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Miss Monster

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Everything posted by Miss Monster

  1. Abbigail Abby Alika Alchemy Amber Amelia Amy x 2 Anais Annie Anastacia (Annie) Angel X3 Anishinaabe Annabelle Annabella April Arizona Asante sana Ashka Askari Astro Audrey Aura Ayla Baba Baci Bailey Becky Bella x3 Bit Blossom Bonny x 2 (Bonnie) Bonita Brandy Bree Bridie Buffy Cally Cassie Cedar Chelsea Chloe x 2 Charlotte Cinta CJ Claire Claudia Clover Cleoparta Coco x2 Daisy Dallas Delilah Delta Demi Dexta Dinky Durham Dyzney Ebony Echo Elizabeth Ella Ellie Ellie x2 Emily Emma Erin Evie Fanta Finta Froggy Gabby Gemma Genie (not exactly a girly name but I thought it suited my goldy) Ginny Glitter Grace Griffin Gypsy x2 Harlow Hayley x2 Heddy Heidi x2 Holly x 5 Honey Honour Imogen - Imy Jade Jane Jay Jay Jenna Jessie Jezebel Jindi Jodie Juliet Kara Karma Karmen Kaos Katie Katy Kayla Keilani Kenzie Kiesha Kizzey Krissy Kuean - (Queen) Lacey Layla Lea (lele) Lexi Lily x 2 Lobo Logan Lola Lottie Lucy x4 Mable Maddison Maggie x2 Mallee Marie Claudette Marlo Meg Meisha Merrique Mia Millie x2 Minnie x 2 (Mynni) Mischka Molly x4 Molly Coddle Mya Nala Narla Natasha Ness Olivia Paxy Pearl Peggie Pebbles Pip Polly Popcorn Porridge Quince Reba Rebel Reno Rhoda Rogue Rommi Rosey Rosie Roxy Ruby x3 Sabrina Sadie Saffron Safire Sally x2 Sascha x 2 Satu Savannah Shae Shandy Shannon Sharnie Sheba Shine Sinta Sienna Skye SkySnow Sophie x2 Sophia Springy Spook Stella x2 Stimpy X2 Storm Sue Suzie Sybill Tara Tasha Tayla Teegan Tess Tessa Texas Tia x 2 Tilly x3 Tinny (tin tin) Tori Tully Vada Voodoo Winter Wilhelmina Xanthe Zillah Ziva Zoe x 3
  2. Toni Lynch - she works from the Manly Road Veterinary Hospital. She did amazing things with Meisha. She's a vet, muscle manipulator & chiro. Bakari kind of waddles like that too, I've been meaning to take him to her... really should book that in!
  3. Not just yours... Bakari is fussy as too! Wouldn't eat Orijen, went off eagle pack, wouldn't touch hills so tried raw wont touch kangaroo, can't eat beef bones (they make him vomit) lamb bones do too but he wouldn't eat them anyway, will only eat a few sardines. I get the premade barf rolls $3.60/kg & chicken frames 5 for $1 1 x 7 year old female desexed Ridgeback approx 40kg 1 x 2.5 year old male entire Ridgeback approx 60kg Between the two of them: 1kg barf mince, 5 chicken frames, tin of tuna or 2 x tins of sardines per day so about $6.50/day
  4. Yes I need this... wish the weather would clear up - it's been raining/cloudy every day since Christmas eve! Mine don't go stir crazy either but I know they love it. I've got the flu at the moment (hence being at home on dol mid day) but starting next week I'll check in! My problem is last walk I did was 2.6km - by the end Meish was lagging and Bakari still did zoomies when we got home!
  5. Bakari was 11 months old when he started to cock his leg.
  6. Yeah he sure is.... and one of his nicknames isn't Big Balls Magee for nothing Poor little thing gets teased about it ALL the time!
  7. Thanks Justice.... I love keeping this updated and being able to go back and see how much he's grown and laugh at his antics
  8. K9: Well ren I didnt see you with any little dog at all lol.. What you don't think this is little I hope you don't leave it 12 months!
  9. I've had all these people at work ask how the workshop went.... My answer "the little bastard was almost perfect - how am I supposed to get help when he's an angel in front of anyone else" He must've remembered to be on his best behaviour with you around Steve It was so nice to be able to walk them both this morning without many issues. There must've been one really good smell though cos he still pulled through the prong
  10. fair enough - I'm sure there would be a lot of jealous people if you did whack him one!
  11. :cheer: :D ;) :laugh: He is no where near that bad in real life, surprisingly! EFS
  12. He tries that no matter what seat I'm on - because he fits when I'm on the lounge either that or he backs up and puts his butt between my legs and keeps his front feet on the ground
  13. Ahhh so it was you and borderlover that were laughing at my big boofa trying to climb and sit in my lap yesterday afternoon :p
  14. Photos are up http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1634...mp;l=0470fc3aba
  15. I'm just glad Daisy didn't start Monster off.... his bark reverbarated through that building like nothing else! I'm going through 169 photos most of which probably wont work because of glare... but I'll upload them to facebook and post the link in here for everyone to check out. I recognised quite a few people by their dogs but am too shy to introduce myself... which obviously isn't the case once I know you!
  16. Ok but if I turn up with only one arm it's because Bakari & Meisha have chewed the other off and eaten it on the drive down....
  17. It's all undercover luckily! Last year Steve's workshop was at the start of November and it was FREEZING at Camp Tailwaggers (even though it had been warm in Brissy). Thanks for reminding me! I would've forgotten to bring something a bit warmer!
  18. Hilaryo - I'm sure you'll get smothered with kisses again next time he sees you! Jata - thanks! But you see what I mean about it being great to look back and see how they've grown... Hope you do one for Winnie!!
  19. Sqqqqqqqquuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeee! How gorgeous! Hope she brings plenty of laughs!
  20. Ellz, I still feed mine twice a day at 2 & 7 because of the risk of bloat but do agree on the not leaving food down. If he's otherwise fine try the only feeding at set times for a few days and keep an eye on him, if he doesn't start eating take him to the vet. Bakari went off his food for a bit earlier this year I ended up changing food and he started eating it again - I don't know if he was getting bored with it or there was something else going on. Good luck!
  21. Steve... While I remember, Can you please bring some more links for the prong collars. The one I bought off you last time for Bakari doesn't fit him anymore. Also, Can I bring both dogs if I'm only handling the one at a time... Meisha always gets left at home Thanks!
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