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Everything posted by Rhi*Jak*Ed

  1. haha yes this is true! Unfortunately her "comeback" was only short lived. She put her mouth over the cord but couldn't seem to be bothered doing anything else. Normally she would grab it and run!!! Well she really hasn't improved at all and I'm trying to get hold of the vet. She's still retching, still lethargic, still sad :-( I've taken a couple of pics to show her sorry face... The one of her body from above shows where her ribs are now sticking out, whereas before her desexing she was quite full all along there, it's almost like she's now quite hollow past her ribs, I can't think of any other way to describe it. Anyway, here's my girl, just 5 minutes ago...
  2. She's actually not on any medication... She was on Prevacox when I first brought her home from her desexing, but the vet has now taken her off that so she's not on any at the moment. She's drinking fine, just when she feels like it and is weeing and pooing ok too, which is good. She kept her dinner down last night but has only managed two mouthfuls of food this morning, nothing since. He's sent her home on the i/d diet. I don't know why she's still retching - it all seems too much for her and everything she does looks like it's quite the effort, including breathing. Very laboured... The only time it seems "normal" is when she's asleep. Thanks Clover :-) I hope she becomes Jak again soon. Ooh good sign, she just put her teeth around the iron cord haha.
  3. Hi all, Well Jak is at home now, but it appears that she's still got a fair way to go before she's her old self again :-( She seems to just sit, retch, lay down... Then she sits up, retches and lays down again. Not much of a routine, but she's getting there. She seems very tired so has been having lots of naps upon arriving home. I have decided not to crate her as I need to be able to tell when she is on the improve, and I can't do that when she's confined to her crate. My dog LOVES to run, but so far a slow walk is all she can manage, and sometimes not even that. She appears to have lost alot of weight too, which isn't all that surprising considering that she probably has not retained any food since last Thursday. Hmm. Her stomach also appears quite distended. She's sitting behind me now retching. Oh man this isn't fun... She has received many cuddles and kisses and seems quite content to just sit next to me or snuggle up if I'm also laying down. This is out of the ordinary too but I am liking this change haha. Anyway, will keep you all posted with her progress. I am at home with her today, and will see how she is in the morning before I decide whether to go to work or not, but at this stage I feel that I'll probably be at home all week keeping an eye on her. Oh, I forgot to add that the other vet nurse got in to work this morning and saw that Jak had been there so she called me straight away to see how she was. She's our favourite :-) haha. Rhi & Jak
  4. I just rang the vet again to make sure she was still on track to come home tonight and she is! YAY!!! Apparently she's bouncing off the walls haha. He said to me "Did 'so and so' tell you yesterday that she'd had some diarrhoea?'... Um, no.... the vet nurse with no bedside manner did NOT tell me! Yikes. That makes sense now as to why they think it's gastroentiritis. Sheesh!
  5. Hi all, Well I have spoken with the vet this morning and she is doing much better. She had some food about 20 minutes ago and has thus far managed to keep it down. Yay! He is treating it as a bout of gastroentirits, although concedes that she could possibly have had a reaction to the painkillers he prescribed for her leg. He said her asophygus has been burned because of all the vomiting and she's having like a reflux sort of effect, so the burning is making her think there's still something there to get rid of, when really there isn't. Poor baby :-( All things going well, i.e. keeping her food down, he will take her off the drip early this afternoon and I can pick her up around 5.30/6 pm. I feel much better now having spoken to him. Not that the vet nurse isn't great, but this one in particular just doesn't seem to have the "bedside manner" that the other vet nurse and the vet himself have. It's almost like she's indifferent, and doesn't exactly display much (if any) compassion, and getting information out of her has been like pulling teeth. So when I called this morning I listened to her bumble and then asked to speak to the vet himself. Oh well. He said she's bright and bubbly, which is great :-) Like I said, I feel much better now, I've been so worried about her. With any luck my little girl will be at home tonight receiving many cuddles and a ridiculous amount of kisses
  6. haha sounds good. She does such wonderful zoomies, but more so in the backyard now rather than inside. It took her headbutting the coffee table on two occasions for her to realise that trying to jump onto the couch whilst running underneath the coffee table would end in quite the headache! haha. Now she does figure 8's in the yard and I think sometimes surprises herself at just how quick she is. You know when you do a sprint and you feel that you're running way too fast for your legs to cope or catch up? Yeah well I think she does that lol. My little munchkin. Thanks everyone, you've been great :-)
  7. Thanks Clover - it's not good and very worrying, but my little girl has plenty of spark and so am hoping she recovers quickly and fully :-) Pinnacle here's a couple of pics of the terror herself... One as just a wee pup and one taken maybe a month ago.
