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Everything posted by washa

  1. Thanks for that. Connecting the Dog is the link I had. I'll try sending them messages.
  2. Hi Everyone, I have one of these harnesses for one of my dogs and love it. I would like to get one for my other dog but the online site that I got it from doesn't seem to have a Shop anymore. Does anyone know where we can get them in Aus? thanks Wendy
  3. I am just wondering if it is ok to use a small squeaker in the ring for my dog to get his attention. I am guessing some people in with me wont like it but am just wondering what the general feeling is - is it ok or not. I wouldn't use it lots, just a little. thanks
  4. Thanks everyne, took her down to Ranford this evening.
  5. thanks, I'll give them a call. I use Ranford Vet - very happy with them
  6. Hi, am after peoples input. I usually make the hour trek to see my Vet in Wanneroo. However I just dont have the time to get there today and I would like to get Sasha into a vet to check out the lump that I found on her leg last night. Can anyone suggest a vet in the Canning Vale area?
  7. Yep, 5 cups a day of Premium food plus chicken mince! And that maintains a really good weight. But I think he's an exception as I dont know any others that eat that amount. Hopefully the puppy will not eat anywhere near that amount when he grows up :D
  8. Hi Guys Fletcher is just over 9 weeks old. I have wanted something from his sire for some time now, he has a great personality. This was the "phantom" litter. The vet told the breeder that the bitch wasn't pregnant at 4 weeks along, and then at 6 weeks along told her no, definitely not pregnant! At 8 weeks the breeder was very concerned so took her to a different vet who told her that there were at least 6 puppies in there! So, after lots of disappointment with her not being pregnant, it was a huge surprise - 1 week before they were born! Food wise, I think it depends on the dog. My older boy has a great metabolism and eats 5 cups of biscuits a day plus some chicken mince - he is about 40kg, so not huge. However, I know plenty of other Ridgie people whose dogs only have 2-3 cups a day. I dont think Fletcher will be huge. But he does have great bone! I am very happy to be going back to the older style of ridgie that has substance, rather than some of the fine ones that are in the ring nowadays. Anyway, I have plenty planned for him, but we will have to see what he likes :)
  9. Hi MG, could you let me know the details of what you are getting? thanks The system is only $30 and will be on a timer i guess we will do it every every hour for 10-15 mins...
  10. Does anyone know where and when they train?
  11. My parcel was there when I got home yesterday. Nothing updated on the tracking and the big box just sitting next to the front door!
  12. How is everyone checking the tracking? I asked for my tracking number which they gave me and a link to check it at www.usps.com. When I put the tracking number in there it tells me it was "processed through a sort facility in AUSTRALIA on December 21, 2011 at 10.30pm. It is currently in transit to the destination.". I haven't received it yet and it doesn't show any further information. It was first shipped on 8th December
  13. Hi Lab Rat, If they are smaller than a "Bosley" size, and I think his latest was 60cm, I would be interested in them for my "future" new addition :D Washa
  14. I have entered obedience on the 29th. I have Sasha, a black Keplie/Lab girl who is in Open. If you want I'll come up to the show with you and try to explain what happens. But, it's not really that hard, just be ready and listen for your number, with a baby boy you'll be one of the 1st in with the Labs. IMO, the important thing with a baby is that they have a good expereince in the ring, doens't matter if they behave or not, no-one expects much from a baby. You'll also be better off going in with a baby because it doesn't matter if you make mistakes either - starting in the baby class is the best place for the dog and handler to learn. Now I know who you are. Sorry, I'm a bit slow on the uptake I dont post much as I'm still learning really, I'm also fairly shy so it is just to scary to approach someone I dont know
  15. No, each group starts at the same time (occassionly it is different but not often). There will be rings setup for each group that is on on the day. Some shows are over 2 days, so will have 4 groups on one day and 3 groups the next. The group runs in Alphabetical order, so you are probably about half way. I'm at work so can't check what is happening on that day. I'm not in groups 3 (Gundogs) either so dont know what breed comes first, but for example Goldies are on before Labs. But, once you get the hang of it it's not hard, and there are usually friendly people in the breed that will help you out. Will his breeder be there? I'll go through it on the 29th if you like, and I will probably be there at the Nov show.
  16. I have entered obedience on the 29th. I have Sasha, a black Keplie/Lab girl who is in Open. If you want I'll come up to the show with you and try to explain what happens. But, it's not really that hard, just be ready and listen for your number, with a baby boy you'll be one of the 1st in with the Labs. IMO, the important thing with a baby is that they have a good expereince in the ring, doens't matter if they behave or not, no-one expects much from a baby. You'll also be better off going in with a baby because it doesn't matter if you make mistakes either - starting in the baby class is the best place for the dog and handler to learn.
  17. Of course you can! Just look at it as some fun with your puppy, go in there and dont worry about what happens. Puppies are allowed to be naughty in the ring and as long as he has a good experience it doesn't matter Just go and get the first time in the ring over and done with. I always get nervous before I go in the ring but when I come out I wonder why because I really enjoy it I will probably be there with the Ridgies if you need any support/help.
  18. I didn't get mine either, I'm in Canning Vale.
  19. I was there with a friend and we were commenting on the lovely baby whippet Well done, he was so good especially for his first time there. I handled a Ridgie for my friend. Well done! I think I may have been in the baby line up with you as Mr Jerry Whippet got Baby in Group as well - at his very first show! :D Super proud of my little man, he was a bit overwhelmed when we first got down there (his first time at K9) but soon discovered that this place was full of nice people and nice dogs and he had a ball! He showed like an absolute trooper, must do no training more often... :rofl:
  20. Well done How did you do the braiding on that - did you find instructions? I have been wanting to make one for a while now but haven't been able to figure out how.
  21. I went to Wolfproud on a Thursday as well when I first started out - and I knew nothing about showing. Jenn is really good and is more than happy to help out a 'newbie'! She is also very good with puppies. I completely agree about choosing wisely - you dont want a pup ruined by a rough instructor. Same as you dont want to be put off by an insensitive instructor. Yes I am pretty nervous to venture to show classes I know absolutly nothing so I am going to feel pretty stupid as is!! :D Zora and ST's JT and Lulu sometimes go to Wolfproud classes on Thursdays. The lady there is really understanding with newbies and if you let me know when you are planning to go and I am not rostered on I will come too.
  22. It usually works on their age on the first day of a show - so she would be Junior for the entire show.
  23. Poor Wandy. Hope she's better soon.
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