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This has been in effect for over 12 months very restrictive
I would like a pup by 6 months to stand still and be able to do a nice steady gait, doesn't mean they are not having fun, a pup/dog can still do what you want them to do and have fun at the same time In saying that, I would never tell a baby/minor off if it played about in the ring, it's all learning and letting them know what you expect much like any other discipline I was at a show in NSW and saw a lady take an adult dog out of public view and quite strictly reprimand the dog the dog then went back in the ring, tail down, didn't want to run, lost all animation and quite obviously the dog didn't win. At the conclusion of the breed the dog was quickly taken from the ring, "spoken" too before being shoved back in the crate Dog showing to me is a partnership, and something that you both should enjoy I fell over quite a few times at one show, my poor dog was probably imbarrassed, but thought it was a fun game!
Oh forgot that, she had 3 boys, 2 girls
My GSD bitch had her 5 little bundles in the early hours of this morning, Christmas eve babies xxx Mum and bubs all doing well xx
Crazy comes with "Attitude"
Crazy is the best theme!!! My shepherd bitch is Crazy in Pink, her litter will follow the Crazy theme
Yay Pockets! If you need a hand, just call out. If you don't have a whelping box, you could probably borrow ours. Awwww thanks for the offer I just got my new whelping box delivered, found someone who built and sold them for $95, top price Its ok I have someone coming over who is experiences with breeding (to hold my hand ) I organised that first off! but cheers again for the offer Angelsun - Sorry to hear about the loss of your little ones...a very sad time BB - No Ava is not the expectant mum, unless she is clever, she has had a litter recently
I have my first litter of German Shepherds due at the end of December 28th to be precise Little nervous, but super excited
Its good that you understand she is a puppy, she sounds like a very happy excitable dog with high drives, although you find it frustrating, it isn't, you can use her enthusiasm to your advantage to the point where she is getting what she wants (time with you) and you are getting what you want (a well behaved pup - apart from some naughty puppy happenings). With the door scenario, simple solution is to place the dog on lead, take treats with you to the door and reward her to calm behaviour. If she becomes over excited, a firm "NO" and leave the room and only come back in when she is calm and reward with a treat. She doesn't need to do anything special like sit or drop, just reward her calm behaviour. Keep her on lead until she grows up. She will eventually learn that when people come to the door, its a good things and she is rewarded for being a nice calm dog, than a dog who does acts like a looney. Also you must also explain to people coming in NOT to make a fuss of her and also ignore her. If she is driving you nuts with jumping up and turning around does not work, you could always implement the use of a spray bottle, when she goes to jump a quick squirt accompanied by a short sharp "NO" will let her know that the behaviour is unacceptable, when she exhibits the behaviour you want you can use the word "Yes" or "Good" and follow with a treat or a nice pat. When you come home, do not go straight out to her, odds are she is crying or jumping at the door or barking etc, she is excited to see you, go about your stuff around the house wait a while maybe 15 minutes and then when she is off in the yard doing something or laying down calmly, go out and spend time with her. Routines are good to have in some aspects, but I also think routine in puppies can lead to undesirable behaviours if the routine is not met, so I think its best to change it up as much as possible, so the pup/adult dog does not expect things at certain times, as we all know sometimes things don't always go to plan. Having a spot that is hers in the loungeroom is great, but remember dogs are "Pack" animals and want to be as close to their family as possible, does she have a bed or mat? is it possible for you to put this mat at the foot of the couch when you are sitting there, so she is close to you? again using a simple command as "Bed" and then giving her something to chew on will encourage her to remain on there. Eventually she will learn that the mat is her "Bed" and then you can move it anywhere in the house. Imagine if you went to someone's house or in your own house for example and someone told you where to sit on the other side of the room, you wouldn't feel very loved or a part of the family now would you Pulling on the lead As a puppy everything is exciting to her and outside adventures are the most fun, as it accompanies lots of new sites, smells and interactions. I would not restrict her to walking only by your left side in the "Heel" position, what you want to teach is for her to walk on a loose lead. to teach this, again you will need