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Everything posted by joelle

  1. Def the XL. Even if not used full time, they come in really handy, such as after ops, or visiting children. For the dog or the child I would say if you crate tain a pup, they usually like their crate anyhow in my experience.
  2. Such a difficult decision for you to make. Poor old fella, he had a good life. I would go with the mobile vet. Thinking of you
  3. Yes but was that an 'official' training, ? our trainer told us there wsnt supposed to be a training session, just enrolments, but they changed their mind and had a session instead. I thought it was more 'ad hoc' than planned. So was that week 1 or is 3rd May week 1? Sorry, I don't know then I don't participate in the classes so I just assumed there was training because I saw everyone there. When I first enrolled there was training that night, too. Regardless though, training kicks back in week after next :D Yep either way its back on 3rd may! yay
  4. Yes but was that an 'official' training, ? our trainer told us there wsnt supposed to be a training session, just enrolments, but they changed their mind and had a session instead. I thought it was more 'ad hoc' than planned. So was that week 1 or is 3rd May week 1?
  5. 2 weeks from then is 2nd may, We dont start official training until Monday 3rd so I dont see how they think you will miss2 weeks? I thnk she is great
  6. I know that loads of vets offer puppy classes for socialisation and they can go before they are finished their vacs We checked that out with our vet but Harley was too old when we asked (10wks) and then the vet told us he's probably too big for the other puppies as they'd all be 8-12 wks old Try here: http://trainapuptime.com/ They cover basic obidiece and socialization and by the time it finishes there won't be a big wait until you start next term. And then for consistency, she also does the puppy class at Southern River, I would highly recommend her
  7. Im going to have a looksie around, look forward to meet some of you there
  8. Hi, Southern River are taking enrolments on 19th - this coming Monday - at 6.30 - 7.pm. Ill be there too :D
  9. I love the puppy stage. the goofiness the snuggles, the smell, all just gorgeous. My last 2 experiences were easier than my first, I think we just keep learning. I would not have another puppy without a crate, which is amazing because until 2 years ago I had never even contemplated it, but Jake and Rosie both loved their crate, they were secure and safe and housetrained really quickly. It certainly made my life much easier especially for Jake as JRT pups are tiny so at least I knew where he was Neither of them dug or chewed, We went to puppy school, life was a breeze. My first dog Ellie was Oh My God What Have I Done. With no experience I bought a BYB cross bred lab x staffy :D who now resembles a great dane. :D I didn't have the crate for her (totally uneducated) the vet thought she was 6 weeks old not 8 as I was told she was full of worms - all in all a very unwell badly bred puppy. She was also very dominant towards us - and I believe that she still would be if we didnt follow NILIF. So despite not being the most experienced person in the owrld, I have learned and improved alot and lo and behold, my puppy raising experiences have too.........
  10. My girl is 7 months and can hold on all night - especially if in her crate - guaranteed no accidents
  11. Advance and Super coat mixed...reason being..... Rosie came to me on Advance and I was already feeding Jake supercoat. Rosie though Jakes supercoat was nicer than her advance and Jake thought her advance was nicer than his supercoat. Solution:- I mix them together for both dogs 2 cups of advance to every 1/2 cup of supercoat or thereabouts. Works well for me and my dogs.
  12. Mim, I was in city farmers southern river on Thursday. I think they were only closing on Friday. so should be open tomorow, possibly shorter hours. 10.00 - 4 rings a bell
  13. Ive been up there the last 2 weeks and no-one has said anything / approached me. To be fair alll I have been doing is walking Rosie around the grounds and watching the classes, to get her used to the sounds and smells of lots of dogs in one area before I enrol her in the next term, but that in itself is also a form of training? If you mean off leash training - I think I read somewhere that if you are member of any of the clubs there, you can use the grounds at your discretion? I thought there was some form of training / function held there most days / evenings?
  14. Hi, I read the development calendar and was interested to note that the second fear phase comes in approx 8 months. is this set in stone or can this appear younger? ie 6 months? ETA I also just read some of your advice earlier where you say a female deveolops quicker than a male so Im guesing we could be entering FP2? It sounds like clear confident leadership, ongoing training and socialising will help to bring her out the other end safely:)
  15. I have had dogs from BYB, refuges and god knows where :D DOL plus my own experiences have influenced me to buy a puppy only from a registered breeder but not confined to breeders on DOL on here.
