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Everything posted by Diva

  1. I'm so jealous ssm ! And a 'zoi went runner up in group!
  2. I wouldn't expect a driver to stop in that situation, a non-dog savvy person wouldn't even notice where the dog was headed or its body language. I have had the luck of someone who did know what to do stop their car to help when one of mine was being monstered by a loose dog and I was very grateful to them. And I've had the opposite, abused recently by a driver who had to brake to avoid hitting a bolting loose dog. Apparently the fact that I was walking my 2 large dogs along the footpath on-lead at the time made me responsible for it. My reply to the driver was not particularly polite.
  3. I had my old Borzoi picking up all the bits of foam stuff that china comes packed in the other day. I opened a package and it went everywhere, and it seems to be statically charges and takes off all over the house. She'd never done the 'get the other bits' stuff before either but she got it all. Unfortunately, she also refuses to vaccum.
  4. I'm another vote for Freecycle, I've found homes for furniture and an old but working vaccum cleaner that way, and gained an old but working freezer to store meat for my dogs. I don't bother with the big charities anymore, but small items go direct to my local op shop. It's community-based and seems happy to take small items.
  5. They sold a pet on main register.... Dogs on main register can be pets, too ... Indeed they can be. All my dogs, including those that I was clear were purely pets and that I never had any intention of showing, have been on the main register. For breeds with a limited gene pool I don't think that's entirely uncommon, although being able to upgrade from limited to main probably makes it less frequent than it used to be. It used to be that the entire pet on the main register with a trusted owner was a kind of bloodline insurance for the rarer breeds. It's certainly no reason not to turn to the breeder for advice.
  6. Yep, short sessions and a high reinforcement schedule. And never show that you are frustrated, a sensitive sighthound may switch off rather than deal with that. When they are first learning to work around distractions make it easy for them to do the right thing, and slowly increase the difficulty. I think it's in part a matter of finding what your dog finds rewarding and then building the value of that through the way you deliver it. You really want them to be looking foward to training and getting excited when you get ready for it, once you have that the rest falls into place much better. I'm training one of mine with a tug reward. I never really thought that would work for a Borzoi but its going well, she's crazy for it, while the other one does better with food. I've also seen people use flirt pole games as a reward - a nice bit of soft leather on a string at the end of a pole - so you can release the dog to chase it as you flick it around. But I find that way too hard to manage.
  7. Poodlefan has a good reference for the key risk factors for dog attacks, hopefully she will come into this thread but they have been posted before. I am pretty sure that lack of socialisation of the dog, it's age and gender, and the demographics of the owner, were on the list. So were a number of factors to do with the victim, some age classes in a particular are much more at risk.
  8. I love that about the canberra ovals Wuffles - and mostly the dogs just accept the boundaries and don't go near the kids. I think it makes for a better behaved dog when it's all just part of the mix and they have to share the space and get over any novelty value.
  9. Maybe the schedules just aren't that gazette, they are either in previous months or issues not yet out. Unless Vic is different to every other state, the schedules for 99% of the shows will be in the gazette at some point.
  10. Me too. It was done thoughtfully to address a serious health issue in the breed, and the cross breeding was very limited. In any group of people some will be very resistent to any change to the status quo, but I'd be suprised if most breeders thought something done this carefully and with such a good reason is wrong.
  11. Pretty sure a Dallie got a class in group, but I haven't kept the catalogue. From memory there were only two entered.
  12. This, exactly. If dogs are so inherently dangerous that any stranger approaching one is going to get a mauling, why the hell wouldn't society ban them all entirely or at a minimum require them to be kept in roofed cages? Fortunately the vast majority of dogs aren't like that at all, and excusing those who are damages all dogs. There may be a place for a dog with that temperament, but it isn't in a not-very-secure suburban back yard.
  13. It just sounds a bit pretentious really, and is the kind of thing best asked for in person if needed at all. I could understand if it was a working-bred animal that had to go to a knowledgeable home with a working task to perfom, although even then putting it in the ad without explanation is a bit odd. On the other hand, if it's a breeder with huge demand for their puppies using references up front to eliminate some, I wonder why they need to advertise at all. Edited: I assumed this was in an ad, re-read the OP and as a general comment on a web page it's OK. But they would do better to say what the references are attesting to. I sort of gave referees, if not references , when inquiring for both my two last pups. Having had the breed before I gave names of people in it that the breeders would know, and who knew me. At least one of them did check me out because the mutual acquaintance told me so later.
  14. No not this year. But I'm sure they'll run into each other again at some country show or other sooner or later.
  15. There is no ANKC recognised lure coursing title, which is a shame. My Borzoi have caught rabbits, but not often as I usually avoid running them in places they will put up live game. There is at least one COO Borzoi in Australia, and a number descended from COO dogs or western bred dogs with racing or coursing titles. It's not the same as opening the stud book, but it's important to stop the breed degenerating.
  16. Just want to agree with this. My breed are supposed to have small, fine, high set, rose ears. And in quantitative studies of hundreds of individual dogs across several continents, small, fine, high set, rose ears have been shown to be strongly correlated with speed, an important breed feature. Probably that kind of ear is indicative of good connective tissue for sprinting - but whatever it is, it isn't just cosmetic. I think you can breed without showing, but you need some kind of comparative testing to avoid kennel blindness. I'd be happier with showing as the main way of doing that testing if presentation, hair dressing and cronyism didn't play such a large role in the results, and a title required some kind of health and/or performance testing as well - but it's still better than no benchmarking at all.
  17. yep that was I. I didn't realise that was you Diva! Well it's a bit late, but ;)
  18. BIS was a Dobermann, r/up was I think the Bulldog. Aust bred in show was an italian greyhound, I only remember that one because I was in there with the hound It was a lovely day, had a great ringside spot in full shade and with a view over the main arena, weather wasn't too hot or too cold, and I met Mercedes extremely gorgeous Clumber baby. Scrappynsuzie, was that you who pulled a chair up next to me on the hill? I didn't realise
  19. I have a large breed, and can reasonably expect them to get to 10. I hope they will get to 13. Anything over that is a blessing but they can go to 16. There has been some commentary on breed lists recently that would indicate that longevity is increasing, and ages like 14+ are becoming less exceptional. It's very heartening.
  20. Will do :D I'll have the enthusiastic white Borzoi
  21. According to the report, the owners said they had only had the dog a day. So presumably they didn't know, and whoever they got the dog off either hadn't had it long enough/test it well enough to know either, or just didn't disclose it. Ain't that the truth.
  22. Keep it somewhere safe. When they total 100 points (and assuming enough of then have come after the dog has turned twelve months) you will need to provide them and enter all of their details onto a form to have the dog's Champion title issued. And then the Grand Champion when/if you get to 1000 (plus 4 BIG or a BIS).
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