A friend is soon to give birth, my concern is that she has a dog and has no basic commands control over it. The dog was a "rescue", the previous owners had to get rid of it because it was attacking there other dogs.
Since it's arrival this dog has culled the possum population in their neighbourhood leaving nothing but the head and a bit of fur, and it's keen to attack anything on 4 legs.
She pampers it, keeps it inside at night, puts a raincoat on it if it rains, overcoat if it's cold, etc, etc which this OK by me. But if her husbands away overnight she lets it sleep in bed with her.
They're set up a kiddies barrier in the hallway to prevent the dog from entering the baby's room at night when they go to bed.
Her husband says he's going to bring home items of the baby's clothing for the dog to familiarise with the scent.
Knowing my friends naivety to the whole thing, I'm very worried. Their parents are also worried and have voiced their concerns to them.
With recent events in the news I may be an over reacting, but by posting this I'm hoping to get advise on whether or not to also speak out about the matter.