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Everything posted by Andisa

  1. Thank you so much Leema - I have used your letter and tweaked it a little bit, that was much nicer than how I would have worded it - thanks again. Cheers. Lisa :D I have been asked about pug crosses many times now and I needed help to word this enquiry nicely, even one of my daughters cousins has 2 pug crosses, asked me about a pug and went and bought 2 crosses from a friggen pet shop .
  2. It's a start. If you point out that no registered breeder can crossbreed within the code of conduct, they tend to pay attention to that. Yes - sorry should have said I already included that but need some links. I would like to put a draft together now to save me typing the same thing dozens of times. I feel like I am writing a book with half the replies, trying to keep it simple and to the point but nice.
  3. Ok - I suppose people are doing the rounds now looking for Christmas puppies, already had a few even though I do have written that I won't have a litter until 2012. Anyway I am after some quick links about nasty puppy farms please so I can put the reply in a nice way with facts that any pug x will only come from a BYB or puppy farm as well as a reminder that there is no such thing as a "Puggle". Here is the enquiry - Hi Lisa, My Fiancé and I are looking for a Puggle pup, While I understand that you are a pug breeder and most likely do not cross breed, are you able to perhaps, send me in the right direction of a breeder? I'm not really keen on going through a pet shop for risk of Puppy Farming etc. cheers ***
  4. Maddy27, I know a few of Nico's offspring, going to see 2 of them today. Are you buying your dogs from QLD? Good luck with your plans.
  5. It's all about the money, simple as that .
  6. I keep coming back to this thread, it has really annoyed me. What ever happened to common decency - there was a time when giving your word to someone was actually worth something - even more when it was on paper. What a shame to place such little value on oneself. Pinkpuppy - have you contacted the breeder of your bitch yet?
  7. Felix Crni Lotos - sorry to correct the name but it does matter :D . He has sired several litters in Aus now, do a google search and check them out. Congrats, looking forward to lots of photos when they arrive. I have "Crni Lotos" lines too, beautiful dogs with lovely temperaments.
  8. I really hope this breeder has a top solicitor who is well versed in breech of contracts so when Pink puppy takes the breeder to court that she (Pink puppy) will have the opportunity to understand what agreeing to a contract and signing it really does mean. I wish the breeder all the luck in the world at getting this bitch back and keeping the whole $2500 for breech of contract PLUS all court expenses - I would love to be there :D .
  9. I think Poppy is a great name for a Lab! I considered "Emily" and "Charlotte" as well, but felt they were a bit too subdued. Little Poppy will be born on Thursday and I am BURSTING with excitement! I already have a nickname for her, too: "Popcorn Chicken" Good luck with your puppy.
  10. I have already gone around in circles Flaves, was not expecting this. Just wish I had the cash now so I could get her out of there . Just hope they do the right thing and send the dog back where she belongs, really not much to ask considering they agreed to it and signed a contract. Not the dogs fault she is bored and destructive - nor the breeder. The requirements are not met. What i meant by the breed doesnt matter - the fact that ANY dog is being treated like this. That someone wont send it back because she wants her money back - even though she doesnt want the dog because it has destroyed the backyard and barks is wrong. It doesnt make it better or worse dependant on the breed she has. Yes i am glad the OP has named the breed, but is she just leading us all on a merry chase? Didnt someone say before she had a GSD? She bred labs and had another breed? Fair enough - what a horrible situation. I would like to add to Pink puppy - I hope all your future puppy buyers give you the same respect (or lack of) that you have shown the breeder of this Rottweiler bitch. edited because I can not spell .
  11. OH SHIT - then I really do advise you to do the right thing and return this dog to her breeder... You know what? it is not about what breed, it doesnt really matter. What matters is this pup/bitch is not wanted because it barks and is destructive and the OP wont just give her back to the breeder because she wants her money back. PP - send the bitch back. You are doing the wrong thing by the dog and the breed and the breeder. You dont want her, well if the breeder rehomes her maybe they will refund your money. I have already gone around in circles Flaves, was not expecting this. Just wish I had the cash now so I could get her out of there . Just hope they do the right thing and send the dog back where she belongs, really not much to ask considering they agreed to it and signed a contract. Not the dogs fault she is bored and destructive - nor the breeder. The requirements are not met.
