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Everything posted by Diva

  1. And just to confuse things more, sable in Borzoi is now known not to be as or aw as once reported, but almost certainly at at with a modifier on the e series, eG. Unlike clear red borozi which are ay. Sable can be tricky.
  2. I think all black dogs might be, having gone through this with a Groenendael - all of whom are black of course. I was advised when I lost my boy that they do have a relatively high incidence of hemangiosarcoma. Of course breeds can have a tendency to certain types of cancer unrelated to colour, but when it's said to be colour linked and the whole breed is that colour - I guess it's a bit chicken and egg. I'd still have another Groen though. Edited: this thread is moving too fast for me, the question's already been answered....
  3. Umm, did you notice who posted in this thread immediately before you? :D Click on wayrod's name in that post, and then on 'send message' and you can ask them for more details directly.
  4. That's good to know, without references the first page of his website alone would stop me using him. 'connecting through intuition' and a 'magical bond' just sound like weasel words. Mind you I have that problem with a lot of marketing speak.
  5. Dogs are only eligible for Best of Breed when they can stand for the challenges - eg over 6 months. Maybe she was best baby puppy of her breed? Either way it's very exciting, and as others have said your sister only needs to be a member, not a co-owner. I hope she brings you lots of success and fun.
  6. I wasn't at the shows, but if it is the one that usually does shows in that region it's bijuphotography.com. Who I think is Skyegirl on DoL? I've only ever had good service from them
  7. I quite like the new reg - it can be my excuse for why I tried to walk out of the ring with both the best and runner up prizes the other day. How embarassing....
  8. It isn't just the animal rights people though. A lot of breeders seem want to foster attitude that you can't breed on anything other than a small scale and do it well. When I have said on this forum that there is a place for good, ethical, registered breeders breeding sound, healthy, typey pure bred puppies for companion homes - testing them occassionally in the show ring but without the show ring being the whole point of breeding - it has been breeders on here who have howled me down and said I support puppy farmers and am anti registered breeder. I have found as much dispute amongst the registered breeder community on this issue as within the broader community. So no, it isn't time I did any such thing. All the DoL breeders have managed to do for me on the issue is cause confusion, I'm not going to be answering any call to arms from them any time soon.
  9. The American Bulldog is not an ANKC registered breed, so whoever they are registered with they are not a registered breeder in the sense the term is used on this site (DoL). Also, posting links to ads is, I am pretty sure, against forum rules. As for the age of the bitch, it seems young to me for such a large breed. It may be acceptable for smaller, earlier maturing breeds I guess. I'll leave the breeders to comment more on that.
  10. What a fantastic achievement! Well done to you, Leo and Kinta. It's a great event for the club to run too, it shows how highly they value all the qualities of the breed.
  11. I used to be convinced it was breed-based. But recently I've seen people with breeds not a million miles away from my own have very serious inter-bitch issues, and I've stopped being quite so sure of that. I run 3 bitches together always, 2 of them entire, and have had no problems. I have run 2 entire males and an entire bitch of the same breed together and also no problems. But I have stopped being quite so sure it's never going to happen.
  12. They may well be, or have been, a 'puppy mill'. But puppy mills aren't usually illegal per se. They can breed as many breeds and litters as they want and unless they are breaching an actual statute or regulation it's not something reportable to the RSPCA. And certainly not 3 times a year for years. If I was in the OP's shoes and had concerns, I probably would have responded to one of those ads to check for myself that the place wasn't a welfare issue. But beyond that, it's probably a legal business. Us not liking it doesn't mean we can impose our values on others via an enforcement agency. Continually reporting a legal business is vexatious.
  13. I've never had serious issues between any combination of genders, touch wood, but certainly not a male fighting a bitch. I've always considered that the least likely of risks, maybe not so if it was a clear resource guarding issue, but certainly in terms of dominance.
  14. It's a short flight but the amount of time they have to be at the airport would bother me in case you strike a hot day. You'd probably be OK though if you got an early morning flight, the earliest flights leave as early as 6 am on that route. I fly a lot and I have seen too many animals sitting around in their crates in all weathers waiting to be loaded not to be super careful.
  15. I recentlly put mine in the washing machine in a big pillow slip and tied the top. Not super clean but a lot better than it went in.
  16. It's good to be aware of what can happen, but there are also plenty of people who have bitches which live together for years without an issue. Those of us who have never had a problem might be just lucky, or maybe it's the combination of breeds and individual temperaments we have had. I've had bitches that didn't much like strange dogs in their faces, but they have always tolerated each other extremely well. Those many instances don't help the OP in the other thread though, unfortunately her girls are past that and she needs the hard, realistic advice of people who have been through it.
  17. My 13 yr old Belgian Shepherd had a bout of vestibular disease. It was distressing for both of us but she recovered fully within a few weeks. Good luck.
  18. It sounds like ongoing group classes will be ideal for both of you. For show advice, go to the Show Ring forum. Pinned at the top is a FAQs thread especially to help people new to showing. Your canine control should also have a page or two on how to start on their webpage. They should also be able to tell you where any local show classes are held.
  19. Well it's all the same thing really. Maybe the dog had a go at the judge because the poor bugger had been sick for days with tablets being 'shoved' down his throat and finally he had enough. I would have bitten the judge as well if I was that poorly. Yep, agree entirely. The owner should have hit himself over the head for putting the dog and the judge in that position.
  20. Sure is, if he thinks showing a sick dog is OK.
  21. Yes asal, that point has been made many times in this thread, from page 1 onwards. The fact that the dog was exhibited with very bad diarrhoea is much more worrying to me than his behaviour in the ring - and as pf mentioned on page 10, it's against the rules. CW its actually against CC rules to show a dog with an illness. The dog really shouldn't have been on the grounds.
  22. One of mine climbs up on a chair in the vet consulting room every time she goes in to check out a poster of a cat - its the one with a life size depiction of a cat cross-section showing muscles, skeleton etc. They all fixate on the cement rabbit in the surgery garden too - the vet nurse noticed and commented that some dogs find it fascinating and others don't seem to notice it at all. They alerted on the larger than life painted dog figures on the side of a local pet store the first time they saw them but soon decided they weren't worth worrying about, they now get ignored. The strangest one to me was a bronze dog figurine I have. One dog was very puzzled the first time she saw it, and didn't seem to believe it wasn't a real (tiny) dog until she had sniffed it thoroughly.
  23. I think snake bite would have taken effect much more quickly than that. So sorry for your baby, sending healing vibes your way.
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