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Everything posted by InspectorRex

  1. Send Charles Kuntz a PM- he is a Specialist Vet Surgeon here in Vic who is a DOL Member. he can arrange further tests such as MRI's etc.Don't muk about with the GP Vets. IMHO Dr Kuntz is absolutely wonderful ;)
  2. I waould not be using Demodex wash on a Collie type breed( Collies Rough, Smooth, Shelties, Border Collies , Beareded Collies etc) Unless it has been DNA tested as Clear for the Ivermectin Sensitivity- it could prove fatal
  3. Send Dr Charles Kuntz( Charles Kuntz on DOL) a PM. he is a superb specialist Veterinary Surgeon and hwe will help yu as much as you can
  4. RIP doggie I agree , I would not put a sick dog through a grooming session.Apart from anything else the "chest infection" may have been KC and thus infect other dogfs that come in for grooming I know what we have heard is "hearsay" but I would be furious if a Vet told me that when all the dog's vital signs were looking very serious
  5. That sounds promising Michelle If he is still yelping etc you need to get a good Chior Vet like Dr Ferguson or Dr Foley at Monash(Clayton) or Dr Barry Haywood(Cranbourne) to go over him and try and determine the cause or perhaps your Mum could take him to a chiro whilst you are away
  6. I vaccinate every 3 years for dist/hep/parvo with the Nobivac vaccine and annually with the Nobivac KC Vaccine- costs the same as the annual vaccine ,
  7. I feed California Natural Chicken and Rice- brown rice being the only carb. and chicken the only protein and my Collies coats have never looked better and their poops are nice,small formed ones too.It also comes in Lamb and Rice and Herring and Sweet potato. I pay $75 for a 9.1kg bag and that feeds two adult Collies for over 4 weeks. Yes I know it is imported by the PP people but I buy it from Pet Goods Direct and they only sell goldfish.
  8. Michelle, my suggestion is you get your Vet to refer him to Dr Charles Kuntz( Specialist Vet) at the Southern Animal Referral Centre in Highett. Charles is absolutely wonderful and is also a DOL member. Ring your your NOW and get them to fax a referral so that you can take your baby to Charles asap. This sounds like something a Specialist needs to look at Let us know how you go. If I didn't have Dad gravely ill in hospital I would offer to mind him for you Colleen
  9. Thanks .Have bought some rice flour and rice milk , now just have to get some Nuttelex or similar and then give it a whirl We have a rule in this house- NOBOBY gives the dogs treats UNLESS it is the boiled chicken pieces or Cal Natural kibble and so far everyone has been good with this
  10. Oh mine will eat aything ,it is the after effects that I have to watch out for
  11. Top one would be okay if it didn't have buttermilk( mine don't tolerate lactose products) plus I think the margarine might upset the gut. it is hard with dogs with sensitive tumies isn't it?
  12. Thanks Nekhbet- however the only gfrain source I can use is Rice as they react to wheat, corn etc. I was thinking along the lines of a rice flour based biscuit with chicken and rice in it and bland
  13. As our girls cannot tolerate Wheat I was wondering if anyone has any recipes for Hard Dog Biscuits that contain Rice and Chicken? They are doing really well on California Natural Chicken and Rice Dry Food(they both have sensitive tummies). I gave them 1 Iams Hard dog biscuit and you guessed it it upset their tummies. I cannot feed them bones so I need something hard for them to crunch on to keep their teeth and gums healthy Pm's okay
  14. We have the same problem here keeping the "girls" teeth clean. Neither of them can tolerate bones or grain based biscuits( allergy to wheat, okay with rice) and trying to find something that is suitable for sensitive tummies is like trying to find a needle in a haystack
  15. Glad your Vet was able to diagnose UTI. If ever one of our Collies get UTI I also place them on Nature's Own Cranberry Tablets- 1 per day , and it does help
  16. Easier way is to follow her around with a disposable BBQ Plastic plate and as soon as she squats shove it under her.Get ready to grab the plate the moment she moves and use either a water syring or funnel to get the urine into a speciemn jar or any jar . Having long haired dogs I learnt that to be the most easy way to get a wee specimen from on of the girls. it also helps if someone can lead her on lead around the yard and you then have both hands ready to ge the plate under her. let us know how she gets on.
  17. Gembrook should be safe but to ensure that is correct it would pay to ring a few of the Vets in the area as they know the district.
  18. Glad the little one is recovering from the surgery ML I hate those rope toy things too
  19. My pleasure rdr71 Let's hope you and your Vet get on top of it sooner rather than later
  20. Wonderful news MM May the good Lord watch over Hef now that he is on the road to recovery. May you and yours have the most wonderful Christmas Colleen, Bill and "the Collies"
  21. It does sound like Discoid Lupus as they do lose hair etc around the muzzle Let us know how your furkid is doing.
  22. So true Hesapandabear. Not many people realise that Collie Nose is a form of Discoid Lupus. left untreated it can crach the whole immune system. Please seek Vet advise on this
  23. If you are concerned ask you Vet about Nasal Solar Dermatitis- often referred to as Collie Nose. You need to ensure that the area where the pigment has disappeared is proteced from sunlight with a good doggy sunscreen
  24. California Natural is designed as a hypo-allergenic food with several varieties-herring and sweet potato, chicken and rice etc Mine have it every day and they Love it
  25. That is great news :rolleyes: ( I would have posted earlier but ill myself) Keep a mobile phone with a Camcorder, camera with one or a camcorder handy so if in the event it does happen again you can record it to show the Vet
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