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Everything posted by IngeK

  1. Thanks so much for that Aphra!
  2. Is there someone who can tell me the rules for a Kill shelter? I have been looking on the net but cant really find what I am looking for. Like, in Victoria how quick do they kill a dog and when?
  3. I was just about to write the same thing Erny! Just be careful what you say (going to your cousin, going to work etc). It might sound like nothing much but this is an open forum and often burgelers get their information from places like this now a days. Escpecially when holiday time comes up! Im sorry this happened to you, must be a very uncomfy feeling
  4. well done Julie for posting! i have seen some negative posts about RSPCA in the News thread and didnt really think it was nice. I think Jed would be really happy they were there at that moment for her dogs.
  5. A person's worst nightmare and you Jed are right in the middle of it. All the best and strength for now
  6. I would take him with me. At least he is with you guys so no stress in the plane.
  7. what a very sad story Hope the dogs will recover soon and that the attacker will be found
  8. Its more expensive here already as well but then if your animal is chipped you get a discount again. I think what you get if they make it more expensive in registration is that people just dont register anymore. Offtopic Lilli your post about the comparison with Russia is great! I left Europe partly for the rules and regulations but they are worse here. Love your country Australia though so dont tell me to get back :p
  9. I think the higher registration fees makes people actually think about the choice. Many people I know who have entire pets don't really understand a dog's reproductive cycle even. Something that makes them think about why they chose to leave their dogs entire, and makes that a conscious choice, I support. Not just leaving them entire because it's cheaper and requires no action. Not going to debate on it though, just posting my considered opinion as the poll invites. And is that fair? Then I should pay a lot more to have entire dogs because there are some people with dogs that don’t even know what dog is? Again it has to do with education and being responsible and not just let everybody pay a higher price because there are some nitwits around. Starting with kids already. Kids looking at animals in petshops?? Drag them away and tell them its not on. Friends that have a litter?? Tell them its nice but that it is not something everybody can have or do.
  10. Not compulsory but people with entire dogs should pay more registration?? If you see Steve his list there are more cons then pros so why do it anyway? you DO NOT get less pups in the pound by compulsory desexing, you DO get less dogs in the pound if you can get the nations attitude (from people) towards dogs changed!
  11. Exactly! and are registered breeders always breeding in benefit for the breed? For me a nest or 2 every year is more pups in the world as well, but because it's done under "registered breeding" it should all be alright!
  12. I voted NO. Like someone else said, the people that want money of their animal will breed and not desex anyway. There should be a law that it is forbidden to sell animals in petshops. My males are never desexed we do have a GSD bitch that we have desexed when she was 4 because we have an entire male and I dont want and "oops" nest and at the time we wouldnt have enough room to keep them separated while she would be on heat. If I would only have 1 bitch I would never desex her. The reason a vet always gives "the change on cancer is bigger for a bitch" I find really weird. Im not having my breast removed because I might get breastcancer one day. For me it is still weird too that here they look at you funny when you have entire dogs and in the Netherlands they look at you funny when you mention you want your dog desexed Oh and my males never escaped to go after bitches, never fought together or with other dogs because. Its all got to do with being responsible yourself as an owner.
  13. Thats a good article! Shame youre not allowed to copy, lots more people should read this
  14. Glad everything is alright again Webby. Oops...that is a bit of a worry about the he/she stuff up
  15. mmmh dont all 11 week old pups "bite"? When he does it tell him "no" and give him a toy to play with.
  16. 4 month old Pointer pup full access to house, home alone.....oooh....might not be pretty. lots of training thats for sure
  17. why dont you want to leave him inside with full access to your house?
  18. Its ok now Souff, I get it Thanks again We then have a purebreed with all papers and a cross breed GSD (while last one is born in the dogpound and dad is unknown) edit .. extra text added
  19. Its ok now Souff, I get it Thanks again
  20. Thanks Souff, well explained. Funny though to call it purebred if you sometimes dont know the parents or other family so the purebred might be a cross breed.
  21. just for my own understanding, what is the difference between a purebred and a pedigree? Is the pedigree a dog with official papers where the parents are officialy tested etc?
  22. why worry about it if he is allowed on the sofa anyway? He just picks the spot he most likes ;) Id prefer the sofa to then a to small bed I guess
  23. No never do they have theres on at home, only when we go out. Have read to many stories of dogs that hang themselves while having them on at home.
  24. I have one aswell for my GSD and works fine. Only noticed that lock the other day lol, never use it though. I wouldnt buy one again though while I dont find them easy to take of. The lock is hard to get through the ring sometimes. Id prefer a half-check they just slip on very easy.
  25. Our dogs are always inside. I take them for a walk in the morning around 6.30, then later in the afternoon when I come home and again around 8.30 at night. A dog in the back (neigbours) is outside 24/7 and he plays a bit but mostly sits at the fence waiting for attention. Probably cause Im from the Netherlands but 90% of the dogs are inside dogs there so I didnt know any better until I came here in Australia. It wouldnt be my choice to have a dog outside all the time while they are your friend and want to be with you.
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