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Everything posted by stormie

  1. Stormie - when you say 3 vials - do you actually get 9??? And if so do you have to give three injections each time? Cause I got 3 but they contain differing level of the antigens. Hmm good question! I'm not sure now! I'm sure we were told they can only fit about 10 different allergens into a vile. Maybe I'm confused though cause my invoice says 3 viles
  2. Orbit had 32 positive/borderlines all up. Munchkin - try not to place too much focus on the food results - most dermatologists will tell you those food results are not reliable - the only way to truly determine food allergies is to do a proper elimination diet. Orbits injections are being shipped today so we'll have them by the end of next week . 3 viles though, packed full, which isn't ideal, but hey, we'll do what we can.
  3. Obviously the mark up on drugs is a hidden charge. A General Practioner in a medical clinic does not derive an income from the sale of drugs, you pay the fee for the work performed. And you don't think your chemist has a mark up on the drugs you buy from them? And what about the food you buy from Coles or Woolworths? That should be sold to you at cost price too? The difference between your GP and your Vet, is that your Vet is your dogs GP, his pharmacist, his surgeon, his dentist etc etc etc. Your GP just tells you what drugs you need and lets your pharmacist do the work.
  4. great news! Hopefully the outcome is a good one!
  5. I think that's because there is very little information out there from a scientific background that vets are going to trust. Our vets are out at educational talks atleast once a week, at the specialist centres, drug company talks etc etc, and in the 4 years I've been in this clinic, I've never seen one invitation to a talk about the new protocol (except Jean Dodds). I believe there was some information about it at the annual conference, but for those who can't afford to go to that, you miss out. The only information about the new protocol we've ever received was for the Jean Dodds talk, which my vet did go to. Our vaccines still have directions on them advising annual boosters, which really, we need to follow to cover ourselves. I think it's going to take some time before the new protocol start to catch on here. I know my boss is a bit wary of it all - he was practicing in the days before parvo vaccines, so remembers what it was like when parvo was everywhere. So I understand that he wants to see proof that titres and 3 year injections really are safe, before he starts recommending them to his clients.
  6. Maybe the vet also heart an irregularity? And maybe because that grade 2 heart murmur has only suddenly appeared. I'd rather put my dog on the meds that won't do any harm, only good, until I knew the reason the murmur appeared in the first place. Sorry, but I think it's highly irresponsible for people to be telling someone to stop their dogs medication, when they know nothing about dogs condition.
  7. I'm confused...because she HAS been on it, she likely has heartworm? I appreciate the information and the suggestions for sure! oops my bad 'UNLIKELY'
  8. I just relayed that from my vets here after they read your post - just trying to help and offer you another vets opinion... If she's been on regular heartworm prevention then its UNlikely she would have heartworm. And if her temp was normal that means unlikely she has an infection. Just saying, in our opinion, until the you know the cause of the murmur, the meds can only help. edited to make sense!!
  9. Until you know the cause of the murmur, I'd keep her on the Fortekor. The vet has obviously noted that this murmur is new, so without knowing the cause, its hard to know whether its going to continue to worsen so probably best to follow the vets advice for now. If the medication is too expensive and you don't want to give it, then atleast make sure you have regular checks done to listen to the heart. I'm assuming the vet ruled out heartworm or an infection as the cause of the murmur, so if it were me, I'd go for the ultrasound. It's more expensive, but will be able to tell you more including the likelyhood of progression.
  10. Take a sample into your vet and ask them to do some tests on it. No use playing around with diet if pup has hookworm or something. We've seen dogs that have been wormed regularly, still having hookworm. There is some drug resistance around.
  11. I know one who will be able to soon - will let you know when it starts happening and how much, though will be less than $180
  12. He may have just brushed passed a plant or something the day before which gave him a bit of a reaction. Hopefully it won't come back!
  13. Berry - sorry to hear this about your pup. One suspected causes of OCD in large breed dogs involve diet, eg a diet which can cause them to grow too fast, or carry too much weight. Can I ask what you have fed your boy on from a pup? Did he grow lean or could he have been a little overweight? If you can't go through with surgery, you're probably going to need to confine him to a crate for anything up to 10 weeks. I believe some do make a recovery if rested properly and supported nutrionally.
  14. Munchin I think I got my SPOT results back within 2 weeks? Can't remember exactly though sorry, but I don't remember waiting too long.
  15. Sorry I didnt reply sooner! FTPO - I use that Rufus and Coco medicated shampoo. It's the most gentle on Orb and he doesn't react to it at all. That really sucks about not being able to administer the injections yourself! We're getting Orbit's injections ordered in this week so we'll start that when they come. Looking forward to hearing about your progress as you go through the injections. How was he after the first one? Any reactions? That's funny that you guys both have allergies too, cause so do I. It's quite funny how similar Orbit and I are. I get hayfever all the time - pollens, hay, animals etc. And I am quite limited with what I can eat without getting an upset stomach (no dairy, gluten, too much sugar etc). So really, we both just need to live in a bubble together!
  16. Hi Clare, Welcome to DOL. I'm so sorry to hear about your beautiful Stella. I have seen a couple of cases of DCM through my work so I know how much of a terrible illness it is. Why not come into the Dane Thread in the breed subforums - there are lots of knowledgeable dane owners and breeders in there who can offer you support.
  17. Daisy, exciting news about the pup! Personally, I don't think you can ever be too paranoid. I would also hunt around for a vet who gives Nobivac vaccines (I would double check this), apparently the Nobivac are fine pretty much straight away rather than the 2 week wait. So puppy can come home earlier. Like I said I would double check, but it is what I was told by someone in the veterinary industry. I think someone from DOL took part in titre testing following the Nobivac and showed to not get immunity until after 2 weeks? Can't remember who it was though, maybe Tess?
  18. The ingredients lists lamb meal as the first ingredient, not lamb, which is lamb which has already been dehydrated. So there's a fair amount of real meat in this food.
  19. We often split up the tablets. I keep a packet of large dog capstar and just break it into quarters to give to my cats.
  20. Thanks... unfortunately their website doesn't have any information about their different foods. Where did you buy yours from, Moggy?
  21. I think it sounds ok compared to a lot of other dry foods out there. I have googled Australian Pet Essentials Holistic Pet Food and can't come up with anything?? I'd be really keen to find out more about this food?
  22. Troppo I am so sorry to hear about your girl. Thinking of you
  23. Troppo in many cases, response to treatment is good. We've successfully treated a number of cases and our vets would expect more dogs to respond than those who don't. Sometimes there can be some playing around with different drugs and dose rates, but as I said, in most cases, this disease can be managed. Obviously your vet knows her situation better than we would, however, and individual cases can vary. Wishing your girl all the best.
  24. Troppo - sounds like you are referring to Thrombocytopenia?
  25. The seeds generally pass through their bodies without being digested anyway, so unless they eat a significant amount, and actually chew open all the seeds, there's unlikely to be a problem.
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