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Everything posted by Diva

  1. Mine do, and have for over 20 years (not the same dogs of course ). They are all the same breed, Borzoi, and I have never had an argument between them that needed vet attention in all that time. I have had older dogs put a cheeky puppy in its place, but it would be a single telling off and maybe a single tooth mark - I have not had more of an issue than that between them. But that doesn't mean it won't happen one day, I'd never say never. Even breeds that usually get on in groups can have individuals that don't. And I do have the issue that one of the current young dogs is too rough in play and has caused her playmate to see a chiropractor. In that case I wish the dog getting injured would tell the other one off, but she doesn't. I'm talking here about dogs living together, which has been very harmonious. But with strange dogs many of mine as adults have been pretty uninterested or preferred they keep their distance. As youngsters they'd play with anyone.
  2. They are lovely. Are they named after the characters in 'To Kill a Mockingbird', or just coincidence?
  3. If the tooth isn't cracked and the pulp isn't exposed they may not need to do anything much. If it is serious you'd need to see a specialist to do anything much more sophisticated than take the tooth out I think.
  4. I use wide matingale style sighthound collars. They can't be backed out of easily. No flexi leashes on the streets - I hate those things in suburbia, too many dogs being walked along the footpaths on them with the owners having no control. How someone can't control a small dog on a flexi leash I don't know, but mostly they can't around here.
  5. In that situation I'd tell her you were in the middle of an exercise that she had just ruined and that you decide when your dog plays, not her. Doesn't matter if he is friendly or not, I'd be very grumpy that a good training session had been ruined and your dog's attention spoilt. Aussielover it doesn't sound like you or your pup did anything wrong, you tried to move away and her dog followed. Her problem was having no recall.
  6. Diva


    There was one dead in my street in suburban Canberra this morning, hit by a car. I have never seen them quite this close to home, but there are a number of parks and schools surrounding me so probably plenty of tucker to scavange. It was a beautiful looking animal.
  7. You're welcome, those faces he is pulling in your signature always make me smile.
  8. Maybe he does need it. I wouldn't hold it back if he does, unless you see him getting a bit porkie. Really your eye and your judgement are the best guide as to how much to feed. Generally for offal the rule of thumb is about 10% of the total diet, of which about half is liver and the rest kidneys, brains etc. It can be a proportion of each meal but it doesn't have to be. Some meals can have more and some less or none. You are aiming for balance over time (although too much offal at one sitting can give some dogs the runs). Liver is one thing to be careful with. A balanced raw diet must have some, but you can cause problems if you feed too much. So not more than 10% of the food in liver over a week, much preferably around the 5%. Some of the bone should be edible - and I assume your minced frames are providing that. Some people are completely anti-grain, but from experience mine do fine with some oatmeal, barley or rice in their diet. The other thing to go for is variety in types of meat, so that he gets both red and white meats and different sorts. All just my opinion of course, I'm not some huge expert in this stuff.
  9. Hi p-m. You must be sick of me replying to your posts but as no-one else has I'll have a go. 2% is about 3/4 kilo if he is 35 kg now, that sounds about right for him. He's about 10 months old I think? So probably if he's 35 kg now he won't get too much bigger - maybe another 5kg-ish, maybe a bit more, hard to say without seeing him and his relatives. I'd suggest you weigh him and start at 2% but keep a close eye on his condition. If he wants more and looks like he could do with it just increase the ration. I'd also split it across two meals. None of mine have had any tendency to overeat as youngsters anyway, if that happens with this breed it seems to come with middle age (just like me, LOL).
  10. Diva


    Not necessarily. They might know without having enough evidence to stand up in a prosecution. Pokey, the people I heard the story from weren't focussed on the motivation for the release nor trying to give it an anti-hunter spin, their interest was in the eradication effort.
  11. I'm not a breeder either, but if you are a member of DOL check out the first page that comes up when you sign in - it has a list of dodgy people including some who buy for bulk export without letting on. The people listed in the canine assocaition gazettes who have a large number of export permits issued to them are usually (maybe always) agents for overseas pet shops as well.
  12. The Oaks is lovely. The organic cafe at the Belconnen markets is dog friendly too -if you don't mind sitting outside in this weather. They do provide knee rugs
  13. Diva


    Can you provide a source though? If not, it's best to be clear upfront that what you're repeating is hearsay only and not fact- that's what I'm getting at. I thought by referring to it as hearing a story I was being clear it was hearsay. I have heard it from more than one source, and in both Tasmania and Canberra, but that doesn't make it any more than hearsay. Of course, not everything that happens makes Google either.
  14. Diva


    I've heard that same deliberate release story.
  15. I really value these informative and well explained posts, I love getting into this level detail.
  16. Didn't dressage start as moves that may be needed in battle? So did 'paws of death' Aren't they lovely in that photo. I think two of mine might be willing to do that. The other one would run amok, charge into traffic and put us under the wheels of a bus
  17. Suggest you ask the moderators to move this thread to General. Rainbow Bridge is where people post about dogs that have recently died.
  18. I have had 2 out of 3 get it at the same time. Oddly, the one who didn't was the one who hadn't been vaccinated against it for many years (as she had a reaction the first time I gave her the vac.) The other 2 who caught it had yearly vaccs. None was seriously ill.
  19. BSL will be the end result if there is no self-regulation on breeding. If Kennel clubs cannot take on a regulatory role, pure breed groups need to be formed that will. Yes. If the kennel club (or pure breed groups) don't take on a regulatory role, and publically demonstrate that they are actively policing their breeders to ensure they are are all breeding healthy dogs (and are publically holding them to account if they are not), then I think the public will just want all breeders of any problem breeds banned. I agree.
  20. Group 4 - if I am remembering correctly Sat BIG Mini long Dachie (Stevens) RBIG Afghan (Day) Sun BIG Deerhound (Mel's Scrappy) RBIG Mini long Dachie (Stevens) No idea of BIS, didn't hang around
  21. Geese?? I need next week's winning lotto numbers. And more spare time.
  22. After much thought, this is also what I settled on for mine. Full puppy shots, on whatever schedule the breeder uses, first yearly booster, then the 3 yearly protocol.
  23. I'm a softy, so I'd probably find a way to give the kids a collar and lead as a 'present' for their puppy. It would probably be a wasted gesture, but sometimes you can encourage people to do the right thing.
  24. I don't think not recording a conviction is the same as dismissing the charges. I think the article is probably wrong when it talks about fining the woman. My take on it would be the man was fined $250 to be paid to the RSPCA and no conviction was recorded - even less than a slap on the wrist. Hence the victim's comment that she is not a dog and paying the fine to the RSPCA, as if it were an animal cruelty offence, is insulting - which it is!! I don't see how they can have fined the victim, that has got to be a typo.
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