiful babies Here are my pair
Name: Ike
Sex: Male
Age: 14 weeks
Colour: Black
Breed: Schipperke
Hobbies: Following me everywhere Playing with Bose, winding up the big dogs, announcing visitors
Loves: Tuna, pigs ears, farm walks, watching telly, cuddles on the lounge
Hates: Canned dog food
Name: Bosun aka Bose
Sex: Male
Age: 9 weeks
Colour: White
Breed: Maremma
Hobbies: Hanging out with the goats & our Kangal, farm walks, playing with Ike
Loves: His bed, food of any description, the goats
Hates: Not being able to catch Ike