  8. Thanks pinnacle dts :-) Yeah she is better off where she is and I actually feel more comfortable that she's at her own vet where she knows everyone so it shouldn't be too traumatic for her. I've been doing some research on the net and the delayed reaction is certainly a possibility - she could just be very sensitive to the anesthetic. The vet nurse mentioned something about trying her on a intestinal diet (bland chicken and rice) to see how she goes with that, but that could be tomorrow rather than today. Oh well, more lounging around on the floor watching movies for me without two paws standing on my neck! haha. I say that lightly but I do miss her terribly. Fingers crossed for a good nights sleep tonight. Thanks everyone for your well wishes and concern, it means alot :-)
  9. Hi laffi, Yes not long off the phone (the vet was with someone so I spoke with the vet nurse instead). Apparently he wants to keep Jak in overnight for further monitoring :-( So two sleepovers in a row for her the poor thing. They've x-rayed her and there are no obstructions, which is a big . She is still retching, just not bringing anything up and that's why he wants to keep her there. She hasn't had anything to eat or drink and is still on the drip. So another night by myself and I can check in on her again around 9.30 tomorrow morning. It's not the same without my little furry mate by my side :-(
  10. Thanks amypie - I've calmed ALOT haha. I've been working on some photos, so I think that's helped. I might grab a magazine now and just lay down on the floor and chill. I can call the vet around 4 to see how she's doing :-)
  11. Done :-) I give her either beef soup or briskit bones, straight out of the freezer... I'll have a look for your post now. Rhi
  12. Hi, Yeah I told the vet/s that she'd had a bone on Saturday - she did swallow some of it as she usually does. I was wondering if that might be a factor myself and have been wondering why an x-ray hasn't been done. I hope her vet does one during the day today, at least just to rule that out. It's ok pinnacle, you can't worry me any more than I already am :D
  13. Thanks weisnjac - fright indeed! She's at our vet today and I can ring around 4pm to check up on her. I didn't cope well with seeing the drip in her arm. I'm so soft! I remember when I had to take my dad to the doctor when he broke his hand, I nearly passed out just watching the doctor prod at it. That's what I was like when the vet was checking Jak over... Not nice haha. I stopped at the servo on the way home and the guy there (always very friendly) asked me how my day was going. I said not good, been at the emergency vet overnight, pup couldn't stop vomiting etc. He said "Was she recently desexed?" and I said she was. He said his girl started vomiting after the surgery and didn't make it... Not a nice thought to take home with me. Oh dear. Might make myself another coffee.
  14. Thanks :-) She had a bone on Saturday and only a very small meal on Saturday night, and then the same sized portion yesterday morning and then again last night at about 6. I've just gotten home from taking her to our regular vet and he seems stumped. She now seems to be trying to vomit but nothing's coming up. I feel so helpless and I can't stop crying.
