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border collie employee

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Everything posted by border collie employee

  1. I witnessed a poodle called Stella, responding to commands in Danish, German, and English, it was amazing to watch.
  2. Aren't labs on a a seafood diet, they see food and they eat it.
  3. Does this"vet" have any financial reasons as to why he is pushing for you to use commercial dog food. We gave our border collie raw chicken necks and wings and she has been given a perfect bill of health from our vet.I would be questioning this mans motives.
  4. [ Leopuppy you have two magnificent dogs and the video of them is stunning. You should enter your video if there is a competition.
  5. Your budgie has got some company now, bet they're squaking their beaks off upstairs. Fly free.
  6. Even though I hadn't personally met these dogs from Hp, I just wanted to say to Jasper who was surrended, a pure bred bc and a shepherd x that I hope you will have a great life across the bridge. I will not forget you and I hope there will come a time when putting dogs to sleep in such disgraceful numbers will be become a thing of the past. God bless the three of you.
  7. Cardiomyopathy is not a pleasant heart condition to live with, poor merlin would be continually breathless and tired. Now that he has gone upstairs he can run to his hearts content..
  8. My bc when she was a nipper used to bite my heels as I was walking down the stairs, it was painful being nipped by puppy teeth. Thankfully she grew out of it and they are only doing what they are programmed to do.
  9. My sister and I were at Pet Expo a few ago and my sister asked Steve Austin whether he was there to pick up dog training tips.He said with great composure ,without smiling that he was in fact a trainer with no mention of the fact that he had been on the Dr Harry show. Talk about foot in mouth disease.
  10. Has this pup had a veterinary asessment to rule out hyperthyroidism ( over active thryoid) or other medical conditions which could contribute to this pup's hyperactivity.?
  11. My bc and also her sister from a young age liked jumping up onto tables,and I know for a fact their human mum was quite strict with them. They just prefer to be off the ground and sitting on something and they don't particularly care what it is they sit on.
  12. You poor darling, I guess time will heal. When Bryn died in the morning, it was later in the evening we distinctly heard three barks each one for his family member. Thinking of you and remember Mary isn't far from you.
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