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Everything posted by MaxSpots

  1. Just a comment about desexing We lost our last dog (a Dalmatian) to testicular cancer. If he had been desexed he may still be with us now. I have never forgiven myself for that. We didn't think there was any reason for desexing either as all our previous male dogs were intact.... they were CockerXLab and my mum's Golden Retriever
  2. "Bushman" repellant is a great one for people, (also keeps leeches away if you spray shoes and socks) not sure if I'd spray it on dogs though it contains DEET. Avaliabe at chemists.
  3. Another Tick alert !! Spent the weekend at Frenchs Forest Sydney. Dog was only in the inlaws garden and have found 2 ticks on her today. :D Edit: adding link to really useful website (Not just for animals) www.tickalert.org.au Check out the "Visitor Map" ( see "your feedback" ) where you can read Tick Alerts from other people and add your own. Edit again: might help if I spelt the link right
  4. Was thinking if excess Taurine isn't a problem for dogs, and some breeds might actually benefit from having it added to their diets, in terms of DCM... what's actually wrong with cat food?, But I've also found out that cats have higher requirements in their diets for; vitamin-A, Niacin, Protein, Taurine, linoleic and arachidonic acids, so these too are added to commercial cat foods. Not sure what an exess of most of those would do to dogs longterm, if anything, but excess vitA can cause bone and joint pain, brittle bones and dry skin. So yeh, back to what everyone has already said ....it's just not appropriate for dogs Sorry to bore everyone but I had to search why, thats just how my brain works :rolleyes:
  5. Oops was editing while you replied Griff, thought I was last on the list :rolleyes: I agree with everyone, I wouldn't want my dog being fed catfood without my knowledge. Although on the surface it doesn't look like it would harm the dogs short term. Long term I'd be worried about kidney problems from the increased protein and eventual weight gain. The taurine and depression link would concern me too, although that was a "Maybe" in relation to humans The boarding kennel should tell the owners what they feed the dogs, I certainly asked when I boarded my dog recently and I also left them some of her favorite food incase she didn't eat theirs.
  6. From memory.......Cat food has added Taurine (?sp) or something like that. If cats eat dog food (long term) they miss out on the Taurine and eventually their health suffers. Not sure what happens if dogs eat catfood long term. EDIT: Did a bit of a search (my dog is always pinching the catfood and visa versa :rolleyes: ) *excess taurine is excreted by the kidneys in urine *Taurine deficiency in Dogs is linked to dilated cardiomyopathy in Large and Giant breeds *some shelters in the US will feed dogs catfood to fatten them up *For people An excess of taurine (which is an amino acid) "may" cause depression Some links about Taurine http://www.petcarenaturally.com/book_health_bible.php http://www.naturalbalanceinc.com/home/health.html
  7. She loves to fetch things, but doesn't have a favorite toy. She's about 4 months old. At this stage she's keen to do things for a cuddle and a scratch on the chest. I didn't want to encourage tugging games as she is really good at dropping toys and balls(and I thought tug games might wreck that???), and she can be bit snappy with fingers when excited so I thought it best not to encourage any mouth or holding type games, if that makes sense. cheers, Dianna
  8. This is a great thread!! My pup/dog naturally came to a whistle, she was beginning to ignore her name and I did the big two fingered whistle out of desperation, she got such a shock and came running over, so I continue to use it to bring her back. Nice to know there was method in my madness, I'll be able to work with a bit more structure now with these hints, thanks. She has no interest in food rewards, but is so keen to please. Dianna
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