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niki schaef

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Everything posted by niki schaef

  1. same problem here!! but Ted is on a pure raw/barf diet. the only thing he gets that isn't raw is a small supercoat biscuit in the morning would that be enough? i mean his farts are OFF luckily they don't seem to last a long time!! i add yogurt to his tea about twice a week, should i step it up a bit? sorry for the hi-jack
  2. welcome as far as i know there was plastic 'i think' found in some dogs foods in America. if you search 'recall' or something similar on this forum lots of info can be found. i think supercoat is fine and wasn't affected as its made in Australia.
  3. my lab gets bonnie lite. she also gets some form of bone to munch on nearly every day, similar to Akitaowner. we've had a lot of weight trouble with her, so she only gets about a cup of food a day, sometimes mixed with veg, of fish etc, but not always. we've also tried the more expensive brands but PERSONALLY have not found much difference in maddies condition. i think if you read enough then you will always find something bad and good about all foods. i say if you find something that works, is in your price range and you are happy with the product then stick with it! just my opinion...
  4. if she usually gets barf no wonder she wont eat the kibble ted is like this too, he won't eat his kible without a little something mixed in usually yogurt, fish etc mentioned already.
  5. ok so me and Ted are now barfers all seems to be going well (2 days in!!) Ted definatley loves his food more. i used to feed him dry and he would always look at then up at me and be like 'really, this again?' and would take ages to eat it all. now, look out! he loves it eats it all up yum yum!! when he sees me pick up his bowl he gets super excited! and once the food is in (which i can never do fast enough!!), he races outside and sits so fast, its really cute. and he licks his lips not kidding he actually licks his lips when i start lowering the bowl. just one little hic-up ive noticed he had a bit of diarrhea yesterday. his poop was bit runny this morning too, could it just be the adjustment? i'm still feeding dry at night with some yogurt, fish, egg etc (just until the pack runs out, then barf all the way!!) mmmm, turkey neck! enarc, your dog is a labrador, have you ever had weight trouble? my nearly 6 year old has always had weight trouble (too much of it!!) we have a lot of trouble getting it off her. she hardly eats any food, i'm talking half a cup at night and a bone every now and again!! she lives with my parents in the country (i'm at uni and renting small flat, no room for my 'little' darling!!) and they aren't too keen on the barf diet, didn't like the thought of mixing up offal etc. but these patties might be the go. so what i'm wondering is if your lab's has any weight issues on the barf diet, and if his weight is easy to manage? is there a different set of percentage meat/bones/veg/offal for weight issues? what have been the major changes in your dogs that you've noticed when switching to raw? maddie has 'sore feet' that give her a lot of trouble. she's been to the vet and specialists, can't remember exactly what is called but her front feet don't dry out properly and she gets infections underneath that eventually come to the top surface as big cyst type things then they burst and the cycle continues. could barf have any effect on this? also with the patties do you need to add anything eg offal? or just that and bones? thanks again guys i'll get there one day by the way this is maddie (can't really tell how fat she is here, but she weighs 35kg. shes a fatty alright ) geez i write too much
  6. i'm so excited!! just found the best butcher that is at a shopping centre near us but not the usual one we go to... until know!! they are so awesome and have all sorts of delicious things for ted to munch on. would you believe they had a couple of WHOLE pigs heads just sitting there looking around didn't think i was quite ready for that (and plus it was probably bigger then Ted :p ) was now just wondering about what to feed for eg. meat part of BARF. there was a pet mince at the butcher that i got, is this all for the meat part? also raw meaty bones are anything like chicken/turkey/lamb necks and marrow bones? any other bones my boy is missing out on? what are your dogs favourites or does anything go? the offal part is all the bits like livers, kidney, heart etc correct? and finally veg. i'm guessing anything goes here? also (this may be stupid question) do the veggies get cooked? i know its a RAW food diet, but cooked is better right? also where do fish fit in? as meat? sorry for all the dumb questions but i really want to do this right and make sure i'm not leaving something important out!! ted is already super excited. i was weighing all the mince and bones out ito seperate bags earlier and TEd was just sitting there watching very intently, nose going million twitches a minute ;) he sure can't wait to get is new diet. thanks for all the help everyone
  7. hey all i was just wondering if this mix is an appropriate food for barf diet (as well as adding bones etc) 500g 1.5kg With chicken, vegetables, cereals, seafood,cheese, garlic and Best Pet's exclusive mix of nine nutritional herbs & spices (no rice or pasta) kind of vague i know. found a pet food shop close to us and the people are so nice! www.bestpet.com.au just wonering if this is ok as barf diet. also would this be just the meat part of diet or veggies as well or would more veg need to be added?
  8. thanks for the help guys. that barfsa website is great. thanks again, think i'll give it a go!
  9. i want it to stop!! my 9 month old terrierx learnt to cock when he was very young and walking him is so frustrating!! has to pee on every tree! actually thats a lie after i got him desexed its every 3rd tree he even cocks when he has no pee left!! my 6month old ridgeback doesnt cock yet and pees straight through his front legs!! very funny to see, it goes quite a long way!!
  10. hey all i've been doing a bit of research on the barf/raw diet and i'm thinking of switching my dogs diet. i would like to know any info on the benfits people have found, any bad points, etc. basically just everyones firsthand experinces on the diet. i would also be interested in what people feed their dogs and where they get it from. thanks in advance for any info
  11. ok... so what should i be looking for in a 'good' dog food? why is beef bad? what makes Nutro so good and what is Lamb Meal??
  12. a whole fish? really! wow i would never have thought of that! how do the dogs go with all the bones? i would be too worried about them getting stuck. i give my terrier x chicken necks but they seem to give him the runs. also have tried lamb off-cuts from super-market, and a 'bag of dog bones' from our local butcher. get all sorts of yummy things in there, its like a show bag for ted!! anything that keeps him busy during the day i'm willing to try!! slight hi-jack sorry- has anyone had trouble with bones ever? eg. chipped teeth, throat/stomach obstruction etc? just curious...
  13. super coat is australian made (and Dr harry recommended !!) don't think it is classed as a 'super' premium brand though. i think its a good product (meat first ingredient, which many super premiums don't have ) and have used it for all my dogs. what actually classifies a super premium brand??
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