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Everything posted by MaxSpots

  1. is the old saying true ? " feed your watch dogs in the morning and your working dogs at night " meaning that a dog will sleep on a full stomach...watchdog sleeps during the day, working dog (or house dog) sleeps at night.
  2. same here with the unintentional command ;) Early morning wee breaks had me standing barefoot on the cold lawn saying "Hurry up and go will you" "just go to the toilet!! " Now "Hurry up" is her toilet command Also, after they go, praise and then say "go play" or whatever your free time phrase is. That way they know to go to the toilet first before they get to muck around. Nothing worse than a quick toilet break on a long car trip but the dog thinks it's playtime and gets back into the car without going. So the sequence here is let her out----- "go to the toilet" "hurry up !!" she sniffs and goes "Good girl" pat and cuddle "go play" zooms around "come on, inside" or "come on, in the car"
  3. I saw a product called "Paw Wax" on a working dog website, long time ago, I'll see if I can find it. Could be useful stuff ??
  4. Good plan Imy, thanks problem is I didn't teach her a command with the target, or that part didn't sink in, so I can't turn her off. She see's open hand and nose goes in, no matter what you are doing :rolleyes:
  5. I taught my dog to target (nose touching) my hand I forget why.... what is in Erny's sig, something about having a goal in mind :rolleyes: Anyway now whenever you reach down to try and pat her she shoves her nose in your hand, If you put your hand out as in....go outside, or "the balls over there" she'll target my hand, even jumping up to do it. If you put your hand out to signal a "stay" she'll run over and target it ;) The look on her face is....aren't I clever, this is what you want eh ? My family and any visitors know to keep their hands in their pockets now, to avoid the persistent wet nose poker that she's become. All my fault :D
  6. H3113n, do you mean they use the toilet ?? or are they paper trained and use the toilet room. had visions of a dog sitting on the loo reading a magazine,
  7. K9: Keep in mind that the advice was to get the Rott out of the cage, not run him with the GSD... But anyway... When I read this & K9: I might like to remind you that our motivation for rehabilitating & or training dogs comes from seeing results. Take a look at what you have achieved & not what you havent mastered just yet... Pat yourself on the back somewhere along the line for the results you have gained... K9: whilst I have seen Hudson (Rott) I havent seen the GSD, but from what I can read, you have at the same time or there abouts, removed her from living inside, removed him from a pen, moved house (?) & a pack adjustment has taken place or is taking place... As you say that things have settled down with the two of them after hierachy disputes have now settled, it seems that they are headed in the right direction. When you enter the back yard the stakes have gone up & your seeing the end of the GSD trying to state her pack position, correcting him, demanding your attention etc... K9: This sounds like she is a Beta type, Alpha wanna be... This is natural behaviour for this type of dog & will not settle easily, but her demanding attention from you can be controlled with a little obedience training with a solid reward (pack drive reward) structure in place.. K9: she will if she knows that when she has completed the task you will reward her with behaviour from you (ALPHA) that she finds rewarding... K9: having a program that you believe will work will put you in a less frustrated position & stop you loosing your temper... You havent emailed me at all with any questions, you should be aware that I will answer questions free to all clients & often those who are not clients with no limits.... ************************************************ General Info on hitting dogs.. Hitting your dog will not give you one percent of training advantage, it will however damge the bond & make your dog less respectful. I dont think its a tradgety as some here do, why? because Im faced woth people who do it all the time, even in front of me.. Why do people do it? Lack of knowledge, they dont have the answer to the problem in front of them, this created frustration, they hit the dog to release the tension, as Kit Kat explained... Experienced hitters? This is usually something that is again a mistake people make, they hit the dog once & the dog seemed to calm down, so they think they are on a winner... The dog was knocked out of drive & has only learned not to trigger drive in the presence of the owner... Thats all.. They havent stumbled on the cup of knowledge... When someone asks for help, which Scope clearly did, they already understand that the dont have all the answers, in this case, she knows she did the wrong thing & clearly explained that she knew it was wrong & wanted advice on how to help her dogs so that this mistake would not occur again... I think many have posted that it was a mistake, & Im sure that if Scope wasnt 100% sure that it was a mistake, she is now. So, I think that there have been more than enough negative comments about the incident, how about dropping it now? Or, I will respond to the future posts? great advice worth reading twice !! (getting lost in the fog)
  8. Hi Louise, BIG HUGGS from Di and Molly-dog Maybe you were drawn to the dog breath on DOL When I saw the name "Booger Dog" I thought it could only be you !! R.I.P Barney
  9. BUMP There is still a spot at the Seminar available if anyone is interested I won't be able to attend :rolleyes:
  10. There is a gastro or parvo like thing called "Dog Show crud" (not campylobacter)which only seems to be mentioned on American websites (I can't find any australian references, so not sure if it occurs here at all) says it can be passed from human to dog ..... Quote: bacterial overgrowth? The symptoms of "Dog Show Crud" are similar to parvo but if a fecal is run on there will be a high bacterial content and negative parvo test. a couple of links... they all sort of say the same thing http://www.thedogplace.com/library/DogCare/Dog_Show_Crud.htm http://www.nb.net/~collet/crud.htm http://www.woodhavenlabs.com/crud.html
  11. Handleing Timid dogs might be a good idea for a topic too by the sounds of things ?? Or what makes a dog timid..... something along those lines maybe
  12. Yes Winterpaws, the more I think about it you'd better save me a spot, please . I know that Anything (seminars/worshops etc..) Steve presents is worth it, and I'll be kicking myself later if I miss out. If I can't make it I'll send my Husband to take notes, he might learn a bit too (maybe Steve can train him ) So Yes, that's a definate to book 1 spot.
