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Everything posted by Kadbury

  1. :) Love to hear these good news stories. Congrats to all involved, we all know that good things come to good people Pics PLEEEEEZE
  2. ;) Gayle K you are one special lady..........thanks heaps and I look forward to meeting you in Traralgon tomorrow.
  3. Once a decision is made on which pup the breeder is keeping, you can pay extra to get the pups registered within 24 hours.
  4. No one is stopping them supporting another club, THEY themselves are because they can't get CC points.
  5. If i was showing, and knew there was a breed National on, i would assume that i would not be eligible for points at an All breeds show. Since i dont show maybe i am looking at it from a different point of view
  6. It is no different to entering an Open show.
  7. The same thing happens with other breeds and their Nationals, however it seems that only the GSD community in Tassie that dont show specialty have an issue with it. it is ONE weekend a year
  8. It is one weekend a year, surely points are not that important?
  9. Polish lowland http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Lowland_Sheepdog"]Wiki info on it[/url] Profiles
  10. Reno's back could be out, it could be pano, he could be growing See a good vet chiro/chiro and see if that helps Have you spoken to your breeder at all about it? If the chiro doesn't help, your breeder may know of a vet who knows GSDs that you can see Good luck and i hope it is as simple as his back being out.
  11. That is your opinion It is a lot of fun watching a GSD specilaty without being involved
  12. Puppy breath........awwwwwwww nothing like it
  13. well done CBC will keep watch tonight for more news Congrats to all the new mums and new pups
  14. BMP - I cannot believe that you let your dog pee on peoples car tyres. i find that appalling that you thought it was an ok thing to do, let alone actually let your dog do it.
  15. Gorgeous babies Rantino - good luck with them
  16. Gorgeous babies Rantino - good luck with them
  17. Congrats Bindii! IR it was not that bad, it was hot but there was at least some breeze so the shade was bearable.
  18. Do breeders have to microchip all litters before they go to their new homes? Or is it up to the new owner?
  19. ok.......just open pic in photo bucket the you will see a list with codes.......click the img code and a yelloe copied will appear.......then paste it in the thread....hope that made sense Mabels mum and dad trying to sneak a kiss lol
  20. Oh my Gosh those pics are adorable I can even imagine the sound that goes with them LOL. Looks like they have bonded really well..... Mia is soooooo cute and Bailey is sure loving her new toy. LP.......Don't forget Kepala is on this Sunday you could bring Leo, Kinta and the bubs for a BIG play date.
  21. Seamonkey that is adorable............congrats Heidii
  22. Looking forward to more pics. First Time Puppy Owner How did you get my Cat Zoe LOL
  23. NOOOOOOOO Please don't even think about Retirement You have a very special Gift with Pictures and especially Words - your poems and thoughts have brought me to tears many many times. Keep up the great work
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