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Everything posted by Diva

  1. RIP Tara, your courage and spirit in the face of enormous odds were amazing.
  2. The one Borzoi photo doesn't look very representative of the other photos I have seen from the same period. I guess that's the problem with one photo, no reason to beleive it is a typical example or a good one. Some of the 'zoi of that time I could pluck out of the photos, groom and fed them modern style and stick them straight into a show ring today. Although they often have less angulation than the modern big winners, they'd not look out of place.
  3. Thanks! Lovely Borzoi and bred, owned and handled by a very long time UK breeder, great to see!
  4. Good grief Alyosha, how terrifying for you. Worst I have ever had to put up with is a bit (well a lot really) of girl on girl action. Much to my mother's amusement when she was staying here, LOL.
  5. Well said. I wouldn't want to add up the expenses I incurred fighting battles with cancer in my dogs, but they didn't suffer a minute longer than they had to. I agree, it doesn't matter how much if it can be afforded, there is no 'justifiable' limit. But treatment must have the best interest of the dog foremost. I spent a fortune on a dog with an injured leg, not even cancer but trauma. The arguments about the money being better spent on rescue dogs, or starving children etc were all put to me, but they are meaningless in my mind. Only quality of life and my willingess to pay set the limit.
  6. ACTCA have a journal that comes out (I think) quarterly. Not often anyway. I don 't know the answers to the management questions. I just want access to real coffee, LOL.
  7. All of the above I think - they know how many entries come from NSW. But it may be a case of a legal commitment to the current vendors as part of the tender, if it was put out to tender. They may not be able to change it without compensation if the current vendors are resistant. If that is the case I just hope the current contract doesn't have long to go. It's not something I'd want them spending scarce resources on. Probably worth a letter asking why it is as it is before a petition?
  8. I think that's right, it's not up to the clubs it's ACTCA. I did mention it last time I was in the office but nothing more.
  9. 'can he get them past the couch'. :laugh:
  10. No harness. But a bit of mucking up/mouthing the lead won't worry too many people in baby puppy. Better a happy baby than a a stressed handler or a dog that learns to hate the ring. Don't do what I did and forget all your obedience nous the minute you get to the show ring. The final product you want is different, but the training process uses the same principles, and even better you can use food (judiciously) to lure and reinforce in the show ring. I'm not sure about squeeky toys, they aren't the go in my breed. And I've never seen an Australian book on showing, just a few online resoruces and overseas books.
  11. Mine are certainly not child subsitutes. I wouldn't have the breed I do if I was looking for that. I think the real question in this thread is why do people who seem to dislike animal lovers take part in a forum like this anyway.
  12. I agree Crisovar, if there is dislike there is no reason to be rude about it. For myself, I enjoy the children of friends and family, but have no interest in or appreciation or desire to interact with the children of strangers, particularly en masse. That doesn't mean that I am rude to them but I don't engage much either unless asked to help for reasonable cause. I can't see why that should possibly offend anyone, and if it does they are not the kind of people who's opinion I'd care about anyway. efs
  13. Neither do I, when it is done thoughtfully and is not driven by profit or whim.
  14. There's a movie about it then it MUST be true
  15. That's cool too. People who don't like chocolate=more for me
  16. Really? I've read most of the posts and I didn't notice much active dislike of children in general. Just a dislike of some intrusive behaviours and/or a lack of interest in interacting with children that aren't part of the family. That seems fine to me. Certainly nothing to be sad for. Now that I think about it, the only people amongst my friends who have an embracing attitude to all children are the parents of young children. I always assumed it was just hormonal as it seems to pass.
  17. But I have your dog food ready to pick up. Or was it FRHP's dog food? Whatever.
  18. I don't think they get returned for 'acts of God'. But I am only going on what I read when a couple were cancelled for heat, it could be wrong.
  19. Joan it's confirmed. They were moved to Canberra but the grounds in Canberra are now also closed to all events. There is a thread in the show forum with full details and a copy of the Dogs NSW/ACT CA notices.
  20. Not all standards call for full dentition, and when they do it's sometimes desirable but not essential. Not all missing teeth are the same either - is 1 missing premolar as crucial as a missing molar? Or missing canine? If 1 premolar is not a big deal, is 2? - the answer is yes for me but it depends on the breed and it's standard. Bite I think is much more clear cut. But to say that correct bite should win everytime over bad bite ignores the other qualities of both dogs. Maybe neither should be awarded.
  21. Are you going to bribe me with news from the puppy stork???? Aww, you need bribing to have a cuppa with me
  22. Just to show how serious it is, the Farmers Market at EPIC has been cancelled for this Sat too. There are farmers market tragics all over Canberra quietly going into shock at that news.... (Telida, if your weekend isn't full yet you could always drop by for a cuppa.)
  23. Like so many other people in the Canberra obedience scene I knew Bob and was shocked by his death. I hope justice is well and truly done.
  24. Do you really mean that? Because a male Bassett can be not far off 30 kilos, if this dog is that plus most of the breeds mentioned so far don't cut it. I'm another vote for not an F1 cross, but terrier type. I thought that was a Picardy Shepherd?
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