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Bilbo Baggins

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Everything posted by Bilbo Baggins

  1. Congratulations Yarrowfell. Sorry about the two that got their wings Can you put the photo in managing large litters thread as I belive its great for allowing them all access.
  2. Better be neuter classes. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
  3. So far so good so Yarrowfell but I do not envey your night tonight. ;)
  4. WooooooooooooooooooooHooooooooooooooo Griffies.
  5. I feed my pups twice a day around 7am and around 7pm. I am work inbetween and is ffod was left down the other dogs would eat it. Mum weans when she is ready. That said the last litter I gave Mum away at 6 weeks to rasise another litter, the pups survived and learnt very quickly to drink from the waterbottle.
  6. I think everyone is a bit off the track here. The OP has GSD's and a speciality show to them is totally different to a single breed championship show of other breeds. If you have never been to a GSD speciality I suggest going but take your earmuffs. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  7. She did them in Vic but is now in QLD.
  8. I have not read any of the replies. It is so much easier since the net. I am currently waiting for pups to be born so I can enrich the lives of two of my previous families. One from 13 years ago who found me by Googling and 1 from 6 years ago who has kept in touch. I love it. :) :)
  9. FYI. GT is now called Animal Network. Same place same phone numbers.Been there today. ;)
  10. I have never wormed the pups because my vet states that if the mother has been treated adequately then she will not pass worms on to pups. ETA. I have never had worms in pups and they get their first tablet at vaccination at 7 weeks.
  11. Jetpoint I tried to locate an article by an American vet that I discovered when researching swimmer pups. It was on the Chinaroad website but becuase it is no longer as readable I could not, so I googled without much succes but found this "A healthy newborn may lose weight in the first few days of life but should start to gain weight by the time she is forty-eight hours old. In fact, she should double her birth weight in eight to ten days. A good indicator of a pup’s potential to put on healthy weight is to see if the mother is gaining weight, as this is a sign that she has the nutritional support available to pass on to her litter. A puppy that loses 10 percent or more of her birth weight in the first two days of life and does not start gaining by three days probably will not survive unless she is hand-fed. Learning how to properly hand-feed your puppies is imperative, as mistakes in feeding can result in trouble. A puppy who at birth weighs about 25 percent less than her litter mates should be placed in an incubator and hand-fed. Many underweight puppies can be saved if quick action is taken and their weakness is not complicated by disease or hereditary defects." The article I was looking for described the the weight gain as 10% a day which means they double the weight at 10 days. I have kept records of my weight gains and had worked out that the pups would be double their bith weight by 9 days. I just went and looked at my records and except for the fading puppies the weight loss has been just over and mainly under 10%. Mostly they have more than doubled their weight by 10 days. In a few of the articles I just glanced at it was recommended to weight the pups twice daily for 2 weeks, which I have always done.
  12. jerojath only 5 Congratualtions. Glad all well. :thumbsup:
  13. I never leave food down as the wrong dog would eat it. Supervised eating always.
  14. Well she is around 1 day over so you could be in for a long night. ;) ;)
  15. Rescue Remedy is a Bach Flowers solution. Youe use about 4 drops its human grade. Fixes everything. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bach_flower_remedies
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