some of her favourite treats, you start of on your walk, most people make the mistake of correcting only when the dog has made a mistake or is already doing the undesirable behaviour, this is wrong, you want to avoid the dog making the mistake in the first place. When out walking and she is walking nicely again use words like "Good" or "Yes" and reward with a treat, if she is about to reach the end of the lead, a quick "No" and walk backwards, when she follows you back, start to walk forward again and reward her good behaviour when she is again walking on a loose lead. You may not get very far down the road BUT she is still getting exercise and you are giving her mental stimulation at the same time It is important with any training, that with a pup you keep them short and sweet, always finish on a good note, if you find you are getting frustrated, quickly finish with a positive note and stop the training. The more frustrated you get the more frustrated and confused the puppy becomes and the training goes no where. Play and interaction is the most important aspect to a puppy, so go outside, get on the ground with her, throw balls and YOU chase them, play a bit of tug of war, mistake people make is they give the puppies lots of toys, but the puppies don't know how to play with them and just destroy them and pull the stuffing out etc and people think that by having the puppy inside with them, that's spending time with them, it is not, you need to interact with the puppy, have fun with them, play some games inside, do some short trick training. Enjoy your puppy and have fun
Thanks heaps sway Will be ordering a Whelping kit from your site?? Next week
Thanks heaps sway Will be ordering a Whelping kit from your site?? Next week
Hi guys Just wanting to know a list of your must haves when expecting a litter, just in relation for Whelping
Slightly incorrect benshiva. The female body is designed to carry a pregnancy, give birth and feed the offspring. In humans the hair grows luxuriously and falls out when the baby is around 4 months old, with some women they can be almost bald. They also lose weight around 6 months of age. Given that dogs have a 9 week pregnancy and an 8 week feeding cycle, 5 weeks could equate to the hair loss age and weight loss of the pregnancy stored fat. Both recover quickly with sound nutrition. My dogs DO have sound nutrition. I'm only going by what I've experienced with my coated dogs and their recovery times from their litters. It DOES take them 6 months minimum to look in "show" condition again. So not incorrect at all in my opinion. Every dog is different I agree Mel, I have seen many bitches, drop coat like never before after a litter, some breeds may be able to get away with it, but coated breeds and breeds requiring to be firm and dry and carry a full coat will take a lot longer to come back
I love the ag shows, they are usually smaller, relaxing and always a great weekend away
Why don't you take her to the vet BB? Have you had her ultrasound at 4 weeks?
;) go the sheppie
I am not referring to x-raying to count pups at 8 weeks... I have read x rating pregnant bitches prior to this is risky, what are people's opinions on this? Is it risky to x ray other limbs of a bitch if she is pregnant?
GSD's do 2 major coat drops a year, when you notice shedding, you strip their coat out to get rid of all the coat and give them a good hydrobath but when they shed, they really do shed and it often has you wondering how they have any coat left on them Shepherd hair is not for the faint hearted! Lucky what they shed in coat, they make up for ten fold in love, loyalty and absolute beauty
Perhaps put some slippery elm powder in her meals to ease the tummy and harden her stools Get some electrolytes and add it to her water for an extra bit of energy
Yes that was the biggest side, it slows them down, the moulded nobs are not as tall, however it still does the job Mine too get their dry food soaked with hot water, but I let it soak for a good 15 minutes and drain any excess water prior to feeding. (also in saying I soak there dry food, I do not soak by covereing the biscuit in water completely, as I think it is important for does to have to chew on something and not just eat mush . JMO)
You don't have too, but if the dog is in your name, you just send the signed papers into Dogs Vic and they will change the ownership details and send you Vic papers As long as your dog is a registered pure bred on main papers they can be shown in any state
Just cause a breed is popular doesn't mean they should be cheaper, the same love and attention goes into breeding them as it does with not so popular breeds and sometimes more with the health tests involved
Reject Shop have them for $5, I brought a bulk lot of them They look like this and are fantastic quality I dont like the idea of adding too much water, if so make sure its completely soaked into the dry before feeding, water allows the dog to gulp easier and swallow without chewing, which can cause bloat quite easily
Second opinion voted for here