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Everything posted by stormie

  1. I'm confused - how much did the dog ingest? 66mg or 1gram?
  2. Poor murdered vegetables. Apparently if you use a special microphone, you can hear them scream when you put them in the boiling water
  3. Eagle Pack is their Premium Range and Holistic Select is their Eagle Pack Holistic with a name/package change. Everything we order here is Holistic Select. We started stocking EPHS over 12months and there were supply issues back then that they kept telling us would be resolved by such and such a time. We've never had a complete order filled - always something missing.
  4. I know that there was recently an issue with therapy dogs not being allowed to eat raw meat due to them possibly shedding salmonella into the environments they visit, eg hospitals etc and affecting immune compromised people. Perhaps it's a similar issue now with Guide Dogs, due to them travelling around public places so much?
  5. Your C3 covers Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvo Virus (3 diseases). A C5 is the C3 plus two components of KC to make up 5 diseases, thus a C5. The vet who previously ran our clinic mostly did C4's. We stopped that once we took over though, as we just didn't really see the point. In our view, you either want to vacc against KC or you don't, so didn't really see the point of only doing a 'half job' so to speak, especially when boarding kennels specify a full C5. So most of our clients now just vacc for KC once a year, with the two strais, and give a C3 every 3 years. Those who don't board regularly just have their C3 every 3 years unless they specifically want it annually.
  6. Oh that's sad. I'm such a suck when it comes to putting things to sleep. I must admit to sneaking some injured wildlife onto the gas so I can give them the needle whilst they're asleep. My boss just laughs at me I remember when I was little, finding a Cicada that emerged from its shell deformed. I knew it wouldn't survive so put it under the leg of a chair and squashed it - all the while bawling my eyes out. We're so evil
  7. Putting down animals? Sheesh. I do a few every day at work. Looks like I'll need to find myself another job. Vets (most often) are not the ones administering anaesthetics to patients. You are kidding, right? Moselle this isn't the first time your posts have been offensive to members here. I put animals to sleep as well as administering drugs and anaesthetic to our patients and I am not a qualified veterinarian. What part of being a woman means that I am unable to calculate a dose rate and insert a needle into a vein and push. It's my job to know about all that so that our vet can concentrate on the surgery. Perhaps you should go spend a day in one of the big referral hospitals too. Their anaesthetic nurses are incredible and probably know more about anaesthesia than many (male ) vets out there!
  8. I know what my boss was upset about was how in some instances the stun gun didn't always work completely. My other vet friend witnessed an animal being led in to the shed before the body of the other one was taken away and she saw it completely freak out and desperate to escape, like it new it's fate. The chickens are hung up by their feet and their heads dunked into electrified water - the chickens see the ones in front lowered and there's actually a person who has to stand there with a pole to push the heads under of the chickens who desperately try to hold their heads up out of the water.
  9. I wish I'd heard about this place a few months ago!! I wonder if my boss would mind raising some lambs in his backyard :D
  10. IME, entire males have a much stronger, pungent smelling urine than desexed males. Orbit's urine went back to 'normal' after he was desexed. He still has days where it's a bit more concentrated and stronger smelling, but it's a completely different smell and lacks that musty, pungent odour and just smells like regular urine.
  11. OT but is the Butcher in Wilberforce? One of our clients (a cattle farmer) also has a small bit of land in rural Sydney where they raise a few steers and mentioned they send them to a place in Wilberforce to be killed etc. I've wanted to do it on my current property but just had no idea how to go about it. Unfortunately I now have to move and not sure I'll be lucky enough to get on land again. If you go ahead with it, I'd love to, ummmm, share your meat with you :D
  12. No idea - ring and ask, I guess? Not sure if they'd let you? Apparently I have to spend a week in an abattoir as part of my vet course later this year (learning how to inspect meat to ensure it's fit for human consumption - ew), so if they don't swear me to secrecy, I can report back if you like. Though from what I've seen of the pig industry, I'd be more concerned about how the piggies are treated during life - free range bacon is so much fairer to the sows than cage pork! I feel for you. A vet I worked with a few years ago turned Vego after her abattoir visit, she was so upset by it. My current boss won't even talk about it because he finds it too upsetting and that was 20 years ago. I would LOVE to be able to only purchase 'home killed' meat, but I just have no idea where to source it. I guess I should apply for Farmer Wants a Wife
  13. Only Advantix for me. Frontline is pretty crapola for fleas so if I'm going to spend a tonne on a combined treatment, I want it to do both it's jobs!
  14. Hi Samantha, welcome to the forum Personally, I would desex your girl, for the reasons that have already been mentioned here. I notice you have said a number of times that having a litter would be a good experience for you. But what about her? Is having a litter for your own enjoyment, worth the potential risks of her losing her life? Because this is a real risk. Is it fair to put her through the whole whelping process just because you want to experience it, particularly when the breeding is of no benefit to the breed. Is the breeder with male who is interested in your girl registered? I must admit it sounds a few alarm bells for me knowing someone has approached you with the proposal of breeding, knowing that you yourself are not registered and only seeing your girl as a pup. Are you willing to do all the relevant health checks and ensure the male has as well, and research both their lines for their health, conformation and temp? Because it would be devastating for the potential puppy buyers to buy a puppy which turns out to have serious health problems. I would suggest to your friends who want a Pom pup to do their research and find themselves a knowledgeable, reputable and ethical breeder to purchase their pup from, to increase their chances of a healthy pup with a sound temperament. Desex your girl and enjoy her for what she is - a lovely pet puppy
  15. You'd be better off doing a proper food elimination diet to see if any foods are a problem. Changing the diet is pointless if there's still a common ingredient being fed, like chicken protein, rice, soy etc.
