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Josh Grant

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Everything posted by Josh Grant

  1. this was actually directed at the OP! :p :D
  2. As a dog owner and a poultry exhibitor i find this whole post rather absurd! You need to invest in a secure enclosure for you chooks!!! if a puppy can push throught the wire what would an older dog do? :D yes the chooks can free range occassionaly! but restrain the pup while they do!!! for example: here at my place the dogs are out all morning and then again at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.while the dogs are kenneled for "x" amount of time the chooks are let out to free range! Then when the dogs come back out the chooks get herded back into their pen! When poultry and dogs are to co - exist it is imperitive that a little common sense is excersised! No matter how well your dogs are trained I would never leave them UNATTENDED with poultry as the prey drive is bound to resurface! i think that your reaction to the situation: ie: rehoming the pup is an absolute disgrace! The solution to this problem is in your hands - so fix IT!! Build a more secure chook pen and restrain the puppy whilst the chooks free range! :p Good Luck!
  3. just the head shot on the far right hand bottom corner thanks Freckles - You're a God send! P.S I like it really dark! ETA: could I be a really big pain and get you to put the name in : Monlaird Mystic Magic - "Grace"? thanks for putting up with me!
  4. Ohhh That's lovely - Thanks freckles -can I have 2 signiatures? how do I get it on here? ie how do I get my signiature onto my control panel thingy? ETA: Freckles can I be a PITA and get you to take off the head pic in the bottom left? then I can use it for my record book and as a double with snaps!!! LOL
  5. GORGEOUS!!!!! Thankyou sooooooo much!!! :D
  6. No kennel name Yet! (any 6 weeks now :D ) The Bitches name is Monlaird Mystic Magic "Grace" And I love the colour BLUE!! ETA: Is there any way you can get rid of that green plastic thing in the 1st photo?
  7. Thanks to those of you who have tried to help me - I'm so technologically challenged! I will try to find some bigger pictures so you can work with them a bit easier. Ohh and thankyou Snap! that looks lovely - but I was actually looking for something abit like Risyntira's or Sivaros. Sorry for being such a PITA Thanks again!!! :D P.S Snap I am keeping the one you made for my little record book!! Edited because I'm an idiot! :p
  8. Would some Kind soul like to make me a signiature out of these photos - PLEEEEEEAAAAASE! :D - pretty please! LOL
  9. Darn, couldn't resist temptation and I pressed the button
  10. As a Border Collie and Exhibition Poultry enthusiast I can say there is noway on Earth that those ducks could have been left out to play with that dog, no matter how good he is. Dogs are Dogs and as such have natural instincts to chase and herd small animals. I hope you find him a wonderful forever hom as he is a rather handsome lad. ( I can feel my heart melting already, and naughty voice saying "what's one more?" Footnote: I find it rather strange that they chose the ducks over the dog. :rolleyes: Kind regards and best wishes, josh :p
  11. Oh no! Forget the rosettes and go for the English Saddle! (next time) Only a bit more work and muuuuuuch nicer. ;) Next time we will have to have an online poll to deside what clip to go for! Hear hear!
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