yup, how did i make it go faster?
Well i worked hardcore to save up, then i spent a lot of money on buying things before my dog was even born. BTW i got a German Shepherd. So the 5 pretty collars, which consisted of glow in the dark gummi collars to pretty leather collars with jewels in them, didn't last long she out grew the collars each within about a week HAHA. Excited mummy.
I had 5 months to think about how to convince my parents to let me have another dog. And 5 months to figure out how to get my other dog, whom mind you, would want to kill a dog with passion. That was my fault for never socializing him properly (not really, I was 5 when I got him). But after a few months. Brief contact. He had to wear a cage muzzle the whole time. It all worked out perfectly and we no longer need to use the muzzle on the old boy.
Hope everything works out for you.
p.s: hiking.
I can hear my Boss' voice my head when my friends dog peed on her wall, "IF YOU LIFT YOUR LEG ONE MORE TIME YOUR GOING TO GET A BAMBOO STICK UP YOUR BEEEEPPPPPP" dont know if that will work but its worth the shot hahah