  16. Ellie - She is a big boof head and i wanted nice girly name to contradict that. I liked Ellie. Jake - After a professional mx rider who won the championship the year Jake was born. Also "Jake the muss" off 'once were warriors' - big tough guy - Jake was so tiny when we got him, the complete opposite of a big tough guy Rosie was to be called Ascha but when I met her she was far to feminine and pretty and I felt that Ascha was more lion like - Rosie was a gentle pretty name and suited her much better..I also wanted to follwo the theme of human names and "Rosie" sat well when said with "Jake."
  17. Abrham Appollo Armand Bailey x 3 Balou Bandit Banjo Bardigrub Bart Barton Baxter Bear x2 Benji Benny Billy Bing Bluey Boxer Brady Brock Brockie Brody Bruce Bud Bundy Caramel Carl Champ Charlie x 4 Chevy Chip Coco Cooper Cowan x 2 Cuba Danny Darcy x 2 Dashx2 Deakin Dean Declan Delgado Diablo Diesel Digby Digger Dinky Douglas Dumas Dylan Eddie Elijah Edge Esky FlashBazil Frank Gandor Greedy Hail Harley Harrison Henry Hudson Ivan Jack Jake Jasper x 2 JayDee Jethro Jett Jordan Joshua Judd Juggie Kahn Kaiser Kasper Kaos Kiba Kei Kisho Kyzer Leroy Lestat Logan Luca Lukas MacKenzie Max x 2 Maxie Merlot Merry Milky Milosh Minook Mistral Mr Darcy Nammu Nigel Noah Nova Nudge Nugget Onslow Oz Payton Piikki Porsha Punch Quick Raffy Randy Reeve Riku Riley Ripley Rocks Rove Rover Roy Jones Jnr Rupert Rusty Scout Scratch Shadow Silas Snitch Speed Spencer Spike Sport Spud Sterling Storm Swanky Tazz x 2 Teddy Tey Dog Thunder Tiger Tirra Tub Tusca Tye Tyson Ulf Wags Walker Watson Weave Willy Woody Zac Zedley Zephyr Zeus
  18. I am not familiar with what is required for obedience trials. jake is not super obedient, but that is because I havent put the effort in. Whn out off leash, he will run and wander and sniff but as soon as I whistle or call him he is straight back to me. That is without me putting in too much effort either. He is an extremely loyal little dog, whether presented with challenges or not, so he - as an individual dog - would probably be good for agility or obedience. We did agility for a while with him but my son lost interest in the formal kind (he was th eonly child) so he does it in the back yard
  19. This describes Jake my 2yr old JRT perfectly
  20. I have a 2 yr old male JRT who is very busy, active, loyal, obedient, very good recall, but a complete snugglebum too. He is a very small dog with a very big heart. And yes , he thinks he is the boss of the others but a word from me puts him back in his place. The word that jumps out at me to describe him most is loyal.
  21. Lulu. 19/10/07 - 30/10/09 aged 2 yrs and 1 week and 4 days...... A typical JRT x chi, Such a fiery little character that I was blessed to know and love. She was taken by a snake last week, but in true Lulu character, she fought to the bitter end. The snake also lost its fight for life. Her family are left behind, distraught and devastated. Her 12 yr old owner and co-owner cry themselves to sleep at night at the empty mound on the bed where Lulu once lay. Her doggy brother hasnt eaten properly for a week. Her human mum and dad stare silently at the empty bed and disused toys. No words need to be said, the silence is deafening.... My own JRT Jake cannot understand where his bestest friend has gone....She was there last time he went to play, "where is she mum?" "Why havent the kids taken us to river this week mum", "Why arent we going on a bike ride mum" "Wheres Lulu , I wanna go play, I havent seen her all week, lets go play" "whats up with the kids"?? RIP Lulu. You will never be forgotten chick, go run with Lizzy n Larry, they will be so surprised to see you so soon after them, after all, they were 15, you were only just 2 years old.....there but Im sure they will show you ropes.... I know I am very very proud to have had the pleasure of being your 'auntie'. We hasdsuch fun watching you, Jake and the kids get up to your antics together. I know the kids will grow up and remember you to their own kids about the adventures you guys had together. I wonder if ever realised just how special you were and what you meant to two young kids and a JRT ...A 12 yr old girl, her best buddy/cousin - also 12 yrs old, and their 2 dogs, the very close friendship so tragically cut short. :D
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