  16. I think many people genuinely have no idea when a puppy is no longer 'playing nice' and is a bit over the top. I've seen puppies 'play' like that in some puppy preschools with the teacher saying its ok and just play, so possibly the owners of the BC had no idea their dog's behaviour wasn't great. In those situations, rather than telling people off straight away, I try to start up a general conversation about their dog, something like 'He's a very boisterous one, is like that with most dogs?" and then go on to suggest that it's not the most appropriate behaviour and may get him in to trouble with another less tolerant dog, so possibly something they should be trying to stop. Of course if they're total tools about it then by all means, let rip
  17. I wish ALL vets would charge a little less... not because I have a problem paying them, but because there are many people out there who are not rolling in money and often, the animals don't get desexed because of how expensive it is. $200 to someone making $400 a week is a LOT. Do you realise how much desexing is already discounted? To castrate a 30kg dog with us is $250.70 (pain relief, fluids, overnight stay, top of the line monitoring system). Now if I were to calculate the same operation as if it were a 15min lump removal with an overnight stay, it would start from atleast $375. I'm sorry, but owning a pet involves costs. What happens if the same animal gets hit by a car and breaks its leg? Should we discount that too because an owner can't afford to pay? People seem to expect so much from vets. They want the best anaesthetics used, fluids, everything monitored etc to ensure the safest, smoothest surgery, but expect it to come without cost.
  18. In all honesty, after hearing that - I'd be switching vets!! Given that you've caught it this early, this is very little reason why your dogs should not survive, given the proper care. Must say I found this a little weird as well, though obviously we don't know the circumstances of the other cases. We've had many cases of dogs eating rat baits and from memory, in 5 years, only lost one - a puppy who was eating bait for a period of time without the owners knowing. It was then apparently kicked ( ) off their child when it jumped up and as you can imagine, started hemorrhaging and by the time they got it to the clinic, it was too late. The bait just works by stopping blood clotting. It doesn't really 'poison' them in any other way. You got to your vet and started treatment (the antidote, as such) in plenty of time so again, unless you've been given the wrong dose, I'm not sure why the prognosis appears to be so poor. Obviously with things like this the Vit K is not a guarantee but I think we'd be pretty surprised if, in a situation as yours, you still lost one or both of your dogs.
  19. Activated Charcoal needs to be given at the time - it works by absorbing the poisons in the stomach and intestines. There won't be any of the bait still in the stomach.
  20. I'm sorry this has happened to you. But if the correct type of bait was known and the dogs are on the right dose of Vit K, there's no real reason to suggest either will die.
  21. The best (and quickest!) answer would come from the supplying vet
  22. I have to say I'm a bit surprised at some of the comments implying that dogs who are taught 'tricks' aren't allowed to be themselves, or 'dogs' ?? Orbit LOVES learning new things - anyone who knows him knows that he has a wonderfully clown personality and he just loves to offer me different things because it makes me laugh and we have fun. I teach Orbit things, not because I want him to be a circus dog but because he genuinely loves it. Like others, he loves when the clicker comes out and he realises he's learning something new. Danes were bred to hunt boar, but obviously I can't take him hunting every day, so I do other things to stimulate him mentally.
  23. A heartworm injection at 4months old will not last 12months. If your vet is following the puppy schedule, I'm pretty sure they also need another at 6 then 9 months. So in a couple of months time, the injection you got at 3months of age will have worn off. Personally, I'd avoid it and instead, once your current injection has run out, switch to something like Interceptor or Sentinel. But I wouldn't use it at the same time as others have said - it's doubling up. The heartworm injection is completely unrelated to intestinal worms - all it covers is heartworm so you still need to follow a regular worming routine for intestinal worms and you can flea treat whenever you need to.
  24. Flea allergy seems to commonly cause issues around the back end, base of tail etc. Again, I'm not a vet but would have thought that the areas you mention sound more like some sort of contact problem. Atopy would be a major bummer and unfortunately it can come on at any age. I would still go with the Cortisone, but just at half the dose they've recommended.
  25. That's a pretty high dose for a relatively long time. Are you to wean him down with that dose at all? 2mg/kg is more like an immune suppressant dose and not a dose we would really ever use for skin problems! We would generally start at about 1mg/kg as the highest for really bad skin. We generally start at the higher dose for around 5-7 days then reduce the dose for 5-7 days then reduce again. Orbit (60kg) just gets one 20mg Macrolone every second day and that keeps him under control. He gets a bit thirsty on that dose (0.3mg/kg) so I can imagine what being on almost 2mg/kg would be like! Is he itchy along his back/ tail base at all? The fact it's under his belly sounds like it could also be more of a contact thing - where his skin comes into contact more due to less hair coverage. But obviously your vet has seen him in person so I wouldn't want to suggest they were wrong etc. I would start with Phenergan first - the older generation antihistamines seem to have the most success. The dose is 1mg/kg twice a day, which is awesome for you cause they come in 25mg tablets. So just start him on 1 tablet twice a day.
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