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Everything posted by noosh

  1. I agree with u Lizandel about the weetbix etc...It was what she was having 4 brekky when I got her at 8weeks..and I slowly took her off it along with a few other foods I wouldnt normally feed my dogs. Might go on to necks..what about chicken mince? my other dogs love their sardines 1-2 times a week but I wasnt sure if at her age they were alright. Leena I had a samoyed ..he died 2 years ago from old age....he was adorable..fantastic temperment could only fault hes unwillingness to do as he was told!!!..hes name was nooshka hence my username!!! your sam looks stunning!!...and after all that ..no she is full of beans and annoying my other 2!!! GayleK...saw the aloveen but the shop assistant reccomended oaticoat!!!!??? might have to try it!!! I will also have a go with the flaxseed oil...where do u buy that from?
  2. hi everyone....My 13 week old stafford pup is looking a little under weight....a little too bony!!! I have 2 other staffords and i dont remember them been like this! Am I feeding enough 4 her age..breakfast is 'eagle pack' puppy kibble and scrambled egg, lunch is either beef mince and kibble or kibble on its own and dinner is mince and kibble....She was getting weetbix,yougurt and milk 4 brekky, srambled egg 4 lunch and mince and kibble 4 dinner I have a show in the next two weeks ( her 1st) !!!! If anyone has any idea I'd be grateful 4 advice. Also she tends to have dry skin hence the use of 'eagle pack'.....I wash her in troy 'oaticoat' shampoo and conditioner 4 puppies...so I wouldn't mind some extra oils or omega in her diet. Thanks
  3. hi everyone...just wondering what other people did with their puppies and backyard stairs. I have a 12 week old staffy and 2 older staffys that hang out together on the back deck but need to relive themselves down in the backyard..........that means of cause down the stairs they all go!!! I have tried blocking off the stairs so I then have to go and take them for loo breaks but the older girls head butt the barrier til it 's down ..then they are all off down the stairs anyway. I've even tried to keep them downstairs but staffys being staffys cant stand being out in the yard ,they want to be with us. I am so worried that the pup will damage her legs. Any ideas what i can do?
  4. noosh


    Its hard to belive he isn't here anymore. Just when I think I'm coming to terms with his passing I start crying again!!! I knew his time had come and he had lived a great and long life but it still doesn't make it any easier to cope.
  5. noosh


    I lost my buddy Nooshka on 13/01/06. He was only 3 weeks short of he's 13th birthday. He never had a bad day in all he's life.....he always wore he's Samoyed smile.....but he's worse day was he's last. Luv ya old man ....you'll live long in our hearts.
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