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Miss Monster

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Everything posted by Miss Monster

  1. 17 months (so far) Snuggles with mum Odd sleeping position Odd sitting position
  2. Updates... have a few months to catch up on 1 year old Monster & Meisha Russ, Meisha & Bakari
  3. So sorry to hear... I remember lurking in the White shep thread following you waiting for Tia's season, then the mating, then confirming she was pregnant, then picking the pup, then flying to get him... I'm bawling Hugs Veanna! Run free beautiful boy.
  4. Bakari is in the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Qld 2009 Calendar! His breeder entered photos without me knowing (hoping to surprise me with one for christmas) and one of the girls from the ridgeback thread saw him and told me This is the pic that's in it
  5. ARGHHHH! How's this for food drive! Bakari has obviously taught himself how to open the freezer - got up this morning and the little bugger has eaten a box of choc covered ice-creams, 1kg mince and opened the frozen chips Little sh*t
  6. RIP Pindi... and you were just talking to me about her on Sunday Rest easy at the bridge! and hugs to you Monah!
  7. Maybe I should've let Bakari sit next to you Bec.... He had a great time chasing, catching and trying to eat them I'm sure that he'd eat anything! Thanks Monah! Bakari behaved really well, which surprised me. Even in the accidental recall practice I had a really good weekend. Thanks to everyone, it was a really good bunch of people. Midol, I'm going to tell everyone you are really lovely - totally wreck your reputation Really wish I'd got a photo of Montu licking Bakari on the nose through the fence! That was so cute! Steve, I told you we'd be as talkative as we are on here
  8. Think I'll have to buy one to check it out myself!
  9. Nope - Bakari & Meisha were doing zoomies for about an hour when I got home and again this morning!
  10. Congrats Kat! I think my 2 would love it - should come out with you sometime!
  11. Woot Woot! Getting excited! Spotty & I should be down there about 5ish tomorrow!
  12. That doesn't mean Midol will let you pat him splatchy
  13. Reckon we will get lost?? Or go insane from the trip with the dogs?? Think us going insane is more likely to happen before we get lost! :rolleyes:
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