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Bilbo Baggins

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Everything posted by Bilbo Baggins

  1. :rofl: :rofl: I knew I spelt it wrong and meant to come back to your post and copy it and forgot. For some reason spell check is not working on my desk computer since the upgrade. Works on the laptop which I am on now.
  2. I was talking to Kyra yesterday about pups names and suggested old song/persons. Mum is Ring A Ring A Rosie and dad is Duke Ellington. And yes previous mentioned dog was named after this child. :D :D
  3. You could try taking her for a walk but you might only get 6 metres beyond the gate and she wants to come back. :rofl:
  4. OMG what a drawn out process for her. Kadbury's girl Kyra had problems so we had her on the couch for the sanity of our backs. So we could express and latch on the pups. Once they were feeding well she thought this was the place to feed so we had to rescue remedy her and force to stay in the box until she got the message. An incident occured while on the couch. It was the type that came in sections. I checked on the pups because she was sitting up and 1 missing. She had sat on it but luckly the section had separated slightly so it was in the gap, still needed resuscitation though. It was after that we really forced the feed in the whelping box.
  5. Great news. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  6. I also noticed Jetpoint and SBT101 aren't on post #1 either.... maybe others too? Oh dear can not good help theses days. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  7. Melstar 6 months is young, its usually around 8-9 months. If you are interested in showing I am willing to help you navigate scary group 1. :rofl: Please PM me.
  8. The old paintings are actually cavs. But they where called King Charles. When the squished face became popular and the longer nose dropped out the name stayed. When the breed was reformed in 1925 they had to come up with a name so they became Cavalier King Charles as King Charles who had the breed was known as the Cavalier King. Long Story shortened. :laugh:
  9. Even though the pot of gold looks better its still rainbowbridge orientated. Rosette sounds good.
  10. The seeds can be ground into a powder in a coffee grinder.
  11. Oii Missymoo you have not put me in the July list. Due 31st. Saw Rosie today and she has blossemed. Pics when I can get them off the camera.
  12. I plan to have a chat to a pharmacist soon and see if he and work out the dose of a teaspoon to the human capsules.
  13. Well done jetpoint. Rescue remedy can work for making the mum stay in the box. Few drops bubs on boobs hormones kick in and she relaxes and goes to sleep and becomes maternal.
  14. That is great Alyosha, get it into her anyway possible. It would be interesting to find out the dose using human tablets.
  15. zzz Top there is no point giving it to her before the pups are born. When all the placentas are out milk production kicks in. This is why its important to count the placentas and any doubt have a shot of oxytocin. The body still thinks its pregnant if a placenta is retained and milk production is limited. Because of my girls' nipple problem I knew she would be engorged then shut the supply down to manage that, so I would give it to her from the first meal. Other girls I wait to see what happens. With caesar I give with the first meal because they have missed the stimulation of the pups sucking as each is born.
  16. Sadly my OH's dog died last week. He was there when she was born, came early and I was at work. They were extremely attached. OH carries on a treat about how much money I spend on the dogs and how much time I spend with them. BUT when out I often over heara conversations that goes like ""We breed cavalier king charles spaniels" :rofl: :rofl:
  17. Try mixing it in with the milk. Maybe its the cav thing they will eat anything. :laugh: :laugh:
  18. Hi, I know this is slightly off topic.......but with the travelling that Gundog trialers have to do.....just to do a training day let alone compete (I travelled 6 hours for a club training day).......does that make them petrol Champions too !! Absolutly. :rofl: ;) ;) ;)
  19. Keep up the calcium. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  20. Well just to add a bit of excitment to the thread ;) ;) ;) ;) I saw a gorgeous boy today who is 22 points off his Aust GR. CH title. http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=38920 In 2 years 5 months he has acheived this with mostly 7,8,9 point BOB. Many In group and at least 1 in show award that I am aware of. Yep he is a petrol grand ch you have to drive from home to a show :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I just hope I am at the show when he gets it because he is well deserving of it. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Go Bullitt.
