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Everything posted by Kadbury

  1. Just realized your a new member Kmac. Welcome to DOL enjoy the company and advice of some wonderful dog owners
  2. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/157516-swimmer-pups/ This is pinned Topic and I was involved with these pups. Do you have a swimmer pup in your litter ?? I am sure you will get lots of advice here and good luck.
  3. :rofl: Love the last pic of the three bums.....too cute. As far as me guessing what they are lol......Black dogs with Big feet (Ears look like a Lab)
  4. How is Bella this morning ?? Just a thought maybe some rescue remedy might help if she is just a bit stressed. That temp sounds a bit high (no expert here)
  5. Wow just googled them as I had never heard the name before and they are HUGE.....
  6. No lines here either.......I looked before but didn't reply cause I thought of that Adv "Should have gone to Specsavers" ;)
  7. I think you may have had a bit of Parenting experience since your son is 20 months ;) sounds like your off to a great start with the puppy too.
  8. Sorry but had to have a giggle at your story...I do hope your on the mend quickly. I hope you get a laugh out of my Story. Went out to fill the dogs (GSDxKelpixKangabloodyroo) water bowl one night, as usual she was very excited and as I bent to place the bowl down she jumped hitting me in my Nose, Mouth, Face and all things above the shoulder. I came too on my back looking up at the stars through the Lemon tree Tasha was still leaping around wanting me to play. As I lived alone and I knew I had been out cold for quite a few minutes and was covered in blood I decided to call a friend. Call went something like this " Hi Lil sorry to ring so late but can you come over I have cut my WIPPS and there is blood everywhere." (You try and say Lips when they are swollen to three times the size) Poor Lil arrived with a bag full of First Aid stuff that could have supplied a hospital.......lol Poor girl thought I said I had Cut My Wrists and there was blood everywhere.......thank goodness she didn't call an ambulance before leaving home. I still have a giggle about my Cut WIPPS ;) This happened many many many years ago...thankfully I have learnt my lesson.
  9. Awwwwwwwwwww this has made my eyes leak. So happy to see a follow up on some of these darling dogs after they have been rescued.....Keep up your great work. I recently met a AWDR lady at the Morwell pound as she took a beautiful dog out to Foster.
  10. Thanks for the hint, I have it on my phone now so will give it a test drive in the morning. Thanks Persp for sharing this camera ap with us all. :D
  11. :D Those are real Happy Snaps.....I love Kepala.
  12. Looks great but I am having a blonde moment and can't figure how to download it......will try in the morning after my coffee..... ;)
  13. Run free I have leaking eyes after reading the Poem.
  14. Any news, Just read a post about a surrogate bitch available in Wagga. I would love to hear how these two are getting on.
  15. Poor girl, what a nice thought to offer her to others with pups.
  16. Congratulations Indigirl, no wonder she looked so big - the pups are so big compared to her tiny little body. Looking forward to seeing them grow :D "
  17. They are soooo cute and extremely squishable......we need more pics :D
  18. Any news ? what about a surrogate mother ?? it might be a good idea to try and organise something Just in Case
  19. What beautiful markings on his face. :D I see he has already claimed his bed....hehehehe
  20. :thumbsup: Good on you, are you taking all 9 Looking forward to pictures - I know you will come home with at least one. ;)
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