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Posts posted by Falling_dawn

  1. ... I have never even tryed to take her off lead ...

    I don't know what you mean by this? If she's not off-lead, how could she not "come"?

    DEFINATELY don't allow her off lead beyond the safe confines of your backyard and home until and unless you have achieved a reliable recall.

    I have worked with a dog who was a quick as lightening and the owner's concern was that for all her care, the dog might slip past her children when they (who weren't so careful) opened to go through the front door. They too live very close to a very busy main road and she had lost a previous dog who was actually at the time under the care of a dog sitter in this way. So she was especially nervous of it occurring again.

    It took a few home attendance lessons and the owner was fantastic in her practice a following the training regime. It is not a guarantee that it will never happen, so one still needs to exercise care, but the owner is thrilled with the results.

    sorry once again I am not very clear its when I open the front door when we get home or some one opens the door and she slips out and "excapes" so to speak

    I have been teaching her "back" in a firm voice when I go to open the door and she will normally scoot back and let me come in in close the door behind me but if some one forgets to "click" the screen door she will push it open and off she goes

    thanks every one for your advice

  2. OK How to I train my girl not to bolt down the street as soon as she gets out the front door

    I have never even tryed to take her off lead because she would run away she will "come" when we are in the back yard but trying to call her when she's running away up the road for what she thinks is fun is impossable and quite scary as I live near a main road

    Is this just a puppy thing and I just have to keep practicing in the back yard till she gets older and not so distractable ?

  3. Ok Im not sure if my dog is still a puppy she is 5 months and 3 weeks we like our walks but now after reading alot of other threads I'm starting to think I walk her too much we go about 20 min walk 10 min to park have a break 10 min back but she is so energetic and I was going to start going for longer walks

    she just is still bouncing off the walls when we get home

    she alone 8 hours a day inside

    how much exercise should she get? she is a Cavalier KC how much walking do others take there puppies for?

  4. yep my girls getting desexed today after telling several people in the office it was looks of shock " O your not going to let her have puppies " " you know you shoud let her have one litter" " why not breed her you could make money " I sware Im griting my teeth by now Iv taken to saying "I have strong feeling's on BYB"

    If smart engineers feel this way what about other people

  5. Too egg or not to egg that is the question???

    I have also read that the egg yolk conteracts the affect that too much egg white can have

    Just let me say That mix would last Lucy 3-4 weeks so she is really only getting 1 egg a week spread out over 7 days

    much better in My humble opion the if I was to give her whole eggs as a meal or crack one over her food as some people do But like I said Im just a beginer and am trying to do as much reaseaching on feeding raw as I can and trying to adapt and incorperate any new information

    But like the OP asked she wanted ideas on what others feed

  6. This is what I made up yesterday Let me say I’m no expert and have changed my recipe following others tips, suggestions, expert advice and ideas

    I also change it a little every time I make it and only use human grade meat, veg ect.. And use a food processor

    1 ½ kg minced chicken frames (raw)

    ½ kg chicken mince (raw)

    1kg Veg (I used peas, carrots, celery, ½ a baby beet, 2 garlic, pumpkin) blended up

    4 eggs (with shells) blended

    ½ cup cooked oats

    ½ cup cooked (very well and blended) brown rice

    100 mils flaxseed oil

    1 tablespoon vegemite

    1 tesp. Vita pet sprinkled on top

    She’s has this and sardines in oil once a week and kibble (dry food =Purina pro plan at the moment) a few times a week

    She can’t have bones at the moment but she should be getting chicken wings and chopped up chicken frames and lamb ribs

    Hope this helps

  7. hi kezza Congrats on you new puppy I have A Cavalier KC as well I have fed

    super coat puppy - hated it

    advance puppy wet/dry- was ok good for a fussy eater

    Eagle pack chicken holistic- good but puppy was not fussed on it will prob go back to it when shes older

    Purina proplan puppy- good so far

    and my Fav is Barf wonderful Barf (stands for Bones and Raw food I think " if you do a search you will find lot and lots

    P.S. alot of DOl's Will not go into, buy anything from or have anything to do with PP please dont get upset but there are some stong feeling ( of which I have as well ) on this site regarding pet shops selling live animals , puppy farmers, and BYB If your interested do a search for pet shops, BYB,and PP and you will be well informed of alot of peoples feelings held in this forum

  8. Iam getting a crate big enough for her to eat in to make her feel more safe as she has grown out of her's but even when alone( we had a web cam set up ) with bones she will literally shake will fear whimpering growling barking and not eat them or leave them till she wears herself out and falls asleep if she hears any noise she wakes and starts again

    we are working with a behaviourist funny thing is its really only bones she is like this with so it was decided that bones are just too cause to much stress right now so we have cut them out in whole form totally so only minced for now

  9. I feed mainly chicken ie carcasses, wings, necks, ground carcas(mince).......however, I wean my babies on beef mince (human grade), they start eating little balls of it from 3 weeks of age. My babies will be eating slices of chicken necks by 5/6 wks.

    Mine are all Barf fed, and I dont use human chicken mince, I use either chicken mince my butcher grinds for me which is the whole carcass minced ($1 kg & fresh), or human beef mince, lamb is always expensive so I dont bother with that, they get lamb from eating lamb flaps/ribs.

    does minced carcass have enough meat in it for a Cavalier? I was doing 1/2 minced carcass and 1/2 and chicken or lamb mince

    I cant give her whole carcass or chicken wings or lamb flaps or any bones for that matter yet as she has possesive agresstion issues we are dealing with at the moment that are triggered by bones

  10. Ok this is a dumb question I know

    But I have had my puppy on a home made diet combined with a dry food

    her home made food is made with chicken and lamb mince human grade+the usual veg, oil ect... can I change to beef or at least add it she is 5 months old

    I know Im going to look like a bad owner but barf patties are 17$ for 12 and human chicken mince is costing me 8-10 $ a kilo and its getting expensive I can get beef mince for 3-5$ a kilo if I buy in bulk

    but all puppy food I look at is chicken I dont want to do the wrong thing and " break " :eek: my puppy

  11. Hi I had this prob with my Cav I got Advance small puppy wet/dry cant remeber the exact name but its a light blue bag and says it for good for weaning puppys I would add warm water and the kibble is very small so it easy for them to eat and it made to be given wet or dry

    then I swiched to EPH chicken as she got older

  12. I cut them up into big chuncks. As you blend it its really what your food proccesser can take

    flax seed oil is for a shiny coat I had bought mine from a health food shop but I noticed that from a pet food place often has it alot cheaper about 20$ for 700 mils at the Mega pet wherehouse

    I have used 1/2 flax seed oil and 1/2 olive oil if im running out or money is a bit tight

    some people use fish oil for omega 3 I give my dog oily fish once a week for that

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