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Everything posted by bustam

  1. the last 3 names of male dogs i know are Lotus Zeke Boston previous family/friends dogs names kaos Micky Tyson Buddy slugger Kenzi (kenz-eye)
  2. i apologise in advance if my paranoia is getting the better of me, but i just find this, as you said "sus"
  3. how old was he when you got him? i may be wrong but it sounds like maybe he needs to be scolded a few times until he works out that you are the leader, not him. (by scolded i mean making a distinctive 'uh' noise each time he does something wrong, like a mother would growl) see what evryone else thinks though
  4. quick question, i know ive got 'Gimp' on my PC, does anyone know if that is similar to photoshop? i'd love to start playing around with my pics!
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