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Everything posted by LENI

  1. stop wasting time on the internet and get to the vets... i know that i would be!
  2. i wish you lived in qld.
  3. both dogs went to puppy kindy together - they finished that about 1.5months ago - would they remember eachother??
  4. i treat her as a dog. we go to the dog park every week and she see dogs all different shapes and sizes. do you think i should take her to obedience training or just more interaction with other dogs??
  5. i took leni out to the local show and we meet up with a friend that also has a shih tzu x maltese. Leni was so nasty to my friends little dog - jumping all over her, growling, barking and snailing. she was aggressie and has never beenlike this before?? i am wondering why and i am very concerned about her behaviour. both dogs are the same age (5months) and size. opinions would be much appreciated.
  6. wipe the door over with citronella - it will keeo her away but you will have to keep reapplying!
  7. LENI

    Dog Vomitting

    how is squishy? ha sthe vomitting stopped?!?!
  8. LENI

    Dog Vomitting

    mischevious - understatment! haha! i ahvent weighed Leni for about 1 month but at 3mnths she was 1.1kg! She is very little too but she is sooooooooo fluffy!
  9. LENI

    Dog Vomitting

    http://forums.dogzonline.com.au/index.php?...=6&t=101630 have a look at this forum!
  10. LENI

    Dog Vomitting

    totally gorgeous! how old is she? have you seen my Leni? She is Shih tzu X here is a pic!
  11. Where abouts in Brisbane are you moving to?
  12. LENI

    Dog Vomitting

    squishy we need a pic!
  13. LENI

    Dog Vomitting

    Squishy, is she a pure shih tzu?
  14. LENI

    Dog Vomitting

    Leni hasnt done this but i have been todl by other shihtzu owners that this can happen. It was suggested that in the event this happens to give them a little parafin oil.
  15. I disagree. I wouldn't feed Eukanuba. Try Eagle Pack, Royal Canin or one of the super premium foods for a better quality dry food. Taffy, Chum is awful, it's really poor quality IMO. The raw food and vegies you are feeding her is a good diet. what is wrong with eukanuba??
  16. i was advised that eukanuba is the best dry food to feed - it will provent odours in all respects.
  17. when mine had her 12week shot she was very whiny for the first 24hours afterwards... couldnt even pick her up without her squealing! she was completely off food aswell. the next morning she was back to her usual self...
  18. LENI

    Male Contests

    totally understand what your meaning to about lectures on this site about desexing -it is by owners choice.
  19. LENI

    Male Contests

    totally understand what your meaning to about lectures on this site about desexing -it is by owners choice.
  20. as its getting colder i am wearing stockings to work.. the fact that there is only 5 days in the working week and i have gone through 6 pairs this week indicates what an ankle biter i have....
  21. what sort of dog is sammi??
  23. i really would take any risks at that age.. try some parafin and if that fails head straight to your vet. You dont want her to strain to much. good luck..
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