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Posts posted by joelle

  1. Thank you :)

    Yes he is looking forward to progressing through the ranks. He progressed to pre-trial with his JRT, but sadly we lost Jake in Febraury just weeks after getting Fly. He is in intermediate next term, then hopefully he will go straight to pre trial where he can learn the big ropes :D

    Thry are both only very young so theres no hurry :)

  2. I just found this thread and I'd like to congratulate everyone on their results :) Some marvellous brags out there to be proud of :( You all must work very hard.

    One day my son might join you but for now he (13yrs) and his almost 6 month old Border collie passed advanced beginners last week in 1st place with 99 :laugh: so thats our first brag,,,,,, :birthday:

  3. SROADC starts back 9th may. Agility is 7 pm. Not sure what time they are running advanced beginners but there is usually a 7 pm class. If your wanting to do agility, check if they are running an 8pm advanced beginners class. They did last term:)

  4. We didnt get too much rain here, just enough to run for the car for 10 mins :D

    Hope everyone enjoyed the agility today, I enjoyed watching it - it looks hard, but I better get used to it, my son loves it and wants to do it with his pup when he is older, especially after being involved today :)

    If you were to add an adult dog to your one pup family, is there an ideal age for your pup to be? Or the adult for that matter? very similar breeds, so similar same size and temperament.

    Just puttting it out there. :)

  5. My big one is "I should of" ie "I should of gone to the shop earlier".... :confused:

    I can see where this one comes from though, the correct grammar would be "I should have gone to the shops earlier" but we have shortened it to "I should've" which has then become "I should of"

    I know but it still annoys me :thumbsup: 'of' and 'have' are two completely different meanings :thumbsup:

  6. Good :thumbsup: Ill be there watching, Ive seen you work your dogs before and was amazed, so Ill be looking forward to that :thumbsup:

    LOL it can't possibly have been agility that you were amazed :confused: . Make sure you come and say hi - I am running Lexi on Sunday - god help both of us, so I will be the one bent over and puffing madly :laugh:

    No it was obedience. :laugh: I think it was the fudraiser for the floods night. I'll be sure to come and say Hi :rofl:

  7. Yep hugs RnH - and the flip side - well done to you and Joelle's son on passing - Woo Hoo :thumbsup:

    WX - I am behind the times .......are you expecting???????

    Joelle - I will be at the agility trial :laugh:

    Good :thumbsup: Ill be there watching, Ive seen you work your dogs before and was amazed, so Ill be looking forward to that :confused:

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