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Everything posted by RL1

  1. I was told today my boy will be getting a new collar. A pink one
  2. I'm feeling guilty about having him desexed now. I wonder if i should've given it more thought, even waited until Monday. A couple of people who know were shocked that i've had him desexed, but i had his best interests in mind when i chose to have it done. ;)
  3. It's really only a 10min surgery isn't it ? I'd only just drove the breeder back to her place and i got the phone call to come back. Very cheap too, not that the money side had anything to do with it. If i told you what i paid for the C5 you wouldn't believe me. Overall i can't fault this pratice. He's come through fine. He walked out to the car, bit unsteady of course, but better than i thought. He's sleeping now near me.
  4. My boy is home, though he's missing two things. I had him knocked out and given a full medical, had both his ears cleaned and treated, a swob taken, some blood tests done, nails clipped and prostrate checked. Plus a C5 vacc. I decided at the last minute to have him desexed. Myself and the breeder left the surgery at 10 AM and i got a phone call at 10-50AM to say he's ready to be picked up. This vet is great. Can handle problem dogs, knows what he's doing and doesn't rip you off. Just have to wait for the results of the swob. The blood tests done on the spot all came back with excellent results.
  5. He's on monthly heartworm atm, but he has had the yearly injection in the past. Cheaper rego is a bonus. I didn't even think about that. I don't think the vet will care or try to persuade one way. It'll be up to the breeder and I, but ultimately i'll have the final decision. The breeder is not a fan of them either. She prefers the monthly tablets. My female almost 10 yr old Rotty has had the yearly injection the past few years now. She also has a yearly vacc, which the breeder doesn't really agree with me on that one either. Yes, both my dogs are Rottweilers. Both have had the yearly injection before. The breeder also thinks the yearly vaccs are overkill. I won't go into detail what she says. I'm not convinced yearly vaccs are dangerous. My old girl lived to 11.5 yrs and my current female will be 10 soon. Both have always had yearly vaccs throughout their life. I'll wait and see tomorrow morning what happens.
  6. That's a flash looking crate Huski. I've never seen those type. It looks more like a playpen.
  7. don't bet on it. some vets will just push product , citing convenience. Hopefully yours doesn't. No, not this vet. The breeder knows him too well. She's also coming with me.
  8. It may well be. It was just my idea. I'm sure the vet will let me know tomorrow.
  9. There's no prostrate problems in his lines, i just thought it might be better to be safe than sorry. Also i thought it might change his temp a little, but the breeder and others here seem to think not. He will need to be sedated to have his ear checked and a swob taken, so i thought maybe get him desexed tomorrow as well, but i'm not sure. I'm going to have some blood tests done on the spot as well.
  10. My 7 yr old male is booked to see the vet tomorrow. One thing i have to decide today is should i have him desexed tomorrow. I was leaning towards it, but the breeder said she wouldn't worry about it. He's having a swob of his ear taken, he's due for a vacc and i was thinking about getting the heartworm injection too. The breeder and i also disagree on vacc. and heartworm injections too. Would desexing change a male dogs temp. at all ? Wouldn't it be better health wise ?
  11. I wouldn't call them rare either. I see these blue pups in the weekend shopper on a regular basis. Usually anywhere from $1500 to $2500.
  12. I don't think that's possible. If that was my Salon, i'd have them all strapped to a trolley and muzzled Hannibal Lecter style. That will shut them up.
  13. Rather than abuse the posters in this thread and call them ignorant and unintelligent, take it up with the journo who wrote the article. What abuse ?
  14. I've got a bad habit of leaving the tray on the wall and walking off only to come back and find it torn to shreds and the inside sucked away when i come back. This has happened several times and the dogs have been fine, but stupid on my part. My dogs only eat chicken/meat from Coles/Woolies, so i need to be more careful.
  15. Not your decision to make. End of story. RottyLover01
  16. She's lovely. Looks very happy.
  17. Lol, there's nothing little about him. Nice boy.
  18. He's a big unit. He didn't miss out in his manly bits either
  19. The same argument could be put forward about the child and parent but There are no winners here.
  20. A former friend of mine going back 10 years or so owned/ran a salon/barber shop out at Petrie and would take her 70kg Rottweiler/Ridgeback cross to work everyday. She wasn't meant to and we all knew it, but 99% of the customers loved him. He'd come out and greet them, lay down or walk off out back. Looking at it now i can see it was a risk, but back then it never crossed my mind that anything bad could happen.
  21. Such a shame. Imagine the love and joy he could have given someone.
  22. You could try TeamWork Dog obedience. They train at Carseldine, Redcliffe and Caboolture.
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