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Posts posted by luvworkingdogs

  1. Hypothetical question.

    Dogs in sit stay or down stay group in trial. One dog comes up to your dog and sniffs, your dog is a bit dog aggressive and does not like his/her personal space invaded and a fight breaks out.

    What are the consequences??

    This has not happened. But is my worst nightmare and the reason I can not let myself go into trialling. Bindi is a staffy x, she is 3 years old, was heavily socialised as a pup and has done obedience since she was 18 weeks.

    At around the age of 18 months, my friendly girl, started to snap at ' some ' dogs. She has never been in a fight. Has been bitten on the nose by a dally when she was younger. :rofl:

    My fear is if she ever bit a dog she would get put down. :provoke: She is my baby and this thought terrifies me.

    Bindi is very clever. The instructors are always telling me to trial her. But my fear stops me from doing so.

    She has been in two mock trials. Coming 2nd with a score of 96 in her first. Then today she came 1st with 85.

    Hi, this actually happened to me a couple of years ago with my ACD. He was really solid on his stays, but before we went in to the ring a staffy growled and lunged at him. I was quick enough to get my boy away from him at the time, but it put him on the defensive. When we got into the ring for stays this staff was 2 dogs away from my boy so I thought it would be ok. Unfortunately the dog in between them got up and walked after his owner but stopped half way. The staffy then got up and went over to the other dog in the middle of the ring. The staffy was very stiff and tail upright and wagging stifly as he sniffed the other dog. My dog obviously read the body language and thought a fight was about to break out, which it probably was. He must have felt the need to get in first and ran over to the other two dogs and all hell broke out. We all ran over to grab our dogs and luckily no one was hurt. The unfortunate part is that because my dog actually started the fight he was banned for 3 months and had to pass a test before he could compete again. I never returned to trials with him because he would never be reliable again. In hine sight I should have withdrawn him after the upset outside the ring because they were eye balling after that and it was obvious that he was worried about that dog. I think a more experienced trainer would have known to withdraw their dog. I would certainly withdraw my dogs that i trial now if it happened again.

    Opinions greatly appreciated. :laugh:

  2. Hi,

    I have been doing some research in this area. I'm very interested in getting my dogs into it. I've seen some equipment on ebay and may purchase it soon. Is there anyone selling canine carts in australia at all? I mean I can modify a cart myself, following books guidlines but would prefer to buy one. Do the husky club do weight pullin at all? Can any breed that is capable of pulling go?

    Anyone else interested in getting something started? I think dogs are more happier doing work especially working breeds. Most of the sites ive visited are in the states or europe.

    Hi Jennifer,

    I think it sounds like great fun. I would love to have a go but although I have 6 dogs, they are all working dogs. Kelpies, borders and ACD. I dont think they would be big enough and not sure that I really have the time anyway but good luck to you and have fun with your dogs.

  3. K9 sorry to jump in here..... :(

    luvworkingdogs, is your kelpie a working bred kelpie? This will make all the difference to the answer.

    yes I think so. I got her from a farmer who was going to shoot her because he said she is too small for herding. He needed a bigger dog to push around big rams. He said she is a good worker but not enough size. It didnt make sense to me but I dont know about herding. she has plenty of drive though thats for sure! lol

  4. 4Paws: They also couldn't tell me if she had a fear aggression or dominance

    K9: Diagnosing the cause of the aggression is going to be the most important steps to sorting it out, Rank & Defence aggression (Dominance & Fear) are treated totally different.

    O: I'm in Nowra (south of you) and just went up to see Steve at K9 Force 3 weeks ago. Was the best thing I could've done for my dog. For me fear aggro was not an easy thing to overcome or really understand beforehand, but my dog is doing so much better now.

    Totally worth it IMO :(

    K9: Thank you very much for the kind words, I am really pleased to hear your doing well!


    4 paws, you need to see a behaviourist/trainer and one of the best is K9Force,who is also a member of this forum.

    Someone here will have his number or web address. If anyone can help you Steve can !

    K9: Thank you very much, thats a real compliment! Thanks :D

    Looks like you're the man for the job K9Force :rofl:

    shall give you a ring and organise something soon,how hard is it to get in at this stage?


    Hi K9, I am very interested in this topic as I too have the same prob with my kelpie bitch. I have only had her for a couple of months and she is now about 12 months old. She is very posessive of me and attacks my other dogs if they come near me. At dog club she does the same thing but I think with strange dogs maybe it is fear aggression. How can you work out which it is and is it possibly both fear and dominance at the same time?

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