  21. We have. She's not very keen... She actually isn't really eating very much at all yet - and is being fussy which is very unlike her. We have her on milk replacer so at least she's drinking lots of that. We'll keep at it. She has finally passed placenta today so should brighten up. No signs of infection though which is good. We'll keep at it. Early days. She did almost squash one of the pups today - it was a heart starting moment indeed! He got under her front looking for a teat and she leaned her shoulder back onto him as she stretched back for the others to get to the belly. I heard a little whine, did a quick headcount and dived under her. He was blue and limp. A good rub and a couple of little breaths and he was back to normal. Can't say the same for my heart!! I felt bad as she's trying to be so careful. But she's a big girl and they're so squiggly!! OMG that was so lucky. I was going to post in your big litter thread about fenugreek but decided to start a tread which I have been meaning to do for ages. Keep offering to her, you need to mix it up in moist food. Mine love it and the non lactating will try to get to the lactating ones food. :laugh: ETA. Got sidetracked on fenugreek I was sitting next to Ruby when she squashed a pup. It did not utter a squeak, I just happened to do a head count and found 1 missing lifted her up and it was flat as a biscuit. Could have only been dead 2 mins. :(
  22. I am very happy to talk to anyone about Lactation problems. 0437570650 I cannot stress enough the importance of fenugreek as a galactagogue. Below is an excellent article by a Lactation Consultant/doctor. She also decribes its other uses. http://www.breastfeedingonline.com/fenugreekoverlooked.shtml "Fenugreek's mechanism of action seems to be related to its' propensity to increase sweat production. As you may remember, the breasts are modified sweat glands. I am one who almost never sweats and that may be why I am a poor milk producer." Quote from article. In 1996 I had attended a post speciality show seminar by the judge who was a naturapath in Finland. She discussed using naturapathic remedies for increasing milk production, amongst other things. I became a Lactation Consultant in 1996 and learnt about managing human lactation including increasing supply. Some 6 months later a friend and I had 5-7 day prem litter where the mum also got mastitis and reduced her milk supply. We got some remedies from one of the attendees at the seminar who was also a naturapath.We used our lactation knowledge(she was an ABA Councellor) to express mum, latch the pups and survive, 5 of her pups and 1 of mine. I had had my girl desexed at caesar as it was her last litter and she lost a bit of blood. Only 1 pup survived and was a poor feeder from day 1. When the other pups were born I put my pup with the new mum and she greatly improved. When the milk supply dropped and we got the remedies we also gave them to my girl who by now was about 10 days post birth and had not had her pup for about 7 days. We started them about 6pm and by 8am the next morning she had expressable milk which she did not have the night before. We felt this was a good indication of the remedies working. We did not give her back her pup as she was not interested in it. About 5 days after starting the remedies and expressing and constantly latching the pups we had acheived full supply and no longer needed to top them up. In 2004 my ruby girl in my avatar had her first litter. After delivery I noticed that her back two nipples were rather flat and the pups had difficutly attaching. This picture was taken after her second litter and you can see that the back nipple is flat compared to the other two visible ones. I Googled 'animal and naturapath', as by now had lost the phone number of the naturapath we had originally used,and discovered a naturapathic vet in nearby Thornbury. I took Ruby to her and got some remedies to assist her mammery development.Unfortunately I should have gone earlier in her pregnancy. Some improvement occured but not enough for the pups to latch on well. Due to not being drained the back two boobs became engorged and to manage this Ruby dropped her supply not only to the unused boobs but all of them. Back to the naturapthic vet and got remedies for increasing supply. By 2006 fenugreek was a well established galactagogue in human lactation. So I deceided to try it with Ruby after her second litter. I used fenuegrrek seeds and ground them in a coffee grinder. Great result no topping up of pups. 7 did not survive 1 faded and she sat on one while I was sitting next to the box. Since then I routinely give 1 heaped teaspoon of fenuregreek twice a day for at least 2 weeks. I mix it in the wet food. It could also be mixed with minced chicken or beef into balls if you are not giving moist food. I would suggest that with a large litter fenugreek is a must to maintain adequate supply.
  23. I love the first one but is too like the rainbowbridge :( If you could put itinto pot of gold each end then :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  24. What breed and what general area???
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