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Bilbo Baggins

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Everything posted by Bilbo Baggins

  1. Kaffy I would not have it on the back veranda LOL. With a dog pop farm you van only do dog no other scraps. Once it's casing I do not think it matters where you put it, also you need a particular type of worm. I investigated some years ago so some thinking may have cjhangef.
  2. To me it looks like snow nose with sunburn. Does he still have pigment else where?
  3. Bellackcs of your breeder is member of the Cav Club of NSW he/she could nominate you for membership. If not then Google CacClubNsw and contact the Membership Secretsry Could help you join Vic :D :D Join in the Cav thread under Breed Sub Forums
  4. Could you please post pic, closeup, of his nose?
  5. You could do an outcrossing and get the same result.
  6. That happens to babies as well. This looked more wide spread as in down the neck and shoulders and into the feet and legs.
  7. Arh you serious?? Puppies do the meconium poo, not the bitch :laugh: Sorry Swayd just realised what I typed!!!! Think I might have just had meconium poo on my brain, I meant the afterbirth poo. I find that until she does her first or second poo after whelping she absolutely reeks. Yep those farts are rather I only let mine eat a couple, always the first and further on to help delivery. O
  8. It looks very odematous ie fluid in the tissue. Could be dueto a number of things, heart, blood disorder and abnormality of kidney.
  9. 5 that willbe right. Kadbury and I once whelped a litter of 8.all fit and well excellent Mum. This was just after a disastrous Cav litter of 3. It's Murphys law. Grrrrrrt Hope all going well.
  10. congrats!!! Sorry to hear that Risyntira - hopefully next time I was woken up at 4am by Sohvi the goodyear blimp nesting in the hallway - trying to scratch up the wood floors She's settled down today but its probably a good guess that she will go towards the end of the week, or on the weekend - will see! Can feel a fair bit of movement, so no wonder she is feeling rather uncomfortable, poor girl! :rofl::rofl:
  11. I will contact Dot. Better not donate Group 1 as I might go :laugh::laugh::laugh: Might get Dot to make me some new mats as well. ;););););)
  12. Hope someone finds them and hope you had another set at home.
  13. Tralee seems to have gone bellyup I tied to PM him and it would not send.
  14. Hmmm....hopefully so will "the powers that be". OH came home with a bottle of bubbly and asked "How'd you go at the eye vets today??" "See, told you she was okay", was his response to my news. LOL I showed the pic to Lyn C and she said Umm I know some pups that look like that. ;)
  15. I like first choose. :thumbsup:
  16. Am I that predictable????? :laugh: Yep ;) ;) ;) ;)
  17. At the Show. I could not find my numbers when we went to leave so got them re written. Then discovered that a lot of people did not get them either.
  18. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  19. Recommend GSD's 4EVER for treats ;) I use this company for Advocate best price around, no probes with service and you get emails on delivery.
  20. Hope this continues. Hint get some of GSD's 4EVER treats and Jazz will never leave the bed. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
  21. Clyde I feel for you. I had my ruby girl go missing on New Years Eve when I was at the beach one year. I came back and letter dropped in 40 degree heat. Found her in the Lort Smith but not for 2 days due to holidays. It was horrible.
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