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Everything posted by poochie

  1. Hi saltwood I am glad your guy is no longer a stinky one would you be able to let us know what raw stuff you have been feeding are you doing barf or making/buying your own stuff. I'd like to get get rid of one of my stinkies and will feed the lot raw if its going to help thanks cheers
  2. Try Baiada Poultry in Laverton Nth. I go there and buy chicken stuff direct and they have Turkey products at irregular intervals. They might be worth a try ;) There number is 9368 9000. Cheeers
  3. Thanks for all the good advice and suggestions Cheers all
  4. After reading alot of past threads regarding raw feeding, I noticed that most DOLers blend veges or fruits together, freeze, then thaw when needed and mix with raw meats, offal etc. Is there veges/fruits that shouldnt be used apart from onions, garlic (that one always confuses me -is it just not raw garlic?) dried fruits, and I have heard grapes and stone fruits, should'nt be used and is there some fruits & veges that are better than others? Thanks for any help. :D Cheers
  5. Im always scared as pups they will fall or jump off, and end up hurting themselves.
  6. Oakway, That seems so drastic Has your dog/dogs ever had to be debarked? Poodlewrangler; So they can still make some sort of noise? :p do you know how or why they (vets) would do this procedure? I would/could never do it myself. dont have a reason too. Thank goodness Was just interested. Cheers. Cant spell, had to edit.
  7. Have an enclosed litter box, one of my guys got his head stuck!!! crap from a hole to breakfast not impressed
  8. Sea Minerals-Dermal Oitment Excellent for Dogs,cats Horses,cattle Goats
  9. That was a really good site, but my vet told me to raise the food bowls. Now Im really unsure, Am going out immediatly to get some mylanta gas or equivelant. would gripe water help??? Thanks ;) The Purdue University study clearly showed a link between raised food bowls and increased risk of bloat. Risk Factors : High risk age group [if large & >5 years or if giant & >3 years] Deep and narrow chest compared with other dogs in the same breed Having any first degree relative with history of GDV Using a raised food bowl Being a faster eater compared with other dogs source: http://www.vet.purdue.edu/epi/clbr.htm I don't know about gripe water - doesn't it have alcohol in it? (I'm thinking of the stuff people used to use for babies, but that might not be what you mean?) Thanks for the Purdue site. Yeah your right, (just looked it up) it does contain alcohol, didnt realise that. 4 kids never had to use it, just knew it was supposed to be good for burps. Cheers
  10. That was a really good site, but my vet told me to raise the food bowls. Now Im really unsure, Am going out immediatly to get some mylanta gas or equivelant. would gripe water help??? Thanks
  11. Too much corn for my guys, but my sister in law swears by it, uses the poodle food, her babies wont eat anything else and Tara was losing weight there for a while from just not eating. now both dogs doing great
  12. There made by a different company as the dog toilet which are about $380.oo to buy, they are called a pup head toilet and are around $160.00 Same principal as the doggy loo they just dont have the draw setup. :D
  13. I use either Plush Puppy or Laser Lites, both brands are soap free and was told they are both made by breeders. I use herbal or mild. they both smell great and you dont seem to have to use much.
  14. Yeah I know what you mean. 1 of the cats is not bad but the other one spends most days shedding her coat. they were fine till they were desexed then their coats became thick and wavy and they now shed every where?
  15. Thanks for the offer, just found out my neighbour has one and can try it when she gets back from hols next week. Cant wait to try
  16. Have tried the pin brush, two of my guys - are fine, but the pup runs a mile when he sees it but handles the other brushes though, which are'nt doing a lot. This pup we have just rescued and he, naturally not used to brushing thinks Im the worst in the world for even attempting such an act and stresses out at this stage if I attempt to spend any longer than 2mins with him, and was wondering if the furminator would seem less invasive to him? or any other suggestions.. Thanks
  17. Thanks, On the prowl now for a trial demo.
  18. Sorry for the roaring Irish Wolfhounds, have a coat king that was given to me, but not sure if the blade size is right as it works so so one one dog but nothing on the other
  19. I use it for with my cats and it's AMAZING (I would pay milions of dollars for this product). It's also great for my golden retriever but it hardly works on my aussie shep. It really depends on the type of coat they have (soft and staight, cat like, would be the best I think). Thanks, have Irish Wolfhounds and Devon Rex"s. The cats dont really shed, but they love to be brushed, am using a mars coat king on the dogs at the moment, but have been looking at the furminator site, WOW! do you really get that much of the undercoat out..
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