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  1. Hi all. I am hoping that someone will be able to pass on the contact details for the Royal Canin rep in SE QLD. Thanks for the help. Michael
  2. It is of interest that under the exemption in Victoria the dogs are only exempt from the identification and restraint/muzzling requirements when they are competing in an event sanctioned by Dogs Victoria - therefore they are still required by law to be identified as a dangerous dog, wear a muzzle, and be restrained by a lead of some sort whenever they are out and about for a walk, at the beach, down at the park, or training for a show!!!! Do they really think that removing the Sch. title from the dog is going to get them out of this one - I think not. Are they going to deny that their dog received a Breed Survey classification in Germany now as well? Because a prerequisite for Breed Survey in Germany is the attainment of a Sch/IPO title. Instead of the well off and influential few going out of their way to save their own backsides by getting themselves exemptions and changing ANKC policy, how about getting an education on the virtues of your own breed, look at what the GSD was developed for, read what their founder asked of all of us "to keep the German Shepherd Dog a working dog", look at the internationally (other than Australia) recognized temperament test that is Sch. and allow yourself to become informed on what Sch really is - don't bury your head in the sand and claim it to be "attack training", and stop getting in the way of those who choose to participate in the sport - they don't get in the way of you showing your dogs.
  3. laffi Unfortunately all of the "with dog" places have been filled. For any further details specific to the program for the day, please give our Obedience Coordinator Kerrie Moore a call on 3285 1988. Michael
  4. For any person wishing to improve their obedience routine, nut out a behavioral problem, or help give your dog that winning edge when presenting yourself as a team in the conformation ring, this is an event not to be missed. The German Shepherd Dog Club of Queensland presents an Obedience Workshop with Honey Gross-Richardson (WA). Honey is a senior obedience, tracking, agility and ET judge with the Canine Association of Western Australia, member of the CAWA Board of Examiners, former examiner for the Singapore Kennel Club and Malaysian Obedience Judge’s Training Association. Bookings are still being taken for this wonderful event to be held at the CCCQ Grounds, King Avenue Durack this Saturday from 10am to 4pm. Go to: http://www.gsdcqld.org.au/events%20calendar.htm and click on the link for further information. Michael McGahan Vice President GSDCQ 2007
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