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Everything posted by Dogfish

  1. Here is the link if anyone is interested. http://earlyspayneuter.blogspot.com/ Dogfish
  2. Do the vegies have to be pulped? Can they just be diced up? Dogfish
  3. What about when a child does not hurt/harass the pup and it is still nipping at them. Then what? Dogfish
  4. Hi, what do you mean by hands on in this circumstance? Is this a smack? Dogfish
  5. Ours is similar. Has a nutso time at some point before bed. Is not ususally like that in the day. She is a 13 wk old airedale and has plenty of company during the day as my OH is a stays at home with our youngest. I cant wait till her training starts. Never had a dog before so I hope I have been doing the right thing till now. Trying to teach her to stay down and not bite. It seems to work ok with me most times but she does not listen to others in the family as much, especially the kids. I aqm looking forward to training and her settling down. Dogfish
  6. lol.. I thought this would come up sooner or later. My handle is named after the Dogfish Head Craft Brewery. I am a mad craftbrewer but a first time dog owner. Took me ages to come up with a handle so in the end I just picked this one. So at what rate can I introduce them to our 13 week old airedale? Dogfish
  7. Have had a good laugh reading this thread. Particularly the water ballon and pepper suggestions. Will deal with this if it ever arises. Dogfish
  8. Seems like the oily ones are the ones to go for. Is it ok to give them to pups, and how much does everyone fed their dog? If you give them 3 times a week how much do they get at a time? Dogfish
  9. I too have to say that I was suprised that any dog would eat sardines. We just got our first dog so we are learning a lot. Joined up here for some great discussions. Is there any other seafood dogs like/eat? Dogfish
  10. Probably all the reward munchies it gets from frinding all that contraband Dogfish
  11. Thanks everyone and Poodle Wrangler for pointing out that post. Another question is how much to feed the dog. When feeding dry food this is easy as I can follow the recomended portion on the pack. What about for example like tonight. If I was to give her roast pork with the fat trimmed how much would be a serving size. Obviously I understand that as the dog gets older it will stop having 3 meals a day. I have been told that dogs will eat as long as there is food available and that they can make themselves sick. Dogfish
  12. Hi monie, thanks for that. Here is a pic of her on this thread. http://forums.dogzonline.com.au/index.php?showtopic=98524 Dogfish
  13. As the topic title asks, is it? I am a new dog owner and have a 10 week old airedale and have been wondering is it ok for them to get this stuff. Also at what age can it be introduced. We ususally eat quite healthy and I want to feed my dog this way as well as giving it some of the high quality dry food. What I mean by this is good quality leftovers. For example earlier tonight we had a big pork shoulder for tea. There was plenty of meat left after our meal I am wondering if it is ok to give it some meat minus the cooked bones. Also what about stuff like roast potatoe, pumpkin, peas etc. Dogfish
  14. Hi all, I have a Airedale terrier pup that will be 10 weeks old next Saturday. Is it ok to start the crate training now? Or do you need to wait a couple of more weeks? Also from what I have read there are conflicting reports aboout how to ctrate train. One account said slowly train them to get used to the crate while another said it is ok to put it in as long as you get up for toilet breaks in the night. Never having owned a dog before it does get a bit confusing whilst trying to do the right thing. She had been sleeping in the laundry but was making a huge mess hence the crate.
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