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Everything posted by InspectorRex

  1. RIP dear girl and guide your Mum through these dreadfully sad times Colleen
  2. Ivermectin has been known to kill dogs and my breed, Rough Collies, has an ivermectin sensitivity, as does Shelties, Border Collies, Aussie Shephers, Cattledogs or crosses of these breeds. we can at least now DNA test for the Ivermectin Sensitivity and if the dog is Affected there are a whole heap of other drugs that can cause fatal or near fatal reactions to the dog concerned I have heaps on info on the sensitivity if anyone wants it. The only heartworm preventative we use is Sentinel Spectrum Ivermectin is a cattle drug and it and it's related ingredients are contained in drugs such as heartgard, Revolution, Advocate. If the word "mectin" is in any of the ingredients then steer clear. Hang in there erny and Kal
  3. Hugs to both of you, you know you are both in our prayers Colleen, Bill and "Phoebe"
  4. the reason you don not feed raw potatoes to dogs is that they are far too acidic and can cause upset tummies. The only type of potato I would feed is sweet potato anyway.
  5. Candy, my girl loves the Eagle Pack Holistic Duck and Oatmeal. I am like you, I won't feed raw meat- not after my girl got food poisoning from eating Human Grade premium meat.
  6. Thanks Troy for clarifying things Panda- my girl is on the Duck and Oatmeal as she had a severe bout of food posioning from eatiing Premium Human Grade beef and a few moths after that she had a severe adverse reaction to Metacam and was on a drip at the Vets for 3 days. She cannot tolerate fish and fish is one of the ingredients in the Holistic Chicken, she cannot tolerate lamb either so we opted for the Duck and Oatmeal and she has been on it for over a month nowand her stools are proper ones, her coat is glossy and she has put condition back on. Having lost a dog last year to severe Inflammatory Bowel Disease( where every know protein source was tried to no avail) I am very well aware and informed about digestive issues in dogs.
  7. My girl loves the Holistic Duck and Oatmeal. What a shame about Amba, she was so helpful to me also
  8. RIP Cooper, you waited for your Family to be with you then said Goodbye to begin your Journey to the Rainbow Bridge Pauline, my thoughts are with you and your family at this very sad time Colleen
  9. RIP Missy, say hello to me beloved Brodie, Fergie, Maggie and ol Bundy( my 4 Collies I have sent on their Journey in the last 3yrs). :rolleyes: They will play with you
  10. Pauline, it sounds like Copper's time is near. Cherish every moment you have with him. Since 2003 I have lost my 14yo Rough Collie, then my Mum with Cancer, then had to pts a 9mth old pup with genetic defects in 2004, then 15 July 2005 I lost my beautiful Champion Rough Collie at age 7.5 years ti Inflammatory Bowel Diseas( Yes I had to make the awful decsion yet again) and then Nove 2005 the aged Rescue Collie we adopted had to be pts after only 3 precious months with Dad and I and "Phoebe"( my avatar girl) as he had been so neglected in the past his body was tired and yet again I had to make the decision we all dread, yet again :rolleyes: The comforting thing is that with animals we can assist them on their Journey to the Rainbow Bridge yet nursing my Mum with terminal Cancer I fet helpless as there was nothing I could do to assist her on her Journey Big hugs to you sweetie
  11. Erny, you know that Kal is is our prayers and so are you
  12. So true Mel :D After the food poisoning incident I researched that many dog foods to get as natural as possible and Eagle Pack won out all over Plus the service from the Aussie reps is fantastic, always just an email away
  13. ST I feel you are being very critical here. most of us who have posted here with positive comments about Eagle Pack have done so after changing our dogs from diets that were not giving our dogs the requirements they needed. For me personally my dogs stools have never been better since going onto Eagle pack. I was a BARFer prior to that but after my diet suffered food poisoning, campylobacter, from premium grade human beef, I set about doing the research on a product that was as near to what I was feeding and my dogs are looking superb. Even other BARFers on this forum recommend EaglePack to those who want to feed a kibble. The old saying used to be something like," don't comment unless you have tried it" to Eagle Pack
  14. I would like to add that the servuce from Eagle Pack and their staff is second to none :D
  15. any reaction to a drug MUST be reported, if the Vet won't do it, you can go to www.avpma.gov.au and follow the prompts.This is the regulatory body and they are very good in getting back to you promptly. I know as I reported a severe adverse reaction to a drug earlier this year. Far too many Vets dismiss these reactions as being par for the course but as Dan has said these reactions can cause bigger problems later in life.
  16. I agree with wolfgirl- this pup needs to be seen by a Vet and rather soon before he becomes dehydrated. Why are you changing his diet again? Just feed him boiled skinless chicken and rice for a few days and nothing else until you know what you are dealing with.He could have a tummy bug or anything and this needs to be sorted before you start on a proper diet him. Let us know how you get on at the Vets
  17. Yes you did do the change too abruptly. Put your puppy on boiled chicken breast fillets( no skin) and rice for a few days until his poot little tummy recovers. Then take about 10 days to reintroduce the Royal Canin. My dogs have never been able to tolerate RC but have had no problem with Eagle Pack. Don't forget your puppy with be teething probably so maybe reluctant to eat solid foods for a bit. Suggestion; once his tummy settles( if is hasn't within the next 24hrs I would have him to a Vet in case he has a tummy bug ) try the Eagle Pack Holistic Range. Watch that you puppy does not get dehydrated. Do not use Febreeze on your carpet; overseas studies have found it to be poisionous to animals. If mine had a accident ( either poop or vomit) I would blot it up then get a hot wet twell soaked in Palmolive Dish detergent and then keep blotting the spot and I have never yet had a stain left in the carpet and we have light coloured carpert
  18. Glad you have some answers to work on with the Derm. Vet. Good luck and please keep us posted
  19. Thanks Corine.I just hope Duncan continues to improve. Izaviz, good vibes coming your way
  20. Eagle Pack reps do have samples. Eagle Pack have a homepage, why not email or phone them?
  21. You know we are all thinking of you and Kal here and pray for you both every night. You have my ph numbers if you need to give me a call and "off-load" to someone. PS" Phoebe" says lots of love and licks from her too.
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