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Everything posted by Tripip

  1. Hi. I bought my "pedigreed and papered" dog as a pup from a registered breeder advertising on Petlink. The breeder turned out to be a BYB. I only went to that source to buy my dog because I found the breeders I met to be very unapproachable - after reading some of the articles on this site I can understand why. Of course if I had of known about pups being advertised on Dogzonline I would have gone through with one of them. I really think it is the luck of the draw as to who you meet. Anyway I love my dog dearly and I would not swap her, even with her little problems. It would be good to see more breeders advertise in the Trading Post as people often don't know where to go to look for a good breeder, and the Trading Post would be a good start.
  2. Hi. Sorry to hear you are having trouble with your puppies. I know when my mum had to raise young puppies, she always sterilised the bottles by boiling them just like she would have done for human babies and was very fussy with the formula. We use to have to help her with them, but not night shift. We also use have to toilet them by using warm water on cotton wool to help them do number 1 and 2's. I gather this took the place of their mother licking them to stimulate them to go to the toilet. Good luck. I hope they improve,
  3. Hi How about Shadie Lane or Hill Rest.
  4. Hi This may not get rid of your problem but may help. Refer this thread "http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=190411&st=0" Good luck
  5. Hi. I say to my Chi as we are going outside "wee wees outside". My husband takes me off a treat!!!
  6. They should get back to you soon to let you know the shipping costs. From memory, mine wasn't that expensive, (but I can't remember, maybe $9..??). Either way, its great value when you are paying $36 for a concentrated 5 litre bottle. It lasts ages and ages due to being able to dilute it with water. I've had mine 18 months, and still have about a quarter container left, which will probably take another 5 or 6 months to use. Hi. Thanks for the information - will go ahead and order it soon. Which scent do you use?
  7. Hi, I have just come across your comments. As I too need to get rid of the doggy smell and have looked up the website. I have decided to give it a go, but was wondering which "flavour" you used.
  8. Hi I take my dog to the local kennel club. They teach obedience and we all start out the same; either with little puppies that jump around or dogs like yours. They have been fabulous! You can then go on to further things!!!
  9. Hi, I was very interested in your posting. Where do I find the TOT and NILIF programs? My dog could do with a bit of extra help!
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