My puppy will turn a year old in a couple of weeks. He currently weighs 25kg and is a medium to large cross breed.
He has eaten Advance food since we got him as a pup and is currently eating the Advance Puppy Growth Kibble. At the moment we feed him 100gms of kibble in the morning and then another 100gms at night.
I was looking to move to Advance Large Breed kibble once he is 12 months old as we are happy with his coat, skin etc on this food.
We buy a large marrowbone every couple of months for him and he is happy to chew on this until we deem the bone too small. We dont feed him chicken frames or necks as he tends to just swallow these and not chew them.
2-3 nights per week we also feed him some cooked pieces of carrots, broccoli and cauliflower probably about 50-100gms with his kibble
When we get home each afternoon we give him 1 small Supercoat dry biscuit bone.
He is a good eater and has never turned down any of this food.
He is a very active dog so I am just wondering if the quantities we are feeding him are ok, not enough or too much???
Any suggestions/ input is very welcome