  13. I'm interested (depends on date) I'm sure you won't have trouble finding dogs I'd love to bring mine I've been to a workshop at Steves place with my dog, but Steve didn't work with her... not sure if that qualifies as having seen her Topic suggestion: The right way to introduce strange dogs, how to handle them to aviod dog agression Sorry if everyone knows how to do this, it doesn't have to be on the agenda. I always tense up (waiting for trouble) and as a result so does my dog and she gets snappy. On the other hand she's met new dogs with my husband and she was happy to play.
  14. K9: The next 8 or so weeks I keep the dog at home when its in the first fear period, this enables me to help my pup avoid the pitfalls in public. This is where I went wrong Got my pup at 12 weeks and I see now that I threw her in the deep end during what I now know is a fear period. K9: by 10 - 12 months, the dogs training can be 100 % reliable, even though some think you cant get that, you can. Have seen this with a friends blue heeler, they got it at 6 weeks and here was I with all my internet learning prediciting that they would have all sorts of problems. He's a Ute dog/works with a landscape gardener, so was carted around from job to job exposed to everything, has turned into the most obedient well behaved, easy going dog at 12 just months, can't fault him.
  15. I think the Ruff Love System might be referring to the book "Ruff Love " A RELATIONSHIP BUILDING PROGRAM FOR YOU AND YOUR DOG Written by Susan Garrett Published by Clean Run Productions I haven't read this book but I think K9 Force has relationship building exercises and motivation techniques covered.... at the seminar I went to anyway. (Come on Steve, write a book ! )
  16. Sorry dogcop, I edited my post...it's explained there now...an amino acid found in raw meat but destroyed during cooking.
  17. Typical analysis is the "actual" amounts (%) in the tin see below --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The page I quoted from is only available in Google cache (can't link direct), I can post the whole page if interested... It's a how to read lables module from speedyvet.
  18. I thought it was the other way around Dogs can eat catfood but cats can't eat dogfood (longterm) because it doesn't contain the added Taurine that cats need. Oh hang on, maybe it's the added Taurine in catfood that dogs can't process eeek I'll have to check now Edit: OK done some reading Turine is an amino acid that's destroyed by cooking, cats need it daily (or they go blind + heart probs) so it's added to catfood. Won't hurt dogs, it's not added to dog food as dogs can make it in their liver. Sorry for the useless info... nothing to do with the thread and here's a link for more fun http://www.petcarenaturally.com/book_health_bible.php
  19. has anyone sent these yet? I still have the emails if it's any help
  20. myszka Posted on 11th Sep 2005 - 05:17 PM I didn't even realise he was agressive Myszka, and here was I watching him and thinking what a perfect dog sidoney Posted on 11th Sep 2005 - 05:24 PM Darn I missed the desensitisation programme, (I was waiting at the top gate for hubby to pick me up, of course he was 1/2 hour late I should have come back down) Oh well, more questions to ask Steve I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and learnt so much stuff, I'm still trying to sort it out in my head, my notes are shocking I didn't mingle much as I was worried about my snappy dog, but it was great to put some faces to names, sorry I didn't get to say Hi to everyone. (I was the lady in the purple shirt with the tan kelpieX) Thankyou Myszka for organising it, and Thankyou Steve !! Brilliant day !!
  21. Thanks myszka Just put me down for 1 spot (1 person/1dog) please
  22. I'm a definate, will bring 1 dog. Can my OH come to watch, maybe just the practical in the arvo, or will I have to book an extra place ??
  23. very interested I have not put my name down before, so after you round those people up if there are any places left please keep me in mind.
  24. Just bumping this to show a friend of mine (whos not a member of the forum) There's great advice here Jen, hope you read the whole thread :rolleyes:
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