  15. OMG - what a night. After a fairly uneventful day, at about 11 pm last night Jak started vomiting and couldn't seem to stop. So at midnight I raced her to the emergency vet (not a handy place and a half hour drive at that hour). She's been there all night, they took blood and have had her on a drip overnight. Apparently she was doing really well until 6am this morning when she threw up again. So I am about to go and get her and transport her back to her regular vet. They don't know what's wrong but seem confident that it's not surgery related and that there are many causes for vomiting in dogs. I was beside myself last night and nearly passed out at the vet when she was feeling her stomach (I'm not good with pain) and I ended up having to lay down on the floor - some mum I am! haha. Anyway, about to have a shower and battle the peak hour traffic to get to her. I don't know what's wrong with my baby girl :-(
  16. Well yes my little munchkin is at home and recovering very well! I have had to crate her though to try and keep her "quiet", which isn't always easy when you have an energiser bunny like mine, but so far so good with the crate. I let her out every hour if she's awake for some water and to toilet, stretch her legs etc and then am putting her back into the crate. I could be reading more into it, but she seems to know that she's not up for much and so far, is obliging with the forced rest. The vet had a good look at her leg and there does not appear to be any broken bone/s, torn muscles or anything so it's more than likely just a strain, which again requires rest. She is receiving painkillers for both her leg and the after op, and when I let her out she appears to be walking almost normally on her leg now... She only had a small meal for dinner last night and a normal sized meal for breakfast this morning, but she only ate about 3/4 of it. I'm about to feed her her dinner so will see how she goes with that. I'd be happy to talk to you further pinnacle about Jak and her daily life if you want to pm me with more specifics :-) Cheers guys Rhi and Recovering Jak
  17. So cute!!! Adorable face :-)
  18. I believe that it's fine to socialise your pup with dogs that you know are up to date with their own vaccinations... Otherwise, keep them away from strange dogs for the amount of time your vet says to after their final puppy vaccination (including feces on walks etc). My vet said I could take Jak out the following weekend, which was 7 days after she had to last one, so I did! lol. Prior to that I would take her to visit my mum's dog as I know how vigilant my folks are with vaccinations, flea control etc. I also socialised her with a friends cattle dogs as again, I knew that they were up to date with everything and the socialisation at such a young age is vital. Have fun
  19. Wow, can't believe I was on the right track. Amazing hahahahaha. Jak was only 6.5 weeks when I got her, but in hindsight with everything I now know (and didn't before!), I wouldn't have brought her home before 8 weeks. Kate you mentioned he had been rejected by his mum? That's so sad :-(
  20. I don't know that much about puppy's and their bowel movements, but maybe he hasn't gone because he hasn't had any solids?? I've no idea though, sorry... All the best with it :-) Do you have any pics? Rhi & Jak (even though she's AWOL tonight!)
  21. Thanks guys I got home around 7 tonight after having stocked up on dvd's at my mum and dad's place... And I've only JUST finished cleaning. I had to vaccuum, wash the floors etc ready for Jak's return home tomorrow. I'm now just waiting for the floors to dry... then I can put the mattress down and get all that set up. Then I'm done and I can crawl into bed! Oh, the bourbons have helped Whilst I have enjoyed my night alone, I miss Jakko like crazy - it's just not the same without her here latching on to my pants and barking in my face for attention. Ahhhh gotta love em
  22. Well of course as soon as the clock ticked over to 3.01 I was on the phone and ringing the vet to check on my little girl... She's fine. WOOHOO! Mind you, the net nurse asked me if I had given her something to eat this morning and I said no, had removed her pigs ears and bones as well. It turns out she'd eaten something "brown" which caused her to vomit when coming out of the anaesthetic. I mentioned that she eats her own poo. That must have been it lol. Yucko. Anyway, she's asleep now... Bring on tomorrow!
  23. haha yes we will... hopefully! I don't mind that she's there overnight, if it helps with her recovery then great :-) I think we'll both be equally as excited to see each other tomorrow morning. I miss her already!
  24. She's actually there overnight tonight, I don't pick her up until tomorrow. They keep the girls overnight but the boys can go home the same day... Yes we will spend the whole weekend together on a mattress on the lounge room floor. She loves watching movies so I'm off to my parents' place after work to stock up - they have a huge collection haha.
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