  12. In SA? mainly NSW, moved to SA not too long ago. Well I hope to God the breeder can get this dog back - just what this breed does not need
  13. OH SHIT - then I really do advise you to do the right thing and return this dog to her breeder...
  14. "I would offer to buy the dog just to get it out of there... " well it does to me Because you clearly do not want her - simple really..
  15. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Your words - and you roll your eyes at me by saying what you have you make out like I'm abusing my dog! I did not say abuse - but I am not feeling any love or consideration for her at all. Just return her to the breeder it is really very simple.
  16. Only a few months by the looks of it - I guess they never thought any further than the uterus.
  17. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Your words - and you roll your eyes at me
  18. If I had a spare couple of thousand laying around I would offer to buy the dog just to get it out of there... Unless someone held a gun to your head forcing to sign the contract then you should stick with it. You agreed to the terms and since your not prepared to keep up the agreement then at least do right by the dog and breeder and return it. Simple really.
  19. Fantastic news, I - like everyone else have been turning on the computer before doing anything else checking to see if there was good news and thank the powers that be - there is. Well done. Hopefully after a vet check you can all relax now and get ready for the safe delivery of beautiful healthy puppies. *happy tears for all *
  20. sorry I should not - just hope you didn't use any unnecessary force making them co-operate :D . I am sitting here feeling your pain - I mean I really do feel it . Your better than me though - I tell them if they have not maintained their dogs coats I will clip them off . got to love the "no shows' though hey....
  21. It is going back ~ 35 yrs+ since I saw this done so not sure if I am right. The people my parents bought the farm from kept his dogs on the property for several years after they semi-retired (dogs barked in town so they stayed on the farm only 5 mins from town), he retained a few hundred acres as an interest but could no longer manage the whole farm. He picked the dogs up when he needed them, they were his dogs but we looked after them if he didn't come around - was easier this way and we had use of the dogs too. Only problem was he trained his dogs to whistles and we could not whistle the way he did . I think the dogs felt sorry for us and were fine with hand signals, watching the old farmer work the dogs was a whole new experience - amazing to say the least. He kept one dog with him but we did inherit the others when he could no longer manage them. Any way he trained the young dogs by starting them off tied to the experienced adults, I remember him explaining it to me at the time but it was so long ago. The pups learned the signals by learning from the adults - they learned or got dragged around a bit until the got the message. They soon picked up what meant down, stay, go back, go way back, come, forward, go slow, go round... much more to it but as I said it was a very long time ago. I watch him using the dogs to move stock on the roads too with the young pup tied to an adult but not in the yards. The last thing you want to do is risk a young dog getting hurt and putting it off working. He used either a short length of chain or rope tied to both dogs collars. It would need to be done by someone with a lot of patience and really knows the dogs well, not suited to just any dogs I would imagine. Same goes with people, not all would do this the right way either. Hope someone who has experience with this method comes in to explain it better.
  22. Yep - an oldie with some farmers. Have seen it done when I was a kid with great success.
  23. I think most are impulse buys - the girl in the pet shop "forgets" to mention the fluffy coats don't stop growing and for some reason heaps of people don't stop to think long enough about what the pups will look like as adults. Lack of thought - good intentions don't last long enough.
  24. Over the yrs I have asked a few people to take their dogs to the vet and the ones that I was really worried about had cancer, some were very advanced and pts soon after, others a yr or so later. The one that I will never forget, I had been doing her on a regular basis and she looked great last time (every 12 weeks), her belly was very swollen and she stunk bad - really bad. I asked the owner to please take her to the vet, she called me the next day to tell me that the dog had emergency surgery when she took her in - she had Pyometra and they almost lost her. I had never seen pyo before and it was well before I became a breeder so knew little about it - however I will never forget that little dog. It is really sad when you see the regular dogs coming in and they are aging - all the lumps and bumps, it is hard watching them struggling with arthritis. I love doing the oldies, they have a kindness about them (well the good ones do). You get to know the owners and the dogs well, it is sad when you feel the changes in their bodies and ask the owners to get them checked. I remind them that I am not a vet but anything that comes up fast is not a good sign, feeling lumps that you know were not there last time or more advanced than the time before and you know their time is getting closer. I have given many of the oldies long cuddles and kisses and said my good byes before the owners pick them up thinking I may not see them again - some I do - others I get the phone call saying they have gone. So - while it's not all horrible, it can be very sad in other ways too. It is easy getting favorites and attached to some dogs, we share the owners loss too when they have to say goodbye. Strange feeling for someone who was called a dog hater on the first page... edited - sp?
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